A great festival diwali ,#where this is celebrate...
A great festival Diwali ,This fest is most papular in india and other country like us,uk, canada , singapore ,pakistan,srilanka,nepal,bhutan,bangladesh,malesia,etc.
In this festival lot of happiness have in peoples and enjoying open of heart .
I think you also enjoying in it
when celebrate Diwali-
Diwali celebrating every years and Two days before Dhanteras, in this year 19th of oct celebrating .
Briefly description of Diwaali-
Diwali means that "festival of lights" is an ancient Hindu festival celebrated every year in the autumn (northern hemisphere) .Diwali is one of India's largest and most talented festivals.
It is believing on the day of Diwali, Shri Ramchandra, king of Ayodhya returned after his fourteen years of exile. [The heart of the people of Ayodhya was amused by the arrival of his beloved beloved King. In the welcome of Shri Rama, the people of Ayodhya lit a ghee. That dark night of the dark dark day of Karteek Mas lit up the light of the lights. the Indian celebrates this festival of light every year with joy and glee. Most of the festival falls in the month of October or November according to the Gregorian calendar.Diwali the festival of lamps. Indians believe that truth is always won, lies are destroyed. This is what Diwali performs - that is, I am good, Diwali is the festival of cleanliness and light. Diwali preparations are started several weeks ago. People start the cleaning work of their homes, shops etc. The work of repairing houses, painting, whitening etc. is started.
Thanks you everybody.
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