Frenemies in My Head & Other Joys of a Depressed Mind

in #depression7 years ago

As I’ve over shared previously, I suffer from Major Depression, Anxiety, and ADHD. Oh yeah, and pregnancy which makes my body a host now to four all consuming critters.

Some days I wonder if I’m still in here at all - if there’s room for me inside this rapidly expanding shell of flesh– or if me is now just those things: depression, anxiety, adhd, and baby.

What a horrible thing to say right? Babies are blessings and miracles ! Bundles of joy! Motherhood is a gift from the Gods!

While those things are true, so very true – it’s also scary as fuck to know how much could go wrong. How much I could screw things up for my little girl. How some percentage of moms die in child birth every year, and how X number of babies do too. Stillbirth, deformities, crib death, oh my!…the list of tragedies goes on and on.

Instead of thinking about this beautiful new life I’m growing inside of me, my mind wanders into the dark alleys of what if + worst case scenario. I’ve had to (temporarily) stop doing tarot, my new found hobby, because every card I draw seems to portend some dark end - or at least that’s all this depression fog lets me see.

It’s a bit of a chicken and egg thing, really. The unholy trinity of frenemies in my head, they’ve always been there, since childhood.

Bills and life never gave two shits if I could cope, so even in the darkest times, I still managed to do whatever I needed. Ever since I was 16 years old, living on my own, juggling school, a job, and partying with a much older boyfriend and his winner pals – sure, I was all kinds of fucked up – but my grades didn’t dip below 90 – because I knew my transcript was the only ticket out of my hometown hell.

But the nuclear explosion of hormones and chemicals inside my cells – stoked by pregnancy – has me on my back, flailing around like a dying turtle. (It sounds like a metaphor…but seriously, you should see me try to get up from that position with this nearly fully grown human inside of me, like a scene from Alien.)

Thinking hurts. I’ve spent a month now doing little more than staring at my to do list, overwhelmed by all I need to do before she’s due:

  • Get all freelance articles done by next week, because labor could theoretically come at any point.

  • Fix my business so I can hand it off to my assistant – it’s on life support for reasons out of my control, but I haven’t done anything to make it better (which arguably makes it worse!)

  • Close my dad’s estate which is a complex one – cause it reminds me that he's still dead, and doesn't get to meet his granddaughter. (And - how bad he was with bills, and debt, and updating his will. Left everything to a church he hadn't stepped foot into over a decade instead of the one he loved and preached at before he passed. The priest there said to me: your dad told me he needed to update his will to make sure you and your grandma would be ok, he never got around it. He also suffered from depression. His official cause of death was a heart attack - but, I believe the depression played a big role... another story for another day.)

  • Learn all about how my boobs become a food source

  • Get baby stuff

  • Read parenting books

  • Tarot course

  • Brush teeth

  • Take a shower

  • Breathe (oh, that one's automated, right?)

The worst part of this is that I’ve been so fucking lucky lately. Truly blessed. A friend is giving me all her baby stuff because her kids are toddlers now. Everything – from her car seat to her crib – that’s $1000’s of dollars I don’t have to spend. Not to mention…what an awesome friend I have! Who has friends like that?

Then there’s unexpected money coming my way – and that’s not even including the crypto accounts I could raid (at least as of today) – but there’s enough to get me through a few months, even if I don’t make a dollar – that’s been the single biggest stressor as of late – and it’s resolved! And I’m having a baby with someone who’s my best friend, and a natural born dad.

What kind of ungrateful bitch can’t appreciate that? Can’t muster up the joy to revel in all that abundance ?

Unfortunately, there’s nothing rational about mental illness. It’s not just a matter of thinking happy thoughts or not dwelling. It’s a real chemical thing that can be paralyzing, physically and emotionally. Depression is depressing – it robs me of my ability to see beauty and blessings. But sometimes it runs so deep – it becomes me.

By purging these thoughts on this blog, it lets me feel like I’m doing something. Like maybe, by publicly getting it out, I’ll be embarrassed into productivity. The blockchain record of my patheticness will spur some kind of inspiration and activity. And actually, if it wasn’t 3am, if I hadn’t spent all day just shifting around the shit I have to do, picking at work emails, making unimportant calls, etc –writing this may have been the start of getting stuff done. I guess it still could be when I come back and look at it tomorrow and realize – hey, that took thought and energy…I CAN do something aside from worrying about all I have to do, and cycling into apathy.

