RE: Why Freemasons think lucifer got a bum deal.!. NWO news.
Many thanks for the very kind words, I like asher and I know he has the best interests at heart for the site, though that idea he has regarding a welcome post, as good as the idea is, you would have to have 30 of them a day, upvoted to over a $1000 to remove all the rubbish that people boost to trending, did you see the link I sent him? and sadly this site only works if you have a wealthy backer of long standing in the community or several of them even, and moving in June gives me the ideal platform and base for a start on a more even playing field so to speak, I can then do more for that community than I can for this one. When I am only getting 40 or 50 cents a post here I can not share the love with newer people and with people I like - like your good self, so unless things change here for the better and fast, I will be forced to move over to stand a chance of competing on IOS. I will however still try to make a regular post on here either way, unless it becomes simply not worth while. I hope this answers your queston and sorry I can not guarantee my stay here.
Then it looks like I will have to make this place so awesome you will feel it is worth it. The matter is settled.