I did it on purpose v4vapid & deepdives!

in #deepdives6 years ago (edited)


With so much of society being compartmentalized.

I wanted to draw your attention to our aim, not my aim, ours. doing the wiki or any other @deepdives serves a purpose, though I chose to follow v4vapids post regarding Syria, why? continuity is why.

If the #deepdives are directed towards any given narrative, be it Syria, be it any thing else, would we not have a better index? one that would bi weekly or monthly be able to be easily indexed?

Imagine this, now there is real people taking time to join in, imagine 15 or more people, all writing truth posts regarding the same thing, with only a nudge in the right direction, you know the other side is organized, you know they control narratives, let's control ours!

We could potentially have hundreds of participants, if they were headed for 1 thing, not just left to chance

I am pretty pissed tonight, though honest also.

I am real, I live, and I have been thinking about this for weeks, we need to get organized, all of us, or those more organized than us, will out do us, it is a fact of life, and 1 I am not willing to put up with it, we know how many alt media are con jobs, like = A Jones, false flags and Q-anon

I am off to bed, I hope you like my idea, lets get organized, and hic I am pissed, though happy. :-)
Have a tune.


Yes! I agree 100%. Obviously, I don't think #deepdives / @deepdives has reached its full potential. Funny enough, I've been mulling over finally launching a research challenge that is more Directed/Guided/Focused research (ie: Syria, Human Trafifcking, etc) for our upcoming challenge.
Some synchronicity perhaps?

It's certainly always been something that we intended on including in our research challenges but we've been happy with the wide open format til now.

If there are any subjects/topics/themes that people want to do a deep dives on, please let us know in the comments anytime!


Superb, we are on the same wavelength then, great to hear.
Have a superb day my friend.

Both have up and down sides see my comment, all the way at the bottom. maybe overlapping dives would be an option? Though that also could cause confusion/ There is just SO MUCH to choose from.

It seems there are not many politicians who are NOT corrupt, anything goes for them, so we need more people to be on top of anything? Still it would be awesome is we could make impact on certain topics as a team effort.

It looks like Iran is now chosen to be looted by the globalists. Should we jump on top of that to expose the lies BEFORE they are start shooting?

How to coordinate a group effort?

Great comments my friend, Iran is definitely a topic that should/could be tackled ahead of military intervention by Western powers. No doubt there are covert operations already in progress: ngos, USAID, clandestine CIA operatives, etc.

I think it's a good time to test out a focused dive, possibly Syria, Iran, (Middle-East) or human trafficking. It won't be limited to a single archive but should reference documentation from a significant source (prior DD archives). I'd like to open it right up but then again I also want to have the research anchored in verifiable sources.


  1. name a couple of sources Wikileaks, Cryprome, CIA, etc.
  2. name the main focus. Middle east?
  3. find a way to encourage more newcomers to the dives. There are many who seem to be willing. But are holding back somehow. I was in the same boat when i started and a few great minds managed to say the right words to me that made the click.

To me it was daunting to even think about doing 'real journalism' and to be honest it still is. But the quality of mainstream journalism corporate news is so damn horrible that even I dare to feel confident of doing a better job then those fantasy novelists who call themselves journalists.

Doing deepdives is so much more then writing an article about a leak, it's 3 educations in one,

  1. you learn about the globalist game of war, corruption and propaganda
  2. you learn about journalism, and even if you feel you suck at it, you learn to appriciate the work of the few real journalists who are still doing real journalism
  3. You learn about writing. And writing about bullshit really teaches something, as you must find ways to explain that bullshit in a way that people can understand. As most people can not figure out the bullshit , well, because it is bullshit. :-)

DeepDives is worth the challenge, even is your article is not as good as you want it to be. I really would like to encourage anyone to take the challenge. Start simple and you soon be taking the more complex topics.

Specially for those who are aware that this planet is a shit hole that is governed by assholes, those are the people who have the real power to do DeepDives.


Did it blow your mind how many people on Steemit believed that qanon horseshit?

Some still do - I always wonder if this stuff is produced by shills or morons...


And then all the EOS is awesome bullshit too - do you still believe in EOS?


There were people who bought that cheap in March and sold it at the end of April - chuckles to self :)

Ah the Q anon phenomenon. People believe it like a religion it's sad. I guess people need to cling to something I suppose. I was always suspicious of it but after watching some honest reporting on it instead of just fanfare I knew it was going to be another psy-op.

100% agreed.

The problem is that anyone who writes half truths could become the next Q. Even me... As long as you tell only one fact and be very clear about that, people will assume that the rest then is of the same quality. I now know how hard it is to write one alinea that actually tells the truth. So I make no illusions that even when i'm convinced to write the truth that i still could be wrong. As the mainstream BS reaches so damn far that almost everything is affected by those toxins, even the 'actual' truth...

Yes it did, and still does, even after Q was saying bomb Iran, which was the most blatant statement that it was state run, and still folks lapped it up, and NO I do not trust EOS, and many other cryptos.

Do you follow this guy?

Up there with James Corbett!


I do now.

Superb, thanks, he just made it to my tiny follow list.

I thought you might like his posts - a pro whale 2 stroke guy! - nice photos

Shame it is anti social though, like most on here.

Cheers bro, seems like we could make a big difference with only a small amount of organization.

Yes seems rather so mate. Have some fun today, i am off to bed i am stuffed after one super crazy day at work with a couple of hours overtime.

In truth I am still drunk from yesterday lol, though happy with it bro.

Righteous anger is often where we must turn to not feel overwhelmed. It is disheartening once one begins going down this hole to realize decade after decade many have tried to stop this, to spread awareness and yet here we are, further under their thumbs with most still ignorant.

I hope you sleep well my friend.

Hey bro, in you I trust!

I am interested in the deep dives but I haven't quite found a topic to explore! I have tried several but nothing really pans out. I'm trying to stick to ones that aren't popular like Syria and stuff but am having difficulty coming up with a topic. I think, at least for me, having to dive through a vast archive like Wikileaks is daunting until you gain some traction with your thoughts.

You just gained another follower, I hope this whole thing becomes more aimed at a given narrative, and will gladly support your efforts.

I started like that as well :-) WL archive is overwhelming. You have to make some mistakes before you get to the next level.

I think we need both. A controlled narrative but also other wikileaks subjects. And for that we need more divers... Wikileaks is millions of docs deep. So there is a LOT to write about. Those with knowledge of Syria should indeed get on top of that!

That said it would maybe be good to have a more narrowed down subject for the next challenge, though seen the wide range of topic in the leaks it also could leave many important topics untouched?

I often think it would be cool to do a team effort on a specific subject, but then again the people who feel like not being informed enough on that topic may NOT take part in such a challenge? How can we get all those people on board who said they wanted to do a deepdive. I really would like to see a few of them have a go at whatever subject they feel comfortable about.

What about overlapping DeepDives? One DeepDives with a certain direction and one that spreads into all corners of corruption. Though many would like to do both and i'm not sure if thats possible as one dive consumes a lot of 'oxigen'.

And from that perspective overlapping could be a bit problematic. Still i'd like to share the idea. Maybe someone knows a path down the middle?

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