RE: Daily Dose of Sultnpapper 08/03/18> Where were we … oh yes; signing the papers.
Here is a thought; it might even be considered fraud on the part of M&W for leaving the part about it being a crime out of the definition.
Y'know. I agree with you on this. (I can't wait to find out what brought on this particular rant. It does seem to have come out of thin air.)
Ok ... I've read a little further. And, yeah, I hate Home Owners' Associations, too. We only had one -- with a house we owned in California. I vowed never again. Never, ever again. Maybe I'll write a post about why. Thanks for the idea. (Reading on. I suspect at this point you have a beef with your HOA -- which may explain how this subject came up. We'll see.)
Oh, crap. There's not yet an end to the story. This is worse than those cliff-hanger serial stories they used to play on the radio back when I was a kid. (Never you mind how long ago that was. Let's just say I remember those things and let it go at that.)
I'm beginning to wonder if following you was a good idea. There is an exit out of this place you know. But then I'd never hear the end of this story.
Following me is only good if you are interested in learning the truth, whether or not it was a good idea on your part; only you can answer that question.
Normally, as you know, I don't write multi part stories or tie a bunch of consecutive daily doses together. I would never be able to get anyone to read the daily dose if I did, let's face nearly everyone who is alive today and 40 years old or under has been diagnosed with ADD or ADDHD or some other alphabet soup disorder that would keep them from being able to follow along for any period of time, so I try to keep it neat and in a little small packet so they can get in, get it, and get out all in just a few minutes.
The small little salt and pepper packages have more meaning than you realized, but now I am starting to give secrets away.
So my apologies for stringing this subject out about fraud and real estate transactions but for most people buying a home is the biggest transaction they will be involved with so it needed to be chopped up and it didn't help that the TV in the hotel got me side tracked either.
My main areas of interest in trying to teach my future grand kids is law, money, and American history. Fraud just happens to fall into or is encompassed in those same three categories within the purchase of a home. So things surely need pointed out in just a little more detail than I normally would.
I can remember listening to the AM radio at bedtime as well and those multi part stories that made you wonder what was coming next, and the really good ones would sometimes even influence what you dreamed about that night. I may not be good enough to influence a person's dreams with what I write but if I can stimulate at least some thoughts on the subjects I touch on I will have at least have the believe that I did something good with what I write.
I am well aware that there is an exit, I have looked at it several times myself. Each time I do though I have to remind myself why I am here, so I haven't gone out the exit. I do know where all the fire alarms are located now after being here for almost a year, so if you hear those going off , it will be me pulling them on the way out.