Why Freemasons think lucifer got a bum deal.!. NWO news.
The normalization of satanic symbols through music and film were covered yesterday.
So we move on to the agenda for the new world order, regarding a one world religion, that I also highlighted even the pope is calling for. The one world religion will be satanic with Lucifer effectively replacing Jesus and or god. You may think this sounds insane, so I will set out to show you how the catholic religion already has - for 2000 years - had occult - masonic - pagan symbols in every room and hall of the Vatican. (That will be at the end of this article)
I will also show evidence how most holiday periods are linked to pagan festivals also in a separate post. (including Christmas)
Lucifer and a supposed bum rap or bad deal according to high ranking illuminati masons. (occultists.)
I am offering researched material for evidence, not just my opinion, as always.
"Now, from their own words and symbols, Freemasonry is proven, beyond a shadow of a doubt, to be Satanic to the core! You can be deceived no longer.
Most of the article on Freemasonry below has been taken from Masonic books that have been published by Masonic Publishing Companies, and most of them were formerly very, very secret. We further have taken the Biblical admonition carefully, comparing Masonic teachings to the Holy Bible. In 1 John 4:1, we see this command to all Christians: "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try (test) the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." Thus we see that any religious teaching that does not conform to Scripture is from a "false prophet".
This exercise is not an empty one, for your eternal, precious soul is at stake. Finally, remember two things about Masonry: 1) Superior Masons deliberately lie to their fellow Masons, as those Masons "deserve to be mislead"; 2) Explanations given to 95% of all Masons are wrong. Listen to this quote from a Masonic author, Carl Claudy: "Cut through the outer shell and find a meaning; cut through that meaning and find another; under it, if you dig deep enough, you may find a third, a fourth -- who shall say how many teachings?" You have been lied to, as we demonstrate in our many articles. Finally, remember Albert Pike's bold assertion in Morals & Dogma, that "Masonry is identical to the ancient Mysteries", which means that all their teachings in all their books are precisely the same as the Ancient, Pagan, Satanic Mysteries! [p. 624, teachings of the 28th Degree]
Please, we implore you, take the time to read our articles so you may finally know the Truth of Jesus Christ, the God of the Universe which Masons contemptuously call an "inferior god", and Whom they never, ever mention in their teachings or their rituals. We fervently pray that the Holy Spirit will illumine your mind, heart, and soul with the knowledge of the true God, and only the true God, of the Holy Bible.
Now, for the first time ever, we shall conclusively prove that Freemasonry is actually a worship of Lucifer, the Light-Bearer; of course, since Lucifer and Satan are Biblically the same person, Freemasonry is really the worship of Satan. We shall prove this by quoting their own sources, and depicting their own symbols. In symbols, Freemasonry reveals more about itself than it ever does in its writings; yet, we shall start with their writings, for there you shall find the "smoking gun" proof that Masons worship Lord Satan. Once you comprehend this truth, you shall understand why they have been so anxious all these centuries to keep the lid of secrecy tightly screwed down, for if people really understood that Masonry is a worship of Satan, no one would join, and the citizens of most communities would rise up as one to demand that the organization be completely outlawed. Thus, you have secrets within secrets , just as we have quoted above; further, you have a continuous public relations campaign promoting the lie that Freemasonry is not a religion, and is just a good works social organization.
Now, let us inform you, with their own words, that Freemasons really worship Satan, at the higher levels.
Please open the full source link
The catholic church - the Vatican & Pagan - occult - masonic symbols.
Roman Catholic Church (RCC) very often tries to eliminate and defame every person who expose RCC's pagan roots and that its origin is in pagan religions, not in teaching of the Bible. In the matter of fact, RCC has mixed up Biblical and pagan doctrines. This combination makes from it anti-Christian sect and cult, which doesn't represent Biblical Christianity. RCC has systematically tried to distort evidence that shows clearly wrong doctrines of RCC and its undisputed connections to paganism. The history of Christianity is mainly written by Catholics (NT texts aren't Catholic texts) and RCC has burned several books and texts that it has kept as "heretics". Church history written by Roman Catholics is not fair history. RCC tries to always lead the people to read Catholic history of Christianity, by thus they try to testify that they are the same thing as the Early Church, which they are not in any way.
The church history is mainly written by Catholics and therefore, its emphasis is Catholic and distortions are also mainly Catholic origin. In this world we don't for sure know all the things that have occurred in the history time after the Early Church. Something we can find, but not precisely. Actually, we don't have to know only that what the Bible tells, because the Word of God is sole spiritual authority to teaching of the Bible.
After the Early Church began to come apostasy concerning to the truth of the Bible. One of the things was emphasizing of the Catholic Church, in which the Early Church and the Lord Jesus taught nothing. In 1st century Ignatius first used the word Catholic (katholike) and the Roman Catholic Church put to use the word Catholic in 3th century. The Lord Jesus and apostles of the Early Church didn't use the word katholike (Catholic) and for this reason the word katholike is nowhere in the text of the New Testament manuscripts. The word Catholic (common) Church is written to the Apostles' Creed for the reason that people would emphasize the faith of the Catholic Church. It is very sad and ironic that Roman Catholic Church is not the Church of God, but anti-Christian sect, which has nothing to do with the Biblical faith. The concept Catholic Church in the Apostles' Creed has set to there for the purpose to bring authority to doctrines of the RCC. RCC teaches that how people must believe the Catholic interpretation and its tradition which are, however wrong teachings.
