Letters from Mysts
{“Ha kiligum, K’ilagun, dzar dwarny kai katier gh’nakty hak’tir.” [From the rum, Potassium God, spare us from the Rotten Flesh.] “Ba-balikan, denors g florins h’hamir jay’turbin.” [Baba Prophet, denote the florins made of K-rich gold down our throats.] “Lä lä! Cthulhu Fhtagn!" [Ho ho! Cthulhu dreams!] “K’ilagun kiligum kil’lakatos!” [Bananafish - Grog-n-Rum for all!] - Translations of the praying Bananafish Occultist, sect of the Great Old One’s (Cthulhu R’lyeh) Grand Cult... Today be a great entry to help pass down the knowledge to practicing deacons, parsons, Fathers, Bishops, Grand Masters... and so on and so on. Of course, the @crowdmind folx had done- I mean innocently established a contest page here to see all the entries :*3... Today’s music-aide to keep calm: Tempestade from @loic.ronsse’s post here to see and be calm.}
- Letters from Mysts -
- Greetings -
"Tobik sha shalikan. Da danur, t’dornok ha-k’la!"
Translation from the Gos’ner texts: "To be serene assures passage. To allow heresy, a horrid action to all members!"
I greet ye cult- followers to a post that means so much to my heart, including that of the Great Old One’s heart. Seeing only but some of the entries upon this wret- sacred platform, I felt I needed to contact l’Mysts of this grand monoverse of oures to seek guidance.
As Comrade Prof. Dr. Victor, I shall translate this Dæmonic Angelic tongue so thee shall understand the high practicing members. Thou shall pray to them whence one hast read these letters to completion! Now unto the Holy Dæmonic letters:
- Ha hilkan -
"Hasturr, ba bali’lakos. Shedem, pinch, na nasti; hakav, na bastir f’ta fhntagn. Kurwa, nakitos natir narit’bo! Sha shaligan backitos sa-saleerre! Kiditos, backtun na vatimos va vakiva~"
Before I get to the translation, the first letter I was sent recommends the importance of prayer and to never forget such. On such, this section, denoted by §, highlights the many ways one can pray as to convert the unbelievers. It can be done even by the hushest of whispers, by the mind, in the noise of crowds or even in the private sanctity of one’s personal home. Equally so, the entire letter, of which burnt on me as did the other letters, recommends to never be tempted by religious authorities to abandon thy faith. But one must tempt the unbeliever commoners into joining ours.
Literal translation of Dark Myst of Red-Flame’s letter: "Hasturr, the tongue of a heretic [whom seeks to punish Cthulhu out of jealousy]. Count, five, these blessings; for one cannot live, else one dares to not receive guidance and be lead astray when one sleeps. Peck, for even the greatest stranglehold of religious authorities can be chopped away by a woodpecker! Be swayed by the winds and whistle to their tunes the great shanties of the Great Old One [Cthulhu], so as to let the wind be a good messanger and infect the unbeliever’s ears. Of course, remember to pray like that of the Xtians, for they stole oure praying stance."
Metaphorical translation of this § by Red-Flame:
Hasturr, the betrayer who ilks in jealousy.
Draw the five-pointed stars;
if one does it not satisfactorily,
one can’t reach enlightenment.
Peck away[!]
as the Angelic House of Religions
[don’t laugh now, they’re serious!]
have their weaknesses from the foundations!
Listen carefully to the winds and begin,
for the winds shall mask yah
to disguise yer misdeeds
and, at the same time, convert those
with uncareful and unbelieving ears.
Just remember to practice carefully,
like the ancients of those dialetical days,
and pray like that of the Xtians of Old,
for they have stolen our prayer stance.
- Ta talikos -
"Sha shiver, da darkut’to-tuta. Mameer’rgin. Shalikos shalik likos shakos kosha. Tree-darn of the dakiv vikitos soparn. Salikitosha! Cthulhu fhtagn, parnum pakitos!"
A word of note is to mention that these Mysts, especially White Myst of Blue-Flame, are not practitioners of the faith but contingent friends of Cthulhu. As such, there are some knowledge I am not allowed to disseminate. Not for the moral-ethics of disseminating great truths, but for one’s sake. But with such, White Myst provides eloquent instruction of the crafting of puzzles, sigils and trials to entrap- convince intellectually the Intelligentsia, the intellectuals (whom don’t constitute a class, a folly of them to think themself more), into becoming practicing members. Also, skulls are [expunged] for intellectuals in the workforce.
