I can't see the Curie glipho but it looks like you got one, or perhaphs a curation from ocd? Anyways, congrats comrade! This is a summa magistralis in which I can see the voices of the outer gods talking directly through you. I would like to see these Mysts' letters should be enshrined in a scroll, rich with symbols and small cryptic miniatures. I'm thinking of something like the Voynich manuscript.
UwU ~ Thanks for reading and thanks for the compliments!~ Indeed, an OCD-Blocktrades upvote curation. Aye, a great channeling of information for sure. Anyways, come to my office at [expunged] later today or tomorrow and I shall have copies of the full letters per yer requests. As I had anticipated this in full advance, of course. And indeed you are right to think that reference there!