The text of the New Testament that we have in use have been written by apostles' of the Early Church and guided by the Holy Spirit, in which all copied NT's text's in all the times are coming from. I think that this the most important and the cornerstone that should will be enough for us and the evidence for it that the texts NT are not handwriting of Catholics as they try to indicate. During 1st and 2nd centuries arisen wrong teachings find their way inside the Catholic Church that was born in 3th century. In the New Testament is said about reading and spreading of the NT's texts at the time of the Early Church. Those who read, spread and copied first the texts of the NT were not Catholics. The concept and the word catholic came in the history at 1st century, but the Early Church born about 70 years before that the concept catholic was born. God has been taking care that the birth of the NT's texts and its message has kept away for a long distance from Catholicism, because the text of the NT has nothing to do with Catholicism that is the pagan sect.
The origin of the so called the Apostles' Creed is not written by the apostles of the Early Church, but it has been written after them. The Creed of the Early Church apostles' was very brief:
Symbology is of the highest importance to pagans and the church.
Lets take a look at Paul VI Audience Hall in Rome shall we.
That is the inside view, it is designed to look like a snake. Lets see what is on stage.
Hardly a Christian looking carving now is it?.
The below article will not make total sense without clicking the source link, as it refers to pictures in the article. The source link is at the bottom of the quote below.
Have you heard of the Pope’s Audience Hall? Also known as the Paul VI Audience Hall or the Hall of the Pontifical Audiences, it lies partially in Vatican City and partially in Rome, Italy. Named after Pope Paul VI and built in 1971 by Italian architect Pier Luigi Nervi, it seats 6,300 and contains a bronze statue called La Resurrezione, designed by Pericle Fazzini, within.
This all sounds pretty straightforward so far, but let’s dive into what makes this building so strange. We’ll start with the less weird, and get progressively weirder as we go.
Building Method and Design
The building was designed with reinforced concrete by well-known architect Pier Luigi Nervi. Nervi is known for simple yet practical designs that are strong and made to last.
The simple curvature of the building might seem unassuming from the outside, but this is part one of what we will begin to explore about this building, and I promise you, by the time we get to the end, you will see what I’m getting at.
Have a look at the image below and compare its shape to the image of a snake beside it. Note the overall shape — wide back, narrow, rounded front, eyes in the middle, nostril at the front, and curved top.
As you can already begin to see in the image above, there are two windows on either side of the building that resemble eyes. They are made of stained glass and sit about halfway through the building’s length on either side.
In the centre of the eye shape, you begin to see a slit that could resemble a reptile eye. If you’re not convinced yet, which is understandable, keep reading.
Maybe looking at one window on its own isn’t the most clear, so let’s have a look at both of them together now.
All of a sudden we begin to see things taking shape here — two reptilian eyes, staring at you as you observe the stage.
Scales and Fangs.
Have a look again at the image above — what do you notice down the centre? There stands what looks to be a statue in the middle and then on either side, two sharp, pointed fangs. The building’s roof and sides also resemble scales.
Here is another angle to give you a sense of the scales.
Now let’s pull it together a bit more so we can really see what we are looking at. In the image below, really pay attention to the whole building and stage layout next to the image of a snake. The eyes, the shape, the scales, the fangs, the look and feel of the reptile… it’s all there.
The La Resurrezione Statue
In the middle of the stage sits a statue of Christ rising from an atomic apocalypse. It was designed by Pericle Fazzini and put in place by 1977. Have a look at it below. Do you notice anything about Jesus’ head?
It’s difficult to see from the front, but when you view the statue from the sides, where patrons would sit, it becomes strikingly clear from both sides that the head of Jesus is meant to look like that of a snake.
Think about it for a moment: If just one side of the statue gave the impression of a snake’s head, we could brush this off as coincidence, but when it looks this way from all angles, and the entire building resembles a snake as well, it becomes much more difficult to ignore. One must begin to realize that this was purposefully designed to appear this way. The thought and planning that went into this would have to have been immense.
The reality is, there is an obvious reason for this imagery.
The Big Question
You may be asking what that reason is; why was this building built in such a way that the Pope appears to be speaking from the mouth of a reptile? If you aren’t asking that question, you’re simply turning a blind eye. It’s not that the evidence isn’t present, it’s that you are choosing not to see it. There are seven separate pieces that comprise the snake or reptile symbol. If it were one or two I would understand your scepticism — even three. But when seven pieces come together so beautifully, so perfectly, you know beyond any shadow of a doubt that it was intentional.
Oblivious to the world, the Catholic church has built the biggest pagan institution that seeks to unite all the worlds peoples in their religions just as the Tower of Babel was attempted.
I hope I have given you plenty to think about, without me having to force my own opinion on you.
As always have a perfectly pleasant week. and note I have left some links below for your delectation to peruse at your leisure.