Not putting this out there for sympathy, or a cry for help. It’s just to give a glimpse into the irrational mind of a crazy mom to be. To get it out. Maybe it can help someone feel not alone. Or give insight to a family member/loved one of someone who suffers from mental illness. When you just want to smack em’ and scream cheer up cause they look sadder than Eeyore at a funeral – you know what, go right ahead… that just might snap them out of their own head for a second ;-)

Images 1,2,3,4, 5,6, 7


Sometimes people feeling lonely that reason he or she remain them they are lonely but it's reality ,it's correct .😨
People doesn't still good and better feel .
It's the system sometimes they feel up depression .
To prepare myself 😍
It's life which there have to feeling good ,bad ,depression,lonely ,mentally sick .That cause we are humanity .
So thanks to sharing your own comment and also thanks to dividied into us.
Best of luck and will still wait your next post .
I am regularly to do upvoted and resteemited.
Thanks my friend

Very true and thanks for the kind words :-) Humans are prone to all sorts of crap, aren't we!

I actually wondered as I was responding to your comment whether or not you I wish I could either rewind or fast forward so I could pick your ass up out of this funk, but my own state of mind being what it is, sadly probably not going to happen. I don't usually suffer from depression, however I was a terrible pregnant person. I did not fucking glow, hahaha, in fact it irritated the hell out of me when I ran into that type. I'm not even sure how I managed a second time around, in fact I like to say that Ethan insisted on us being his parents and that's the only reason that I did it.

I DID NOT FUCKING GLOW <3 it lolling for real

I only have manners on other people's blogs haha. I think early on I debated how much of me I'd be on here - and then said, fuck it, if cursing on my 'home' Steemit space offends - then get the hell off my lawn :-P

Depression is stubborn like that - no outside person can do much to help a depressed person (though it's always been there, I can't remember a time since the teenage years where it's been this intense - since there are no other logical reasons - I'm 99% sure it's pregnancy hormones exacerbating it). That said, I'm feeling much better today. (Isn't it funny how when we're going through shit, we want to help others? - or at least certain personality types, and i'm categorizing you based on what I know of you in a few days, though it feels longer -lol god that sounds corny - you seem like you might have that tendency too.)

I'm amazed and terrified of motherhood and giving birth - and that women don't quit after 1 baby haha. I guess it really is worth it, huh ? ;-) That Ethan must be one persuasive little guy !

Hee, yeah, definitely no glow, much more like shit show...Ethan was most definitely persuasive, and yes it's worth it a thousand percent. I was also afraid. The thing is, I was never one of those girls who went all ga ga over other people's babies. Never wanted to hold them or coo at them. When I babysat I avoided actual babies to sit, preferred children who could tell me what they wanted haha. So, needless to say I did not feel like I would be a 'natural' mother and had the irrational fear that I was going to fuck it up. But when she got here there was fortunately some instincts in me afterall, lol. And I quickly learned that the greatest thing you can do is love them to pieces. Mistakes? Duh,I think you would have to be a machine not to make them. But love covers a multitude of sins. And I am also married to my best friend, super freaking lucky.

How old are you? I was young having her, it was an..oops, fortunately with the right guy, who happened to be a bit older than me with two boys already from a highschool girlfriend/shotgun wedding that went up in flames not long after his younger son was born. It ended up being the right time really, because too long and the kids would have had a generation separating them. Now my two are teens, the boys are in their twenties, and they are all really close. And crazy enough, I didn't do a half bad job. Though I say the key to that is to keep in mind that while we are blessed with being the vessel that ushers them onto this plane, that cares for and provides for, nurtures and above all loves them--we don't own them. They belong to themselves. There is a fine line between mom and friend when they get to a certain age though. I know some people firmly believe that you shouldn't be a friend to your kids, but I'm not most people. The lines of communication are wide open..but to be fair I got really lucky with my very level headed daughter whose moral compass is a hell of a lot better than mine ever was. My son...he's a bit trickier, but we're figuring it out together ;)

So I hope you're okay, since this post was a week ago...

I help depressed people all the time. Lol. Then they realize some of it is human nature without stigma. Once you manifest things.. There is no going back really.

I experience anxiety from time to time especially when I'm anxious or stressed, whenever I'm irrational or have uncontrollable worries. I cannot get enough sleep or can't eat well. But I have to deal with it and do my best to get over it.

But that picture of Sigourney Weaver in the Alien movie is cool.

