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RE: Illegal immigrants cost the U.S.

in #discussion6 years ago

You can't blame imperialism on communism, especially american imperialism. The greed for the almighty dollar from both past and present generations of American imperialism has exacerbated the economic woes of many countries the world over but none more so than in its own hemisphere, creating the need for families to traverse hundreds if not sometimes thousands of miles in order to have a better quality of life, a quality of life which you so cherish as to not wish to share it with those who's lives you and your ancestors have irrevocably changed forever. You admonish and judge those attempting to feed themselves and their loved ones under near slave labor conditions, and your simple answer is, "the markets will adjust in price for that." Coldly, callously and inhumanely without a forethought as to how these sad ever poor ever hardworking lives came to be.
Of course the easy answer to pass the buck, it is not my or my country's problem when for the most past it has been you and your country's support of imperialism directly and indirectly.
Think about the Walton family, billionaires over and over, and how poorly they treat the American worker, and now just imagine what they do to their employees in 3rd world countries, or rather what they don't do for non-american employees.
Oddly enough criminal actions have worked wonders for the Clinton's and the Trump's and many of the rich elite.


You make many good points, and I agree with everything except your conclusion that the American people should all be made to pay for the crimes of our nearly-omnipotent criminal elite (with their unlimited wealth and military resources) by joining other nations in a race to the bottom-- opening our borders, and presumably ending in a world government that is even worse than Washington, D.C. under the "Banana Republic" makers of our past.

What we all should be doing is uniting against global tyranny and doing our best to overthrow LOCAL TYRANTS if we have the means to do so.

"You can't blame imperialism on communism..." I do, btw, blame the former for the latter.

Yes tyranny, even economic tyranny should be eradicated the world over. And the World was created by the power of the Universe (for some by God) and nowhere did this force or God put a physical border or deny anyone access to the bounties of earth. All those ideas and creations are man made, created with the intention to subjugate.
I disagree that allowing people to partake of the Earth's bounty will be a "race to the bottom." You give immigrants of today no credit, especially when the historical proof is that past immigrants are what made this Country Great, and not just Trump's immigrant ancestors.
Read this post I made a while ago....I can guarantee you that no one surviving patient wants this once deported and "illegal" doctor back across the border. The border Jumping Doctor
The point being that by now denying America the diversity it has received for many years through its immigrant past (think Einstein, Pulitzer, Tesla etc) it could be denying tomorrow's great scientist or genius or border-life-saving doctor. Diversity is what has made the human race stronger and able to outlast other hominids.

  1. Nations were ordained by God and mentioned prominently throughout Scripture.

  2. I give LEGAL immigration credit for many things. Illegal immigration gets credit for NOTHING from me.

  3. Diversity is what is KILLING America, not helping. Those LEGAL immigrants you mentioned all came here hoping to become part of America and the American entrepreneurial environment. They weren't coming here seeking to overthrow America's institutions and to kill Americans as are many illegal immigrants. Commonality and brotherhood is what makes nations great, not "diversity."

I have yet to see an actual God built border or wall....

You should probably stop eating half the food you and your family consume, and I imagine a good portion of other goods and services that are currently sustained by "illegal" immigration, since you give them no credit. Or is that something you are willing to overlook in order to maintain excess weight, a large lawn, fast food and cheap prices ?
If "illegals" were out to kill "Americans," white Americans would all be dead by now.
Commonality and brotherhood is what the Nazi's claimed too....that didn't work out to well.
Human genes do not lie, diversity is what has kept the human race alive. Any high school or university biology class will second this thought on diversity.

  1. God has established ALL the nations. Here is a link with major references to God being the establisher of nations:

  2. Half the food I eat? the food I eat comes from my garden and from hunting and fishing. I rarely buy vegetables from out of state.

  3. If illegals started killing Americans in even larger numbers (and what has "white" got to do with anything?) they would all be arrested and or dead within a week.

  4. Again, you conflate apples with oranges. Being a patriot and believing in Constitutional republican government and secure borders does not make you a Nazi. I am opposed to internationalism, racism and expansionism, and the Nazis were FOR those things.

  5. Human genes have nothing to do with the U.N./globalist diversity agenda. Just because the liberals are in charge of our education system at present and teaching such nonsense does not make it true.


I have never really believed "in" the believe since childhood. I l always thought it was fantansy, written by men, and still believe that to be true. It is contradictory, sexist and racist at times. Just my opinion. Take for example this line....
" He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth," sounds great, every man equal and stuff, until the follow line conveniently says.....
"having determined their appointed times and the boundaries of their habitation." And here I thought the first line was great, but now I see how a Bible believing person could use this to say "No you don't belong here because the Bible says so." That irony in that argument is that the DNA of the supposedly "illegal" person would belong here, and the Bible wielding quoting person's DNA would not belong in the Northern Hemisphere, or is that more Liberal UnEducation? According to your Bible theory, you are most likely in the wrong neighborhood.
You neglect to mention the other half you don't hunt and grow? Or do you fast every other 24 hrs for 24hrs? Some people actually fast every other 48hr for 48hrs, nuts huh?
You mentioned that illegals which are people without documentation, key word people, come here to kill Americans. If this were to be true, they most likely would not be killing there own, that would not make sense. Most undocumented people are not white, therefore white would be their most likely victims if what you believe holds true. And 12 Million people going on a rampage all at once would decimate many more than 12 Million. Mostly True- native born more criminal than foreign born
You might be opposed to expansionism, internationalism and racism, but the lifestyle afforded to you today is greatly the result of these very such things. American history is chock-full of these transgression. There is a price to pay, and maybe it's today?

