CryptoContest#3 - 10SBD Give Away - STEEM Prediction
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Predict the STEEM price in USD of 1 STEEM for 21 March 2018 10AM GMT+2
in the comments bellow
Predictions can be submitted until 19 March 2018 10AM GMT+2
The winner will be the participant with the closest prediction number who respected the rules.
10SBD will be sent to the winner on 21 March 2018
Don't try to edit your responses because I will screenshot them
STEEM price will be posted from coinmarketcap

With your support every month, I will create more contests like this with bigger prizes.
Thank you for your support.
The usd Steem price will bee 1.54$ my prediction
The usd Steem price will bee 1.65 $ my prediction
The price will be 1.9
Price will be 2.57$

The USD STEEM price predicted by me is 1.78
$1.50 per steem😂