I have something rather interesting for you today. It is a strange set of coincidences that I came across many years ago. At the time, I never gave it much credence, though I do remember finding it of great peculiarity.
Having recently come across an article by snopes where they attempt to debunk this set of coincidences, I decided it was time to take a second look. I know that snopes is not to be trusted, and so for them to be putting time into discrediting something, seems plenty reason to invest some curiosity into that matter.
It doesn't matter whether 9/11 was an inside job
I have my opinion on the guilty parties behind 9/11, and I'm sure you do too. Enough time has passed that I believe most people are beyond having their mind changed at this point. Whether you believe it to have been a government job, a terrorist job or otherwise, it should make no difference to these strange findings.
Discussion is its own reward
Please be sure to share your thoughts so that we can provide interesting conversation for all viewers of this post to participate in. But as always, please be respectful. We can all learn from one another, but not when we are being condescending or combative.
There are a lot more instances of the number 11 than I will share with you, and you can find those at the article provided. I will also be adding some information that is not found on the article which I discovered through my own research. Please feel free to fact check everything I say.
9/11 has 3 digits. And 9+1+1 = 11.
The first plane reported to have hit the WTC was Flight number 11.
Flight 11 had 11 crew members on board during the attack.
Flight 11 had a total of 92 people on board. 9 + 2 = 11.
Flight 175, the second plane to hit the towers, had a total of 65 people on board. 6 + 5 = 11.
September 11 is the 254th day of the year. 2 + 5 + 4 = 11. (Also, that leaves 111 days to complete the year.)
The total number of victims on all planes was also 254. 2 + 5 + 4 = 11.
New York, the location of the attack, is also the 11th state of the constitution.
The World Trade Center began construction in 1966, and was completed in 1977. Taking a total of 11 years.
Additional points that may be worth mentioning.
2001, the year of the attacks, was 11 years prior to the end of the Mayan calendar in 2012.
GEORGE W BUSH has 11 letters.
NEW YORK CITY has 11 letters.
The Twin Towers, aesthetically, resembled the number 11.
Exactly 10 years prior to the 9/11 attacks, on September 11George Bush Senior made his speech at the UN where the public was introduced to the term New World Order. I find this to potentially be of interest because 9/11 is often asserted as a catalyst towards the New World Order agenda's fulfillment, having given the government the excuse to strip the people of many of their civil liberties.
There are a number of theories on why the number 11 appears so much here. Snopes tells us in their debunking that it is a natural instinct for people to find connections they are unconsciously looking for in order to make sense of the chaos in the world. I selected a random number, 16, and attempted to find as many connections as I could to 9/11, but was unsuccessful in unearthing any sort of a pattern. So, I'm not too sure what to make of their reasoning, especially considering they are far from trustworthy.
Some people hold the theory that it is the universe itself that is speaking through numbers, and that there were no deliberate attempts to adorn the event with connections to the number 11.
Others believe strongly that it is a form of lesser magic, practiced by the elite occultists who rule this world and used to increase the likelihood of their plans being fulfilled.
I'm undecided.
All I know is I do find it very strange. I'm open minded, so I would be willing to entertain the possibility of the second two theories. There is certainly many examples out there of the elite encoding numerology into false flag events, though whether that is for the purposes of lesser magic or something as simple as a signature, I could not speculate. It's harder to believe that it is the universe speaking to us, for what good is to show us the number 11 if we have no way of knowing what that 11 symbolizes. I would hope that the universe would be a little more direct than that.
What do you think?
I'd like to know what you think of this. Is it all just a very strange coincidence, or was there powerful forces--human or otherwise--at work on September 11, 2001. Also, if you are aware of any similar findings, or additional connections between the number 11 and 9/11.. Please do share.
Resteem to get more people involved in the discussion.
The numbers are quite intriguing. It's not something I spend time on though.
IMO, there's enough evidence that it was an inside job without the magic numbers. I don't discount them. I just don't know and am not smart enough to figure it out without a ton of research I'm not willing to do. :)
Buildings have withstood bombs, plane crashes, category 8 earthquakes and more, without crumbling into a heap of rubble. At the very least, a steel frame should be standing more than a few stories high.
Controlled demolition.
Building 7. No way.
Insurance policies updated on buildings that were due for multimillion dollar safety upgrades. It was far more lucrative for them to crumble than it would have been to perform the upgrades.
Too many elites missing from what were arguably the most important buildings in the state. Things happen, but...
IMO, nothing at that level is what it seems. The result has been an ongoing war with an idea that can never be eradicated or even properly identified as an enemy. This has resulted in an amazing amassing of wealth for certain arms manufacturers as well as the transfer of huge dollars for all other sorts of contracting involved with the various locations where US Inc bombs people.
I'm with you on all of this brother. It is my belief that it was most definitely not the act of Islamic terrorists.
I didn't feel it necessary to share my opinion of the matter on the post though, as whether or not it was an inside job, the numbers are still rather interesting.
The numbers are quite intriguing. It's not something I spend time on though.
IMO, there's enough evidence that it was an inside job without the magic numbers. I don't discount them. I just don't know and am not smart enough to figure it out without a ton of research I'm not willing to do. :)
Buildings have withstood bombs, plane crashes, category 8 earthquakes and more, without crumbling into a heap of rubble. At the very least, a steel frame should be standing more than a few stories high.
Controlled demolition.
Building 7. No way.
Insurance policies updated on buildings that were due for multimillion dollar safety upgrades. It was far more lucrative for them to crumble than it would have been to perform the upgrades.
Too many elites missing from what were arguably the most important buildings in the state. Things happen, but...
IMO, nothing at that level is what it seems. The result has been an ongoing war with an idea that can never be eradicated or even properly identified as an enemy. This has resulted in an amazing amassing of wealth for certain arms manufacturers as well as the transfer of huge dollars for all other sorts of contracting involved with the various locations where US Inc bombs people.
Follow the money...
I'm with you on all of this brother. It is my belief that it was most definitely not the act of Islamic terrorists.
I didn't feel it necessary to share my opinion of the matter on the post though, as whether or not it was an inside job, the numbers are still rather interesting.
Thank you for the comment.
Don't forget that I wore number 11 when I played hockey!