Cryptocurrency To Be Traded On Moscow Stock Exchange! - Why This Is BAD News

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In this video, I talk with author and economic analyst John Sneisen about the recent development out of Russia as it has been announced that the Moscow Stock Exchange will now trade cryptocurrencies!

Now, it's one thing to just strictly trade cryptocurrencies, but what's really happening is a totally different story than almost any media is reporting. People will be trading ETFs and derivatives on cryptocurrencies.

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We've seen the toll ETFs and derivatives have had on the gold and silver markets as they're manipulated into a mould that man creates. It allows banks to rig precious metals like gold and silver as they have. Mainly banks like Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Scotia Bank, BNP Paribas and others have made gold and silver an artificial bear market since 2012 when naturally they should have been bull markets considering the buy up of physical money.

These ETFs are a great way to suppress the true value. It over complicates that which is so simply and allows the value to be manipulated.

One bases Bitcoin not just on the scarcity and demand but on the market cap. Simple as that! But now these banks will be falsely telling us what the value is.

This can not be accepted by those of us in the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency communities.

With that said, the manipulative chains of the banking system will break alongside the chains that hold gold and silver down once the fiat empire falls, but it's still important to point out how dangerous this manipulation is.

On top of this, as Bitcoin surpasses Netflix and PayPal in market cap and comes up on Morgan Stanley, according to Business Insider, there are now 50 hedge funds dedicated to cryptocurrency. John also breaks down the positive side and the negative side to this development.

Let's always keep in mind what true demand and value is. Let's never allow us to further be centrally planned and rigged. There is always an agenda behind rigging that is not in the interest of the consumer. The free market always prevails but the state collaboration with the banking system in rigging markets is not a free market.

See the FULL video report here:

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The banksters were able to successfully manipulate precious metals markets for decades because it's easy to obscure the real supply on hand in vaults and storage, but that is impossible to do with cryptos as the supply and inflation are know to everyone.

Derivatives on cryptos will most likely not attract any volume as anyone can just acquire the tokens. Why would anyone bother with fake derivatives?

This is exactly why I disagreed with the ETF's. We need to stay independent of their game. Resteeemed

Thanks man! The last thing we need is banker manipulation of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. We've seen what it's done to gold and silver, we should reject it with crypto.

Of course it should be rejected but on what basis? How is that accomplished?

The banksters have full control of the regulatory process. Their tentacles are woven throughout the world economy. They control governments and corporations.

I totally agree with you Josh, but unfortunately most conforming to mainstream norms will likely jump on this. They don't understand the ramifications.

Keep up the good work!

BTW, are you attending the Nexus conference in Aspen in a few weeks? I expect there will plenty of news to cover there.

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The Cryptoshere needs to stay out of the financial system. The traditional financial system is corrupt and manipulated. Cryptocurrencies and block chain technologies should reinvent a better financial system. Allowing ETF and stock markets to get involved will drag Cryptos into the swap of manipulation. We need new decentralized Crypto exchanges that can't be controlled by central banks and the State. We need entry points that allow conversion from Fiat to Cryptos without centralized exchanges like Coinbase. Once this happens the banking and investment industries will be disrupted and we can truly be free of the banksters.

I agree 100 percent. Keep crypto decentralized

Not good news here, people think it's manipulated now somewhat, wait til etf take over 😳

Very interesting and deep analysis. Reestemed, followed and voted!

Bad news? Soon will be the big investment funds and banknotes industry. It will be a spectacular up of cryptocurrency markets. I believe that could not be bad news. Some people don't know to buy cryptocurrencies, with these products, they can buy them.

Please watch the video. It's laid out pretty clearly.

Very informative post, thanks for sharing it :-)

Lots of unknowns for the future of cryptos..very exciting. Thanks for sharing!

Great video.

When the banksters get involved, they destroy it. Who couldnt see this coming? Wall Street has been itching to get in on this. We can only imagine the derivatives they will create off the crypto market.

Hopefully things move fast enough to destroy the entire banking/nation-state establishment. This is at the core of the enslavement of humanity.

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