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RE: People Sleep Peacefully in Their Beds at Night
Not only all the above, but a military parade is also a way to honor and appreciate the sacrifices that our soldiers and their families have made... regardless of how we feel about policy, these soldiers deserve recognition and national appreciation besides their free Veteran's Day meal at Golden Corral once a year... (yay!)
Edit: that Golden Corral bit was sarcasm in case anyone missed it LOL... but seriously, we have to do better by our Veterans, and a parade in their honor is a perfect way to do so.
To your points above (and I'll preface this with the fact that I am not American, so take from that what you will):
For what it's worth (and I apologize for the long winded post) -- I believe that if more nations had mandatory military service (like South Korea or Israel for example), the populous would have a better understanding of what these forces go through, are asked to do, and they'd all probably be a little bit more politically involved at one scale or another.
Thanks for taking the time to have a bit of a discussion. I appreciate it.
Oh, @mstafford, I'm glad I didn't offend you, I was afraid I had, and if I did in any way I apologize.
Us Americans are on edge, like lots of the planet at the moment, as I'm sure you know. :) I agree with, or at least respect, everything you've said. The military industrial complex is definitely real and is one of the nastiest things to have ever happened to our planet.
But, maybe what outsiders don't understand is that we have a morale problem of sorts over here, half (or more) of our population has literally lost their minds and it's getting tough to deal with.
We need something to rally patriots together because the psycho DNC & Co. have failed at their soft coup, and the next phase is an armed coup. I really believe that is their plan. They will not just give up, they've made that clear. We need solidarity now - we haven't needed it this much since the Revolution.
We don't want war, but we cannot allow a rogue faction to overthrow our duly elected President, regardless of how we personally feel about him. And they will resort to violence, they have before. I personally am anti-war!! And I'm not a conservative, although I sound like one at times, I'm very much a textbook classic liberal, just slightly right fiscally.
I hope this helps outsiders understand, over here we're not worried about a foreign war so much at the moment, as we are a civil war.
This is what I love about Steemit, civil conversation :)