RE: A great festival diwali ,#where this is celebrate...
So, you are a real Person? Lol. You voted on a post i made that led to the stream i'm working in now, not being too serious, but giving myself some time to play around on SteemIt and see what happens. I stopped by your page to see what i could find out about you, and most of it seems like linking content, but at the beginning i saw some posts that made me think it more likely that you are a Person. :) It's hard to tell. I'm looking for RANDOM people from around the world to speak with ATM. About Steemit and everything else. India is a country that i tend to think will eventually be INCREDIBLY receptive to the kinds of UniverseCITIES we're looking to build with our "Extra Revenue". If you are a person, which i'll assume you are, and somehow you get past the difficulty that most all native english speakers have understanding me, let me know! Alx