Genetic diversity is, in general, a good thing for a population, for a simple reason: adaptation via natural selection depends on the existence of variation (there cannot be selection in the absence of alternatives). This is taught in every major university throughout the world. So it could be part of an agenda but I rather think it is science.

I am sorry you have rejected the Word of God. I am not in a position to help you in any way other than to pray for you to have your eyes opened. I will not dignify any more of your intolerant biases by answering any more of your logically-challenged paroxysms and your deep success envy disguised as "tolerance" and "diversity" promotion. What you are really promoting is the Devil's agenda and a global hatred for all things Christian, nationalist, and or individualist. What you are promoting is a LIE...a lie of the devil. You aren't really for diversity at all. You are for total amalgamation and destruction of all things with which your collectivism doesn't easily associate. In fact, you are blatantly INTOLERANT.

Collectivism has never worked and never will. God has destroyed it in the past, DIRECTLY, and will, according to Scripture, do so again. I will never condone it in any of its forms. Poverty and hunger in this world predate me by millennia. Your methods are proven failures, mine have proven successful wherever they have been permitted to flourish.

I am not responsible for the evils done by people I have never met and against whom I have fought most of my adult life. I guess I could put myself on a guilt trip (as you seem so desperate to have me do) for having more than some people in other countries, but again, none of that is my fault. I've worked for everything I have, and have never taken welfare. I've lost jobs for standing up against imperialism. I would be far richer today if I were the person you seem to want to paint me to be.

I will not succumb to your world view and it's inherent racism. I will not apologize for my limited successes. I will not be held responsible for things over which I have had ZERO control.

Genetic diversity has a lot to do with the way we were created, but it has ZERO to do with how humans should relate to each other. God Himself dispersed the various people's (and languages) at The Tower of Babel because he is Holy, and His plan did NOT condone world government or the crushing of national identities in some amorphous dystopian vision of how to improve humanity's condition.

I hate to be so blunt with you, but you need to wake up and deal with the fact of God's sovereignty (and His rules for humanity and human relations) before it's too late. I WILL pray for you.


I thank you for your prayer but you should save them for someone who wants and needs them. I live very happy and I am quite at peace with myself and those around me.

I don't mean to antagonize nor am I looking to convince you of anything. I also don't expect you to understand or comprehend me or my beliefs, but I also am not seeking your pity and again do not need it nor want it.

For me, your "feeling sorry for me" immediately makes me think you are judging me, and are not accepting of me or my beliefs or lack of them. I on the other hand accept that what you believe is your faith, but I do not feel sorry nor pity for you. I am not on a mountain top as most religious people are, and although you call me racist and intolerant, it has really been you spewing the hate and intolerance of those less fortunate under the guise of God's ordainments, but when I point out the flaws in your theory of God's nations, and who belongs where, you pick and choose which points you will address and those you will ignore.

I wonder if you even remember the comment you made to start all this....let me remind you and will end with that....

I betcha deporting every mother's child of 'em would cost less than a hundredth of that.
What are we waiting for??

Religious yet interested in deporting the Mothers of these children? How tolerant, humane and Christian is that? Or is there a bible verse that supports this too?

and on the note of scripture.... I bet you favor the old testament versus the new testament, right?


Look, I am not going to convince a committed globalist, and am not interested in doing so. You are free to believe whatever you like, but I am a patriot, and will remain so. If you come here illegally you deserve to be deported. END OF STORY.

Sitting on top of the food chain, it is so easy to say. Fear of losing your spot is where this comes from, leaving you no room for empathy. You will quote the bible as a God fearing person, but will have no compassion or understanding for those who maybe, just maybe had no choice but to do what they had to do in order to take the scraps that fall from those at the top of this food chain.

I am not "on top of the food chain" any more than you are. I do not lack empathy. You need to stop with the uninformed knee-jerk biases . There is ZERO empathy in collectivism. It has never raised any nation's standard of living over the long term, wherever it has been tried, and it invariably devolves into tyrannical despotism.

The best thing I can do for the poor of this world is to pray for them, resist the temptation to push for collectivist "solutions," and resist people who would destroy successful, non-collectivist nations in their horribly mis-guided "empathy" (INCLUDING MANY OF THE USA's CURRENT LEADERS who think and act just like you do.) Why? Because, once any nation or group falls for the horrible siren song of collectivism, NONE of them, (and none of us) will have any hope whatsoever.

Oh...and btw...if we want to talk about arresting those guilty for the economic rape of Latin America over the past 100 years, I will be with you 100%, but again, you don't blame Americans, Americanism or republican Constitutional government for them. You deal WITH THEM.

P.S. Do you know John Perkins? He's a friend, case that tells you anything.

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