Dear @Dayleeo // 1st August 2k17 // well here we are at the start of the month, just turned 05:36am.

in #dear-dayleeo6 years ago

Boom! Good morning biza.

Hey, way to crush that conversation on the podcast yesterday, I was kinda burnt out after that so I hit the bed shortly after to watch gaming streams and eventually just passed out in bed to wake up this morning around 4:30am and get at it — super pumped that I’m at the keyboard regardless, it’s just turned 6am, I’d feel weird recording audio just yet so I’ve got an hour to get everything typed and prep mode up and then maybe I’ll start recording around 7am, a fairly normal wakeup time for people I think ;)

just means that I’ll have everything done and dusted before the little one arrives again and maybe I can go and do breakfast with her first thing before getting into the day and depending on the weather we can hang out a little — I think she’s starting to really get into the six week holiday now in the second week and realise that everything changes after this block of time, heading up to a new school can be daunting but also super exciting.

I do have my concerns about making this first trip over to you based on this month, even thou I’ve hustled and broke even (if not a little short) I’m not sure how I do that + flight, I guess these early morning intention blocks are important to me because I made the move to make it happen — I’m gonna get that course out by sunday this week you will see!

I’ve got one planned for different services and the steem blockchain and I also want to step through with some kind of mini byteball course too, things I’ve found and discovered and I’ve been thinking about a course about digital skills or process paths — like 100 tools and how to get ‘x’ out of them kinda thing, maybe like I wanna do this on the web and this is a great way to promote them using one or all of these tools kinda thing.

Sorry to hear about the frustration with the podcast music thing but I totally understand your annoyance, those ‘samples’ we found the other day would have been perfect but I don’t wanna risk that whole ‘licensing’ thing you know — I don’t wanna get ahead and ‘that’ thing not earn us any money and it cost us more money to actually do it, will take the passion out of it.

But yeah, if we can find someone on fivers to take our samples we speak together and match that together with a cool set of musics or sung in some way, that would be great, I’d like some kind of 80’s ‘wheeled warriors’ gritty starting sample with phasing and star burst style effects! :)

maybe like a segment from 0:47 onwards lol, I don’t know but something flashback, electric, connecting, what does positively negative sound like? That’s what we have to flesh out the mood board of words that they can use for the pacing and application of our sample — the more they have to work with the better it will be I think.

Fifteen minutes passed already, time man, it really does wait for nobody, it just keeps marching forward you either catch the train or stand at the station of life looking at track heading in multiple directions, close ya eyes (sleep) for too long and you’ll miss it, it’s time to really start putting the hours in, I’m gonna do my best tomorrow to do the same thing again, these early starts are really perfect for me once I actually get in front of the screen.

I know I didn’t get to engage that much over the new recipes but they looks perfect, how was your defrosted food that you made from last week, still tasty, did you get any healthy snacks in your new box of stuffs? I’d love to see the products you got so do share — one thing I miss about having a proper address is ordering stuff that you forget about and then it turns up and it’s a big welcome surprise! :)

Great that you got some fitness and swimming in too, that’s definitely one of the plus sides of house sitting a pet you get to use all of the amenities of the house that you stay at plus you get to play and enjoy the energy of the doggo of the residence! Plus get paid for it! Legit! :)

And yes, completely gapped about it being the 1st for Stardew multiplayer — I wish we both had decent enough machines to be able to stream that out because that would be a big stream tonight on launch day you know because a lot of people would be playing it I’m sure — i kinda dig the idea of having 3/4 people together in there, it’s so throw away I love it.

Ok biza, time for me to switch it up now I think, I’ve got the top 10 to get done, write out a basic overview for my vlog for the day and get recording some of these segments before the mini biza turns up and takes over the place — in a good way of course! :)

I’ll speak to you shortly.
Lots of love and hugs and stuff,

Da Mouser,


Daw morning sweets looks like o got 7 or so hours but barely any rem I’m waking up tireddddd today but we’ll see how the day goes, meal prep and chill I’m hoping - I get the vibe you’re going for on the podcast will do some more looking today- I know what u mean about September but we gotta try right? Who knows what can happen- we’ve got 4 weeks - super stoked ur riding the early morning eevergyvwaves get it!!

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