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RE: Help! What Are Your Favourite "Budding" Cryptos & Why/Suggestions For New Investors?
I'd avoid closed-sourced currencies like xrp and str.
I'd recommend checking out coins on Bittrex, since many of the are Bittrex only and on some smäller exchanges chances are they will grow in value when placed on others later.
The one I currently hold there are gup and tkn. I'd also recommend following my @crypto-channel where I will be activating myself more soon. It kinda has its own sharedrop where of 20% of all funds go to active commenters.
Cool, I'll follow you when it's active, just tried now and it said page not found :( thanks for the insight, gona take a look at some of these suggestions. When you say "closed-Source" do you mean not decentralized..?
Usually their code is not published on github for anyone to inspect. Steem is, for example.
oh okay i see. Thanks for clarifying !
Oh my bad, its @cryptochannel without the dash.
Gotcha followed lol
Typos; phone.