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RE: What to Expect at an Indoor Dog Park

in #dog6 years ago (edited)

The couple I mentioned under one of the photos had a small dog like Amstel.
Later another dog like Amstel showed up and they got in a disagreement with the first one. One did not like the other being in charge.
It had to be broke up at one point. Max came and jumped in my lap. LOL
None of the dogs mentioned were hurt and they went back to playing.

One of the bigger dogs decided he did not like Mike and kept barking. The dog was nonthreatening back a distance. It was so funny. Finally, he stopped. The lady that works there said it could have been mike's sweater hat or just the fact he is a man.

She said some dogs do not like men. :)


Dogs can be super territorial. We've had to stop taking Amstel to outdoor dog parks because so many people here don't train their dogs properly. A few years ago he was attacked by a pit bull and German shepherd, I did what they never tell you to do...I stepped between them and scooped him up, but not before the pit bull grabbed him around the neck and shook him. I think every dog owner should be required to take their animals to formal training classes.

The one thing I did not like at the indoor dog park was the big dogs in there. I would not leave my little guy alone in there.

At the outdoor dog park here, they have separate fenced-in areas for the small dogs and large dogs. Makes more sense.

You are right no training is a problem, some people do not take the time.

Some people have not socialized their dogs or their dogs just like to fight. They should not be allowed in the park.

That does make a lot of sense to have the park segmented like that. Most of the parks we've been to here are all one big area.

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