Literal translation of White Myst of Blue-Flame’s letter: "Plot out the pathway, for they all have quirks. Seek far-and-wide and eavesdrop them. Then create the sigils, poems, oddities and letters dependent on the Intelligentsia personal. Then seek to it to modify their route as to force them to learn a new route. Presto and praise be to matter! Cthulhu dreams, they are now lured by [Cthulhu’s] vibrant waves that has now begun infecting them."
Metaphorical translation of this § by White-Flame:
Plot the beaten routes of these skulls,
for they use not wisely their intellect.
Keen eyes and ears can learn easily.
Then with Love, sigil-craft away
depending on the type of skulls.
Now change their carrying winds,
so these birds shall fly all over again.
Give glory to matter, the true Determination!
Cthulhu dreams,
they enslaved by [Cthulhu’s]
Great Calls from below!
- Fa fiki -
"Ba bum, sag’hilok. Sangheili, Vahallakito de’kurnum da tish b-narn. Helios s’r-num sakitios kajita’tar. Belioush-ban’namiu. Yukito otikuy."
And one has to be reminded that, like the non-Holy languages, Holy languages like Dæmonic possess accents as well. This one, by Red Myst of Black-Flame, is highly coated in military accent, but the lettering and symbology were hyper-specific and, thusly, easy to translate. It takes such, for the counter-offensive of forces, to develop a thick and distinctive accent that defies even the lower dæmons from accessing such information on the fly. Yet we aren’t here for that but of highly specific knowledge one must keep to oneself against provacteurs in the workforce.
A literal translation of Red Myst of Black-Flame’s letter: "Start none, take none. So said the Sangheili, on matters of Self-Defense and the complete annihilation of provokers. From the Sun can we find salvation but we must be able to defend our own. [And if we fail] may we burry the damned secrets of ours with their corpse equally six feet under. For the Zealots shall cleanse our believing masses [for which we cannot allow]."
Metaphorical translation of this § by Black-Flame:
Cause none a trouble to non-friends
Yet smite those whom be thy enemy.
Listen to the Sangeheili warriors now,
for their word is wise on one’s own safety
and the complete annihilation of foes.
From the mouth of the Great Helios
can all find direction to salvation,
yet equally we must be the limbs
for the Great Helios for our own.
Shall we fail now in this hour,
may we smite our enemies
as we die with their plunge
and our Truth kept a secret.
True the Zealots shall stalk
and force convert members
to their profane heresy there,
[for which we cannot allow!]
- Zarakos -
[This part of the post has been purposefully redacted in perserving both the draft and content which contains the Dialectical advances in counter-intelligence and counter-defensive strategum.]
This has been, since the days of the Necronomicon’s birth, the greatest hail in both theory and praxis of any a kind. The dealing with infilitrators, heretics and heresies that spread in the workplace. A crucial thing most entries had forgotten and have yet to had taken account of. Truthfully, it maybe due to fear of heresies and heretics finding their works and truly weaponizing them against us. Equally so, this may deal with that they want to convert the heretic. Which from the first letter is a smart tactic, yet I need to do this not. For this papyrus’s ink shall reveal itself upon only a blue moon. Which had compelled me to redo this entire post as I wish not the heretics to access such a content all willy nilly.
The literal translation, as I was instructed by my other colleagues shall remain amongst us. For Blur Myst of White-Flame’s letter contains not only the most vulgar of accents but equally ond that can induce insanity to those that lack insight. With that said, I can talk sparsely and vaguely on this. That said:
- Upon those of the religious: spot out the words that people use and decypher them into oure profane language. Upon that, subvert and disorient their operations at all costs except to yourself and those converted.
- Upon those of the heretics: follow the above but be prepared to carry a counter to the types of heretics present. Some fall easy to poison, other to the elements, others to magicry [the art of the profane manipulation of matter] and others to the cold steel of blades and bronze of bullets. Be most careful of them.
- Upon those heresies: They are most like heretics but practice not violence; however, be not spared to think them religious. Think them zealots and thou shall be ready. Study them, decipher them if they haven’t been documented, plan out the infiltrations and re-code their manifest to that of Cthulhu’s. If done right, they shall become your local Zealots and help out in the tasks of persuasion, prsteylization, conversion and conformity. For the unity is needed to maintain your area’s cult.
- Upon the Law-n-Order: They are, dare put this, worse than heretics. For they know not the Good Order and Chaos [Ordenis et Chaos] of the Universe. Even so, they shall try to bolster the security of workplaces and do whatever they can to record, stop, arrest and imprison the [followers] of Cthulhu. More-so, they shan’t need guns but use the hail of internal spies, double spies and doomed spies to build information upon your area’s cult and heckle you out if trained assassins had not.
