aaasaimon resteemedaxeman (86)modCommunity Moderator WOXin WORLD OF XPILAR • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Travelling Madeira - Funchal - A Visual Story Part 6 (30 Photos)Going up to the mountains to visit quite amazing Monte Palace and botanical garden around. Pretty interesting place…aaasaimon resteemedamarbanglablog (86)modPrimary Curator ♛♝in আমার বাংলা ব্লগ • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch."লাজুক খ্যাঁকের" প্রত্যহ কিউরেশন রিপোর্ট (Shy Fox Daily Curation Report - 04/02/2023)লাজুক খ্যাঁকের" প্রত্যহ কিউরেশন রিপোর্ট(Curation Report)-04/02/2023 This header image is created by…aaasaimon resteemedrme (90)admin✠ Founder 🔯in আমার বাংলা ব্লগ • 2 years agosteemCreated with Sketch."বাংলাদেশ জাতীয় জাদুঘর" ভ্রমণ - পর্ব ০১এবছরের একদম শুরুর দিকে বাংলাদেশের রাজধানী ঢাকায় ছিলাম । ঢাকায় আমরা সব মিলিয়ে দিন দশেক ছিলাম । প্রচুর ঘোরাঘুরি আর…aaasaimon resteemedcyberrn (85)in #life • 4 years agolife | 길걸어가는 길과 바라보는 길은 다르다. 달랐다. 때마다 다른 길!aaasaimon resteemedtradingideas (83)in SCT.암호화폐.Crypto • 4 years ago[일상] 장난아님숏커버링이 장난이 아닙니다. GME가 1등으로 움직이고 있고요. 어제도 엄청 비싸다고 생각했는데, 오늘 121.41% 올라서 325불 돌파 중간에 공매도가 또 들어오고 그걸 또 먹고 올라가고, 아주…aaasaimon resteemedzinasura (83)in #kr-game • 4 years ago슈퍼로봇대전 OG II 41화쿠스하 : 츠구미씨... 피리오 소령님에 대해 생각하고 계셨지요...? 츠구미 : ...눈치챘어...? 쿠스하 : 네... 츠구미 : 난 말야... 테슬라 연구소를 떠날 때... 피리오에게 위탁받은 TD에…aaasaimon resteemedrishabh99946 (74)adminin Best of India • 4 years agoUpdated as on 23th January | Compilation of On going contests on SteemSteem blockchain these days has a contest for everyone, find the right one for you participate and win STEEM rewards.…aaasaimon resteemedzinasura (83)in #kr-game • 4 years ago슈퍼로봇대전 OG II 30화러셀 : 괘, 괜찮으세요? 타스크 : 응. 그냥 뇌진탕이었던 것 같고... 간드로한테 감사해야지 뭐. 카티나 : 어쨌든 네녀석, 의식이 돌아와서 다행이구만. 타스크 : 어라? 중위님 치고는 가뭄에 콩나듯…aaasaimon resteemedcancerdoctor (85)in APPICS • 4 years ago[plant] Basils had sprouted up! 바질을 심어봄. 겨울이라 그런지 새싹 처음 나는데까지 2주 가량 걸림. 그래도 햇볕이 잘 ...... 들어 열심히 자라나고 있다. 무럭무럭 자라다오!!aaasaimon resteemedsteemitblog (77)in #awards2020-author • 4 years agoThe Steemit Awards 2020 - The Shortlists for Community VotingThank you to everyone who took the time to post their nominations for the first Steemit Awards. There were well over…aaasaimon resteemedrishabh99946 (74)adminin Best of India • 4 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Updated as on 9th January | Compilation of On going contests on Steem| 100% power upSteem blockchain these days has a contest for everyone, find the right one for you participate and win STEEM rewards.…aaasaimon resteemedcyberrn (85)in #nurse • 4 years agoPython | Hospital Nurses Experience; text analysis in Python2021년 1월 9일 numpy, nltk, re로 단어 빈도수 분석 시도함. 텍스트 자료는 pdf 파일을 txt 파일로 변환시킨 후, 파일 그대로 분석해봄 코딩은 맨땅에 헤딩하면서…aaasaimon resteemedcancerdoctor (85)in APPICS • 4 years ago[kr-food] Home-made breakfast with ricotta cheese salad, hash brown potato, fries ...... egg, bacon, and hand-dripped coffee. The coffee is Ethiopia Coquet Honey, having nice sweet flavor and a bit sour…aaasaimon resteemedrishabh99946 (74)adminin Best of India • 4 years agoNew year special | Compilation of On going contests on Steem| Contest on Steem blockchainHappy New year steemians! Steem blockchain these days has a contest for everyone, find the right one for you…aaasaimon resteemedsteemitblog (77)in #awards2020-author • 4 years agoThe Steemit Awards 20202020 has been a big year in the history of Steem. In February Steemit, Inc entered into a strategic partnership with…aaasaimon resteemedveronicalee (86)in #painting • 4 years ago인물예쁜 남매를 그려 보았다. 조그만 일에도 토라지고 하루에도 수 없이 싸우다가도 언제 그랬느냐 는듯 해해거리는것이 어릴때 형제의 일상이다. 동네에 아기들이 보이지 않아 나라의 장래를 생각하니 걱정 스럽다.aaasaimon resteemedwisdomandjustice (82)adminin KWH 한국전쟁사 • 4 years ago낙동강부터 압록강까지 5-2 북괴군 한강도하 (영등포 전투)북괴군의 상황(27) 괴뢰군 6사단 김포비행장 부근에서 한강을 도하하여 6월 29일 비행장을 점령 괴뢰군 3사단 4사단 서울시내에서 국군 경찰 및 소위 반역자 색출을 위해 1-2일 소요 (북한이…aaasaimon resteemedrishabh99946 (74)adminin Best of India • 4 years agoChristmas special | Compilation of On going contests on Steem As on 25th DecemberMerry Christmas everyone! Steem blockchain these days has a contest for everyone, find the right one for you…aaasaimon resteemedsteemitblog (77)in #guide • 4 years agoSTEEMIT - A GUIDE FOR NEWCOMERSWelcome to Steemit! Steemit is a blockchain-based social media Dapp (decentralized application) that creates…aaasaimon resteemedrishabh99946 (74)adminin Best of India • 4 years agoUpdated as on 15th October| Compilation of On going contests on Steem blockchainSteem blockchain these days has a contest for everyone, find the right one for you participate and win STEEM rewards.…