My trip to the moon (HODL ‘n SODL)

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemians,

This week the rates of altcoins followed the pattern of bitcoin to a lower point where everything seems to stabilize and stronger bottoms are being made.
I think from this point there is enough strenght for a recovery to the 14.000 usd level.

I trade every day. Last weeks i bought more altcoins and eth to get a good spread of my portfolio.

To choose a good currency to invest in, these are the things that are important;

-what is the coin or token for? on wich market are they aiming and is there a good plan and targets to follow?

-who are the developers? What feeling i get when i look at the team they created?

-how much coins / tokens are available and how are they being divided?

-what is my expectation based on this information?

-When my expectations are good for adding to my portfolio i try to buy them at a good price

In my opinion there are a couple of altcoins with a great developers team and community behind them and with brilliant ideas that give their product the chance to stay in the top100 of cryptocurrencies.

At this moment i am hodling;

BTC Bitcoin
ETH Ethereum
TRX Tronix
FUN Funfair
XRP Ripple
SETH Sether
IOST Internet Of Service token

I also have about 4 cryptocoins at exchanges for speculation. These i don’t want to hodl but i try to make profitable trades on short term. Earning from these trades i use to buy new long term coins.

I don’t feel bad when the market is going down. I see many traders in panic. Please don’t panic because you are investing in a high volatile market. Ups and down are just part of the game. Remember this “investing is trading money from the impatiënt person to the patiënt person”.

When you realize blockchain technology is a new way to send information and value and also has a positive effect on the way it’s being used. The projects are all aimed on improving real issues that all people can help. I can’t find a reason for this to fail. Only problem for you is to invest wisely and don’t act like a sheep.
When you did your own research and decided to buy a coin you must trust in your own ability to do predictions. The biggest part of the market did no research but are sheeps. Better try to be that wolf of crypto gehe so you make better decisions and have no reason to panic.
Have some patiënce and be creative to make profits in a market that goes down. Make advangage of people that sell in panic and hodl. Hope you will be rewarded and gain many profits. Good luck.

Here some links to exchanges with my referral

IOST, an innovative scalable ecosystem for decentralized services, is now available on Huobi, CEX, OKex.
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seems a reasonable approach for investing, Folkert.
However, still do not understand why an investor might be interested to HOLD TRX? probably, only for specultion, IMHO

Yeah trx i am holding because i bought them in december for about 6 cents. I invest long term and when i made a decision to buy i stay behind my decision. As the rate goes under 5 cents i sell but i expect to sell with profit. For trx i have to wait. I had a chance to sell them at almost 30 cents so yeah also that happens. I also have to work and sometimes i miss my moment 😣

no one can predict exact highs.. that's ok,... but would be very interested to see your fundamental thesis / idea / reasoning on the TRX hodling. Thanx

No that’s not possible and only based on a technical analysis it would be a gamble..i think that based on the movements of past weeks there were still some little movements further down but they didn’t get through the resistance at approximately 10k. Further movement goes sideways with second top started little higher than first top so the trend is switching to uptrend. I can be wrong the market is unpredictable and often does the opposite of what you expect 😁

Trx is in my opinion much promises and only product is some asian like puppie game for children. Way too many tokens 100 billion pffff...only thing that holds me from selling them is a partnership that will be announced with a private space agency company. I think that will be spacex and that is a weak spot of mine..i love what they are doing and im not sure what they re up to but the network spacex built with their sattelites is more advanced and powerfull than what we know. So if tron is the only company with the ability to use that network there could be a concrete plan that will change my mind

Yes me too. I really expect a great surprise. When Elon Musk do something new it’s always at the edge of our technical capabilities so i am very generous what tron and spacex gonna do together

Spacety! the chinese spacex lmao...i just SODL TRX to buy some eos and etc...

and i just realize that when asian people build a platform and its full of chinese music and movies; how would they make that a worldwide platform? I dont see that happen think there will come something better for above 11 years old 😆

Great post couldn't agree with you anymore. Have you looked into TEL? Currently my favorite coin with massive potential. I tell everyone I can about it but agree you should always DYOR and take all advice with a pinch of salt because someones intentions may be completely different to your own. But please do yourself a favour, look at $tel and tell me what you think.

Hey i read about the tel and i agree that the team looks solid and they have ambitious and good ideas. I only have a couple of doubts. Phone market are lowering their prices every year because of the techniques people can call for free by internet. This ico plans to make data free for everyone by blockchain. I think if they reach their targets for this year its a good investment but would advice to get a sharp eye on the developments of concurrents like blockmesh. They have a way to go and tel is already in business so for now a good choice for sure

Thanks Ill have a look at that now, Still have not been involved in an ICO, but looking for my first one.

I didnt invest in it. My investment in Sether’s ico is my first and on idex exchange already tradable. If price drops more it would be better to buy after the ico. When the startup completed i will write an article with my final conclusion.

I look forward to reading that plus much more of your content! thanks

I didn’t looked at it yet, but now i am gonna do that. I will check it out and leg you know my opinion asap

Really good team and great Ideas, can see it being a top 20 coin by end of year.