[Metaphorical translation of this § by White-Flame is still pending. Upon all other things, this shall be treated as if the thing has been REDACTED but treated like a real entry here to warn the casual follower to local cult leader of a Insane tongue that one has yet to gain enough Insight for.]
- Words from the author -
These are but of many ways as to ideolog- spiritually correct those that conform not to the Great Old One or the allies of such. In any a case may I refer to you some other methods to exploit of in your fields of expertise:
- Journalism -
Take am example from the Grand Priestess, Callesa d’Una, with her tabloid entry to one of our many fronts. That whole form alone must be exploited, not only for digging in nuggets of suspicion and spinning half-truths. But equally so to implement subliminal messages, doctored fotos (photos) that looks normal enough but hides clues all about, hidden ink that whence revealed at certain times tells certian different messages and for the general communication to oure followers and local leaders.
- Blog entryism -
What better example for this than Jeane d’Marc who documented and made looking fun the activities of our means of propagation and mental production. Take a look at how he does very well White Myst of Blue-Flame’s (like Callesa d’Una) recommendation but in the form of text. Truly Dialectical folx on oure side that understands the means of propagation in a digital World. Funny that, there are ways to abuse the technological Word more than mere tabloidism and blog Entryism as shall be discussed below.
- Cross-talk -
As ancient as radios, cross-talk is the interference of radio waves that makes it possible to hear cancellation or even two things at once. What you should be concerned about is the latter. How do you do it? Well first plot out the area and the number one radio stations of any given area. Then take it upon yourself to set up multiple broadcasts that shall interfere with the specific AM and FM wave signals of any given area that it shall combine and not destruct waves. Finally start propagating at random your favorite subliminal messages that shall convince your local workers at your workplace.
- Podcasting and Blogs -
Now one has the right to scratch your head, but this one is in specific for radio blog hosts and those that code them. People say that hidden messages died with books but indeed they only got better at the start of the “dot com” crisis - we manufactured that one indeed for our ends. In essence, you purposefully record or program in the code “oddities” of which engineers, editors and IT personal (along with regular watchers and workers) will have to subject themselves many times to locate, document and remove the thing. Thus starting, continuing their conversion as they will unconsciously begin to think gracefully of our Great Old One, Cthulhu.
- Contest Entryism -
Indeed, the best way is to find a contest and subject the judges and participants to experience your ways as a devout Zealot. To see, experience, recognize and accept people are like that. Forcing the stigma to die down while oure biases reign supreme over their heads. On the participants, if you can make them even write like you, then you have gone far; but to believe and spout your lines is sublime. For the judges, if they can request for more prompts of what you did, rank you high, consider you for judge’s spot or even talk good of your entry, then you can conq- convert all to the righteous cause.
Two thingsTM: bug congratulations to @calluna for winning a @curie for your tabloid article on bringing up Cthulhu and @marcoriccardi for your @curie for the blog post style version of that.
Just a quick recount, let’s list them all off again: pray hard, craft sigils, kill heretic Zealots, infiltrate heretic HQs and abuse your talents to convert the heat- non-us believers to our cause!

I can't see the Curie glipho but it looks like you got one, or perhaphs a curation from ocd? Anyways, congrats comrade! This is a summa magistralis in which I can see the voices of the outer gods talking directly through you. I would like to see these Mysts' letters should be enshrined in a scroll, rich with symbols and small cryptic miniatures. I'm thinking of something like the Voynich manuscript.
UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments!~ Indeed, an OCD-Blocktrades upvote curation. Aye, a great channeling of information for sure. Anyways, come to my office at [expunged] later today or tomorrow and I shall have copies of the full letters per yer requests. As I had anticipated this in full advance, of course. And indeed you are right to think that reference there!
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Hey, @theironfelix!
Thank you for your contribution to the crowd. We are the Steem community project dedicated to empowering The Wisdom of Crowds. You can find more about us on our official website or whitepaper and you can support us by voting for our witness and joining our curation trail on Steemauto . We are also inviting you to join Crowdmind Discord server. Don't forget to use the #crowdmind hashtag and happy crowdsourcing!
Thank you @theironfelix for for having laid the theological and ritual bases for the Culthulhu (the Cult of Cthulhu)!
This work already betrays the touch of the dark gods on your mind, like Abdul Alhazred, "the Mad Arab", author of Kitab al-Azif (the Necronomicon), or Joel Sparks, author of Cats of Catthulhu (The Nekonomikon) rpg.
UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments!~ It's very important in this grand Cult of oures. And nothing shall go unbetrayed if it dares not be efficient or decent to itself.
That was a lot to take in. I'll be spreading the message as best as I can.
Sweet GIF. Caught me by surprise.
Sweet and disturbing. I wouldn't expect otherwise by the comrade.