Help! What Are Your Favourite "Budding" Cryptos & Why/Suggestions For New Investors?

in #crypto8 years ago

Hey Guys and Gals,

Yes! I'm finally feeling ready to diversify my portfolio as of late and I've been trying to discern what new cryptos to support. I don't think that I will invest in the big cheeses anymore than I have such as ETH or Dash (i have none of anymore) for a couple of reasons.

  • A) I'm am only comfortable with forking (pun intended) out a few hundred dollars at this point in total.

  • B) I'd like to get into stuff at the ground level-ish since i'm going for more of a long term strategy, not short term trading.

I'd be very interested in hearing about you're favourites and why you support them/or you're horror stories and what I could learn from those too!

Here's a little background on me:

  • Started out on Steemit, fell in love a little bit lol. Have made 99% of my Steem through posting orginal content, mainly Original Music

  • Bought BTC around the same time.

  • Iconomi (seems like the future of mutual funds)

Currently investigating to support:

  • PIVX (it appears to be similar to Dash but cheaper and has a less cool name)
  • SYS (seems like it has a lot to offer and is relatively low to purchase)
  • DigiBytes (don't know anything about this one yet)
  • Stratis Token (again know very little about this one too)

I'm still doing research of course, pretty sure I'd like to pick up some PIVX. Think I might have missed a good opportunity earlier today when it was low :(

Please feel free to discuss anything of note. Your opinions regarding what to avoid are also appreciated. for example I read an interesting post today on ICO's blogged by @calaber24p

Thanks in Advance!


jaybird ~


Digibyte has certainly been impressive lately. Just not sure if it is a good time to get in with the run-up in prices of late.

I am currently in Bitshares. This technology is hugely undervalued in my opinion. I am using BTS to try to position myself for entry into EOS distribution.

Ya that was my thought with Digibyte today. Think I missed the boat for right now, will be monitoring it tho. Also waiting to jump on EOS lol.

Bitshares is in my view the best choice. Established, decentralised exchange, lots of spinoffs and here is the kicker: They lock up more and more BTS in smart coins. So there will be less in circulation.

Vericoin is in my experience a interesting choice. Risky, but it has a few interesting features. High risk, high return. I think they are at a 7 mUSD mcap atm.

Lisk will soon unleash their take on dapps. I like it a lot.

Nice to see another BTS fan. I have been seeing the interest grow in Bitshares of late. Makes me happy!

Why do u think Vericoin is risky? Is it because of the features it offers?

Because I don't know how their funding is. Thats why. I both mine verium and keep VRC. And I intend to do so for a while to see if they manage to make a use case for it.

I have been into crypto for about a yeah and a half now. I have done well in BTC and very, very well with ETH. I think a good long term strategy, is like you said, do research, findsomething you truly believe in and something that will succeed. Here is a link to my post of BAT token I did for the ICO and 5 reasons that I invest in a comapany Honestly, I know this may sound silly, but Steem is one of the best bets on the market right now. So undervalued, and has a large community that is growing daily. Also the more you invest and turn over to SP the more you make on your posts. You just cant beat Steem right now in my opion. I have converted a large percentage of my ETH and BTC holdings over to Steem. But also, I believe in BAT long term, has great potential for a small investment at this point in time. I also really like ICONOMI as you spoke of. I hope to run a Digital Management Assesst Platform myself. This gives people the ability to buy directly into my fund, look at my portfolio on the Iconomi platform and see my number, returns, and so forth. Very exciting possibilities with this company. And ICN is set up with a burn type dividend. Where instead of providing a traditional dividend they use those funds to purchase ICN and burn them over time. So ICN itself is deflationary. If you desire you can sign up at and take a look at the beta site, and get a feel for what it will look like. Hope this helps. Hope you are excited for the future like I am. Cheers!

Checking out your post now. Many good points, and some great corroboration which makes me feel like I'm sort of on the right path lol. Ya Iconomi seems super exciting. I know a bit about how it's going to function. The reason why I haven't held any Eth nor will i buy more BTC is bc the price is too high and i really can't see it going down. I just can't afford to make that huge of an investment. I figure I'd be smarter to find something that is just starting to do something and evena little of that can turn into a lot later on.

My number one favourite is Steem! It's so distinctive in the crypto world. I strongly support what's going on here and I'm heavily involved on a daily basis. Most of my focus is on steemit.

That's great to hear, you have the right mindset for sure. One thing I may suggest that I use and have used for many, many years in the regular stock market is automatic deposits. I use coinbase and have their recurrent transaction set up to buy both ETH and BTC at the same time, once a month for the last year. This way you can set your goals for your investments, and it is much easier to keep them as they are automatically withdrawn and there is much, much easier to not change your mind. Sorry for the shameful self promotion, but here is another link to why goal setting is important in investing By continually adding a specified amount to your crypto portfolio monthly, you can stay consistent, and as long as you put in an amount you can afford, you should have no reason to pull it out before the term of your specified investment. Hope this helps!

MMM, I currently don't have the funds to set up a monthly purchases. I'm using some of my bTC to diversify (which i had initially planned to do months ago). It's good that i waited bc BTC went up quite a bit since then and I have a bit more to play with now. Perhaps in the future when I have more funds to play with I will implement your suggestion.

No worries on shameless promo, I'm grateful for the information. It's the point of this blog post!

I'd avoid closed-sourced currencies like xrp and str.

I'd recommend checking out coins on Bittrex, since many of the are Bittrex only and on some smäller exchanges chances are they will grow in value when placed on others later.

The one I currently hold there are gup and tkn. I'd also recommend following my @crypto-channel where I will be activating myself more soon. It kinda has its own sharedrop where of 20% of all funds go to active commenters.

Cool, I'll follow you when it's active, just tried now and it said page not found :( thanks for the insight, gona take a look at some of these suggestions. When you say "closed-Source" do you mean not decentralized..?

Usually their code is not published on github for anyone to inspect. Steem is, for example.

Oh my bad, its @cryptochannel without the dash.

Gotcha followed lol

Typos; phone.

BYTECOIN BCN Anonymous and others can not view your balance

good post man, im new to the scene too...but i've been reading and hearing great things about Ripple Coin, Digibyte and Stratis.. @clayford08 posted a good blog about Game Credits coin too. I've invested in all of these for my long term portfoilio..digibyte is up $20 in 2 days.

I figure that Steem is a great community to ask these kinds of questions and get genuine feedback. Right now Steemians seem to really want to help out other Steemians.

That's great regarding your choices! Glad Digibyte is killing it for you! Was looking at it today and thought I should wait to see what happens since it already went up like 80%. I'll check out @clayford08 's post. Thax bud!

yeah the best thing about this community is the camaraderie..

no problem buddy! :D

Whats up Jaybird! I'm feeling Waves alot @ the moment. I'm fairly new to the whole cryto world but have been making some good investments recently & I've been researching several coins quite a bit lately.

By the way I haven't completely given up on Litecoin I have a strong feeling its a sleeper & I also like your DigiBytes & Stratis investigations I've been eyeing those as well.

Hey Cryptoblessings! What investments have you made/are interested in at the moment? Have you looked into TokenCard or GameCredits?

I had my eye on a coin related to games called Etheroll it was moving nicely. Hadn't invested in many of the smaller currencies just added to watch list.

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