Nice post, hoping to see bitcoin breakout today!
We need this recovery to go to the moon... :)

I wish you all the best.

Feel free to check out my blog @maxdigi, this way we can support each other!


Thnxs for your feedback. I will add you for support thats great. breakout will come ita a matter of time. All the best 👍🏻

Thanks for the support! Following you now, looking forward to reading more content!

Thnxs for your feedback. I will add you for support thats great. breakout will come... its a matter of time. All the best 👍🏻

I loved reading this bit: “investing is trading money from the impatiënt person to the patiënt person”.
Half the game is to not panic and to remember this is investing, not saving, right? It’s longterm and in the long term most ‘stocks’ (and altcoins are a new kind of stocks really, as I think you described here) go up because companies make profits. Find ones that likely will make profits (because they are offering something people need & have a good team) and hodl.
What do you think of EOS?
I just started buying EOS whilst the market is low.
If it stays low for a while I’ll be buying more (I may buy anyhow). I’m buying via coinbase and they restrict me to £750 per week.
It’s dipped some more since I bought but I’m looking at that as an opportunity to buy at a lower price.

When I bought my first bitcoin it dropped and I bought my second lot. At the time I’m guessing I wasn’t too pleased about the drop. Now I look back and see the 300% gain on it and the fact my first purchase is a little less profitable than my second is just something I’m not AT ALL bothered by. 😄
Hodling all the way!

Exactly what you say. The marketprice of a stock / coin is the price based on the predictions from the market in the near future. Mostly based on expected news or startup data. Thats why you must do your own research because it gives you a vision and confidence. Eos also caught my attention today. I would buy them for the marketprice without any doubt. Today i bought some cardano. Eos and xlm are now my next targets. I am also following an ico I am not gonna invest in the ico but i gonna try to buy them for lower price as soon they get listed somewhere. And funfair is also a good buy...they are starting up a platform for casinos..the founder made the best casinogames being played month they can achieve their license for the uk and in march the platform is ready. I think both of these are operating in the biggest online sectors.

Ohhh. Interesting. Thanks for the heads up. 😄
I tend to get interested and sit watching for a while. My friend @alanfreestone often has his finger on a few good pulses. He’s interested in it all in the kind of way you seem to be, which means he’s usually reading around the subject for pleasure! (Haha. That’s not quite where I’m at with it). So, I watch and listen and eventually get on board if it peaks my interest enough.
I know he’s talking a lot about bitshares and EOS right now. And a payment card based one but I can never remember what it’s called (but it sounds good).

I’ve just been beta testing an investment course as I thought I’d best get some more knowledge before I get any deeper! Not sure what I’ve got from it yet other than confirmation that you have to be in it longterm (hodl) and diversify. 😄

Your welcome...nice you found a course for trading. Is it made for crypto’s? That would be great. its good to know all the ins and outs of investing and best way to learn is by trading for yourself till you know every stock / coin on the exchange you trade..and the basics you can learn in a course...i studied years ago and till 2005 i worked as investment advisor. i had customers wanted to trade in a future contract that didn’t excist so i created that product for them.. its all about ask and demand. That’s the basic just as the market where you buy apples, bread and fish. Only difference is that this is the biggest market worldwide 24/7 and you can be customer and seller at the same time.

I was never allowed to daytrade. At friday i knew if the aex nasdaq dow jones s&p opens higher or lower and how many...when you see every change in orders, volume, value, reactions of the market you can reach the level where you know what the market is gonna do. For cryptocurrencies it is different because the markets are always open and there are to many coins and exchanges. I only trade on a couple of exchanges and try to get familiair whit the coins on that exchange. Your friend already did research so thats a good start.

What i would share at least is what exchanges i trade most. There are many and i had some experiences i think its good to know.

When trading on bitfinex you can trade against the usd. Many exchanges like binance you have trading pairs against eth or btc. Be aware of the change of both values have effect on your earnings. I recommend bitfinex because i trust them. Hitbtc is good for small orders but be carefull when you want to withdraw the costs are to high...when facing that trade to ripple and withdraw ripples then costs are lowest of all.

Much luck to you both. And dont forget when we go up fasten seatbelts and prepare to go to the moon gehe 😄👍🏻

I think she’s not going to address crypto in this course. She said recently she decided not to invest in them. Plenty of people taking the course are interested in them though.

Thanks for the advice. It’s kind of you. I’m following and hoping you’ll be writing more. 😄

I understand now. Thnxs for following. I will post as soon as i have good stuff to share. 👋🏻👍🏻

Ps. I think you are going to do well on steemit. Good posts and nicely on topic for the platform. Your knowledge comes across well. Good luck.

Thnxs i do my best. I like to share my experiences, see the reactions and discuss them.

And i also buy in the dips. When prices gonna rise again you regret it when you didn’t 😆

@alanfreestone, you may like to follow.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.16
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 54461.78
ETH 2294.45
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.28