We must do better to protect our children.
I’ve shared sad stories/numbers about kids being hospitalized with COVID. Please keep in mind that among healthy kids who get COVID, it’s a very small percentage who end up hospitalized. Numbers add up nationally because so many kids get infected, and many who require hospitalization have one or more other conditions.
But healthy kids are being hospitalized, along with more vulnerable kids, and as we let this pandemic rage out of control again, the numbers continue to grow.
It doesn’t matter that “only” 500-some children have died from COVID.
For the nurses and parents watching kids struggle to breathe, and sometimes die, knowing this could have been prevented, I don't wish that on anyone much less the suffering of the children themselves.
I don’t post to make anyone fearful, but because I want the country to sober up from this drunken stupor, muster some wisdom and courage, and act decisively with the tools at our disposal: vaccines, universal masking, distancing, etc.
Millions of adults in our society are failing in their responsibility to protect our children and the most vulnerable among us.
Mixing kids from 500 families, who live in a dozen different neighbourhoods and attend 5 dozen different places of worship, for 7 hours indoors every day at school, unmasked, when a quarter of those families are at the disinformation trough drinking delusion every day, is a brilliant way to spread this virus.
We need to do better.