
This is none sense. if you don't have music, I don't know what you doing with your life.

I just can't workout without music, it's a must, it pumps me up!!

My key workout song is

I think we have a really different "type" of pump music xD I mostly go for this type of musics

This coupled with a large dose of caffeine makes even the most pacific guy turn into Hulk :P
I do like Elton John though, but i prefer to listen to it at home, relaxing in the bed or driving my car :)

Edit: Or this one too, i normally wait for the drop to actually do the lift :P


I just feel like it's the best time I have to process my thoughts

I workout more often without than with music, so i'm with you.

How can you do it!!!???

My only thought in the gym is: " Where is the next weight!!" or " I'm going to eat so much after this!"

If you can think when working out the weight is not heavy enough or you are pausing.

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