Curation Corner #34 & #35 -- Recordings -- June 4th @improv & June 11th @tibfox

I didn’t get a chance to get last week’s Curation Corner recording up, so you get two you can listen to this week.
On June 4th we welcomed @improv for a lively discussion about his time on the platform, his life in general and his work with @steemfiction and @freewritehouse
If you missed the show, you can listen to the recording here:
Today, June 11th we welcomed @tibfox for an interesting discussion about the DIY Tube creation project he has been running from The Inner Blocks discord. It’s clear he’s passionate about video and encouraging greater diversity of content on the videos.
If you missed the show, you can listen to it here:
Thanks a lot for having me in your nice and inspirational show :) I took many ideas and suggestions from our conversation and the chat I am really thankful for!
I would be pleased to join you again when I executed some of them in the near future!
was great having you. Wasn't nearly as tough as you thought it might be eh?
thehe nooooo it wasn't :D
I enjoyed the chat with you! We had a really constructive and good conversation yesterday and I am happy that I used the chance. I brought some things to (bot-)life already and the rest is ready to discuss with my team :)
Thanks again!