
Yeah trx i am holding because i bought them in december for about 6 cents. I invest long term and when i made a decision to buy i stay behind my decision. As the rate goes under 5 cents i sell but i expect to sell with profit. For trx i have to wait. I had a chance to sell them at almost 30 cents so yeah also that happens. I also have to work and sometimes i miss my moment 😣

no one can predict exact highs.. that's ok,... but would be very interested to see your fundamental thesis / idea / reasoning on the TRX hodling. Thanx

No that’s not possible and only based on a technical analysis it would be a gamble..i think that based on the movements of past weeks there were still some little movements further down but they didn’t get through the resistance at approximately 10k. Further movement goes sideways with second top started little higher than first top so the trend is switching to uptrend. I can be wrong the market is unpredictable and often does the opposite of what you expect 😁

Trx is in my opinion much promises and only product is some asian like puppie game for children. Way too many tokens 100 billion pffff...only thing that holds me from selling them is a partnership that will be announced with a private space agency company. I think that will be spacex and that is a weak spot of mine..i love what they are doing and im not sure what they re up to but the network spacex built with their sattelites is more advanced and powerfull than what we know. So if tron is the only company with the ability to use that network there could be a concrete plan that will change my mind

Yes me too. I really expect a great surprise. When Elon Musk do something new it’s always at the edge of our technical capabilities so i am very generous what tron and spacex gonna do together

Spacety! the chinese spacex lmao...i just SODL TRX to buy some eos and etc...

and i just realize that when asian people build a platform and its full of chinese music and movies; how would they make that a worldwide platform? I dont see that happen think there will come something better for above 11 years old 😆

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