Oh absolutely, life does not wait or care about how we feel. I mean for 99% of us anyway. "Boss, I was feeling depressed and didn't do my work," is more likely to get us fired than any sympathy or compassion.

I love Alien lol - every time I look down at my big old belly and see it (her) moving, that scene pops into my mind :-)

That scene from Alien really freaked me out back in the day! LOL

I get what you are saying. I think all of us deal with a certain level of depression and sometimes it comes in so fast. I have had situations where I felt like I was on top of the world earlier in the day and then 3 hours later I was all sad and feeling worthless. It was weird.

It's super senseless. I wonder if there's an evolutionary purpose for it ? If so many people suffer from it - on all levels of the must have been advantageous at one point? Or served a purpose? After writing this I found the cure I think - Dave Chapelle's latest stand up - Equanimity. :-)

It is an interesting question for sure. I don't know what the reason for it is. Yeah comedy and music seem to help a lot!

Depression or any similar imbalance is just a signal that you have programs that contradict each other. Your beliefs (probably subconscious ones) don’t line up with your desires and they are pulling at each other. So change your beliefs or change your desires.

It’s helped me so much to realize that thoughts dictate emotions and you ARE in control of your thoughts even when you can’t control your emotions. It’s all about where you focus your attention. You don’t have to pretend the unfavorable circumstances don’t exist, that’s foolish, but don’t focus on them except when you can do something about it. I know, easier said the done, right? So brainwash yourself so no one else manages to do it.

Thing is...I think it goes beyond thoughts. When it' an unconscious depression , when it's physical (though I understand your POV, body and mind are one in the same). After experiencing what I have lately - during pregnancy specifically, I definitely believe that our genetic/chemical make up plays a big role.

I've been meditating nightly, life is going great - actually about to embark on a 6 hour road trip to collect all sorts of baby goodies from a hometown friend - yet, my depression (not today, but overall) has been at a level worse than when my dad died - maybe on par with what it was as a child when my mom died (I mean, with that total paralysis component).

There is truth in what you say - even when that depression hits - I mean, as I felt it and wrote this piece, I was focusing on writing, not on how I was feeling. Staring into space thinking "OMG Woe is me, I'm so depressed, I'm so depressed" definitely doesn't help lol (am I guilty of it though...yes).

Also - what you talk about above - (I'll put it into the meditation/reprogramming category) - clearly can change everything. I also believe that controlling emotions (though we both know it runs deeper than that and are probably saying 'controlling emotions' for simplicity sake') can change our chemical make up (along with what we put in our body), which in turn can change our 'moods' and 'states of being'.

Of course, again, it takes time - and a lot of it. And while in the middle of a deep depression - the kind of apathetic one where you lack energy to move - changing mindset or any kind of awareness seems impossible - so it's a bit of a catch 22.

We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.

- Winston Churchill

Yes, this I know logically. But my point is when you suffer from actual clinical depression - it's not simply about changing mindset. You can logically know these things, you can have everything in the world to be happy for...the term mental illness is misleading. There is a huge physical and biological component - overcoming depression for most of us isn't as simple as a perspective change.

I get so angry when people say that. Yes, it's a tool. Yes, wallowing in misery will certainly perpetuate it - and there are things you can do to alleviate it. Or - not alleviate it, simply get on with stuff you need to whether you feel like it or not - but that doesn't make depression go away.

Luckily - for most everyone who suffers from it - it ebbs and flows. Women are especially prone during pregnancy (those of us with predispositions to it at least). If chemicals in your body can tell you you're hungry, sleepy, horny, or a whole host of other things - why is it so hard for people to believe those same chemicals can cause your body to be depressed. It's not a choice.

Meditation. Healthy living. Diet - all of these things will help - some people transform their lives without any Western medical treatment whatsoever - but those natural things ARE medicine. They literally change the way our bodies function - that said - like anything else, it takes time. A depressive bout won't be overcome until its acknowledged - but I can't emphasize enough that it isn't a mind set or about a perspective change when it's clinical...

Sweetie you'll be a great mom. Feb is just around the corner. If you need positive feedback contact me and I will send energy your way. Positive mind over matter...especially during labor. You write down the positive things you need to tell yourself. Like what are some of the nicest things people have said about's one. You have a wonderful heart and that is easy to see.

If you are lurking around somewhere trying get back in there something fun going on right now called #statewars you should check it out!

Have the baby yet? Can't wait for the update!! Joy

I hope all is well. Have a wonderful week.

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