As always any questions or thoughts gladly received.
Deliberator = Definition of deliberator
plural -s
: one that deliberates
Tracking the Beast from the Synagogue to the Vatican to the USA!
Photo trip to the Vatican
Pagan sun worship and catholism
Audio regarding pagan symbols within the Vatican
Vatican occult world order
Images courtesy of pixabay
gif courtesy of giphy.com
The thing about all of this demonic symbolism is it is all allegorical. Satanists and Lucifarians do not actually worship a deity. It is hard (especially for Christians) to grasp this concept, as the symbolism adopted has been done so to personify a direct antagonist of the Christian God. This has been done intentionally. The symbolism is becoming prevalent now in 'godly' religions because the same team controls both sides of the coin. I would go as far as to say that modern-day Christianity is a form of Lucifarianism.
All of this dark symbolism is used to conceal detailed knowledge of how the human body and psyche work. As well as knowledge of our universe, how our reality functions and true history. This is intentionally done to discourage the 'profane' from ever even looking into this information, which has been occulted.
Occult simply means hidden.
Thanks for the great post @deliberator!
I could not agree more with every word you said if I tried, and this is why I am doing this series of posts, to shine a light on the hidden hand and the agenda they have, for keeping people ill informed and living in fear, if everyone knew their own potential, this simply would no longer be able to happen, and that is what I will conclude the series with. Thank you for a top quality comment.
Great to see. Keep up the Great Work!
I started replying to this... it got longer and longer and longer. So I stopped, and just turned it into a post.
The Speculation is Fact!!! Why? I thought of it. The only true fact is my arrogance.
No disagreement with your comment. Just inspired me into some long jaunt of expansion and thought.
I read it, superb answer my friend.
first it was theRoman Empire-based in Rome of course- then after Constantine rewrote the bible and hijacked Christianity it morphed into the Holy Roman Empire- based in Rome of course- Today they wear different costumes and call themselves the Vatican and the emperor goes by 'Pope'- based in Rome of course. The Roman Empire is alive and well.
Superb comment, and I could not agree more, thank you.
The "throne room" where the pope sits disturbs me. I have seen this numerous times and I try to view it in an unbiased way, giving the benefit of the doubt. I have heard others say it is or looks evil, but I choose to decide for myself based on what the Holy Spirit speaks to me and what scripture says. However, after studying this "art" as much as I can; I cannot deny the feeling placed on me that it is not of God, which means it is unGodly. Now when I see it I ask myself, "why does no one question this?" The deception of the world runs quite deep. Great article. Keep up the fight to share truth. God bless.
Superb comment my friend, and yes the throne does look very "evil" indeed, as do a lot of things in Catholicism.
It pains me because I grew up and lived most of my life as a Catholic. It was in Catholicism that I learned about God, which is very ironic considering the direction of the Catholic church as a whole. The ideology does not match up with scripture, but there are people that are Catholic that are not evil, and do love Jesus. sadly I fear they are being led down a dead-end path. Ultimately, we are all accountable for our own decisions and cannot blame someone else for being misguided.
As you mention you will be explaining in future post the ties to pagan rituals and Christian holidays I will refrain from spilling the beans here, lol. I will also refrain from discussing Christianity in general as I have no wish to ever dissuade anyone from their faith (unless they use it as a weapon).
You put such care in your posts, I hope you decide no matter the direction of the site to stay. It is a selfish of me to ask you this, but I hope you will not leave and that knowing people like myself appreciate your knowledge can be enough of a reason, even if the site falls apart. Your sharing and good nature is building you a solid community, one that not only will grow with time, but the strength of accounts like mine will grow as well. I was able to get my delegation rental and while not much, it allows me to reward better than I was. Please know that it is posts such as you write that prompted me to spend my money buying Steem at the exchange just so I could rent this delegation to say thank you to those deserving like yourself.
I say this because I saw your comment yesterday to Asher. We may not be able to stop the crap going on with votebots/self votes sending crap to trending and hot, but honestly those feeds are not necessary to grow communities. I found you and many others simply by stumbling on great posts and looking through the comments and finding other quality posters. As long as we decide this place can work, it will work. Your post right here is proof of this my friend. I am not easily impressed and yet here I am asking you to continue being a leader here.
Many thanks for the very kind words, I like asher and I know he has the best interests at heart for the site, though that idea he has regarding a welcome post, as good as the idea is, you would have to have 30 of them a day, upvoted to over a $1000 to remove all the rubbish that people boost to trending, did you see the link I sent him? and sadly this site only works if you have a wealthy backer of long standing in the community or several of them even, and moving in June gives me the ideal platform and base for a start on a more even playing field so to speak, I can then do more for that community than I can for this one. When I am only getting 40 or 50 cents a post here I can not share the love with newer people and with people I like - like your good self, so unless things change here for the better and fast, I will be forced to move over to stand a chance of competing on IOS. I will however still try to make a regular post on here either way, unless it becomes simply not worth while. I hope this answers your queston and sorry I can not guarantee my stay here.
Then it looks like I will have to make this place so awesome you will feel it is worth it. The matter is settled.
Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)

Relevance: Exposing The Roman State Religion
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