A post not about Tron

in #curation5 years ago

There was some recent drama and controversy over an account still post-EIP self-voting a lot and on top of that it was mainly automated posts. While I do appreciate many who look out for these and remind them of how one should use their voting power. (it being about giving and receiving more than just giving to yourself/farming - I realize this might trigger a lot of people who are all like "your SP, you do what you want with it" but I hope they're starting to realize that yes, while it is your SP, it is not your reward pool so the only thing you're entitled to with your SP is curation and inflation of vests, the other can be taken away if the community/wisdom of the crowd does not agree with it). So while there are many doing a lot of the dirtywork, many of these people reside in the SteemFlagReward server for instance attempting to improve Steem daily, there are many who are probably not aware of all these things happening and what's worse is they may not have the tool to find out even when stumbling upon these accounts.

There was one account for instance who had somehow flown under the radar for so long, left alone in his dark corner with most of the followers going inactive after the bear market that he was just farming rewards with his stake on automated posts daily without anyone noticing, or some noticing but not realizing what was happening. Many may not be aware of websites such as steemreports.com that shows voting or steemworld.org.

So it got me thinking, what if a front-end like steempeak.com were to make the voting pattern of an account something that's shown by default on their profile page.

If this was easily visible on one of our most popular front-ends, quickly letting anyone check how that account votes whenever they stumble upon it and at the same time that account knowing how easy it is for others to check I think it might mitigate a lot of abuse/misuse of stake so much so that they would change their ways or never attempt to start.

I'm not suggesting this to start dramas and witchhunts, this is a social platform after all and it's normal some accounts vote more on others and may vote-trade a bit more with those accounts. What annoyed me mostly was pre-EIP when the vote-trading occurred automatically with autovotes and same sized accounts that had nothing in common with eachother. This post is not going to be about that though, about how much is too much of self-votes or voting on the same authors, etc, as I believe that is something that depends on each case, content, relevancy, frequency, for how long they been doing it and many other factors.

This is mainly about the psychology of having those stats visible right in front of everyone's eyes and how that would affect the future outcome. We're used to much being public here on Steem such as wallets and transactions so what would be wrong with this being easily accessible as well?

What do you think?


I think a slightly improved version of Steem World's CSI will work. It would have to change based on size of account. For example the more SP you have the higher it should be to get a green flag and stay out of yellow.

Green means normal account, all is good. Becareful and doublecheck when downvoting/flagging.

Yellow flag would be low CSI. Down votes don't need to be justified because farming, circle jerking, too many subscription votes, bod bots, low effort automation etc. You probably shouldn't upvote these people until they change.

Red would be black listed actions like spamming, cheating, trolling. Even upvoting on these acounts makes one look bad, it should be discouraged. Some can change, many will just create a new account to try and continue their BS.

or red

There are people abusing the SteemFlagReward system too, but I agree with you that more transparency is a good thing because it hopefully acts as a deterrent for bad behaviour and we can discover these abusers a lot faster.

Sounds like a legit way to check to see how people are voting, and it seems like ultimately it would curb abuse

I really like this idea. And I think there would be an added benefit. It would help us have instant visibility on our own behavior and the ability to see at a glance what the voting behaviors are of people we admire, and who are doing a great job of growing their Steem account and rep in case we want to learn from them.

It's a necessary good.

It would motivate us all to seek to do better. I mean, better distribute the reward pool. It would be beneficial to the entire community.

I like it. Nothing wrong with a little transparency, not as a witch-hunt as you say...I believe many would feel it was a badge of honour really. Those who support the community at large I mean.

This is the dilemma, how do we as a platform reduce the abuse of voting/trading/coercion/collaboration or whatever the cause of reward pool pillaging? There is no easy answer but maybe public shaming is the way to make this happen. Note I am for a more balanced field of play where there is no real way to game the system, I just don't know how to do it effectively and equally.

Walk of shame aka Game of Thrones. It would be epic, I guess. 😂

That's really funny. So you also disagreed with the $10 rewards this post made and my other 6 posts without even checking them, huh?

That's actually a really interesting experiment.

Blockchains are, after all, about transparency, right? Our wallets are public, our behavior should be to...

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