RE: Some Very Strange Coincidences Surrounding The 9/11 Attacks
The numbers are quite intriguing. It's not something I spend time on though.
IMO, there's enough evidence that it was an inside job without the magic numbers. I don't discount them. I just don't know and am not smart enough to figure it out without a ton of research I'm not willing to do. :)
Buildings have withstood bombs, plane crashes, category 8 earthquakes and more, without crumbling into a heap of rubble. At the very least, a steel frame should be standing more than a few stories high.
Controlled demolition.
Building 7. No way.
Insurance policies updated on buildings that were due for multimillion dollar safety upgrades. It was far more lucrative for them to crumble than it would have been to perform the upgrades.
Too many elites missing from what were arguably the most important buildings in the state. Things happen, but...
IMO, nothing at that level is what it seems. The result has been an ongoing war with an idea that can never be eradicated or even properly identified as an enemy. This has resulted in an amazing amassing of wealth for certain arms manufacturers as well as the transfer of huge dollars for all other sorts of contracting involved with the various locations where US Inc bombs people.
Follow the money...
I'm with you on all of this brother. It is my belief that it was most definitely not the act of Islamic terrorists.
I didn't feel it necessary to share my opinion of the matter on the post though, as whether or not it was an inside job, the numbers are still rather interesting.
Thank you for the comment.