Illuminati - freemasons - symbols & Donald Marshall = NWO!
I am going to show some facts and add some opinion this time, plus audience participation is encouraged.
Now as a rule I like to just show facts, though I am adding a twist here due to some information I found down on TOR, yes that supposed nasty web under the web, that "they" like to call the dark web, very cute indeed.
I was offered some information down below, that was written a long time ago, that pointed to the fact we are being manipulated to accept a one world government; a single religion under lucifer or the devil and the NWO. This file I was sent included signatures of top ranking politicians, bankers, religious leaders from 5 different religions and of course the Rothschild's, plus many more people I have yet to research.
Due to the fact I value my life, I am not going to put a link to that file on here, or share it on the interweb, if you TOR though I will gladly share it.
Here we go then! Social conditioning.
I mentioned before the onslaught of information regarding the illuminati and Freemasonry over the last 25 years or so, it seemed to start via music, and as far back as the late 60's, though in the 80`s it really got ramped up, even soft cells Mark Almond had a photo taken covering one eye to represent the all seeing eye. Madonna concerts were full of pagan/occultist ceremony material as are lady ga gas and even Kanye west gets in on the act..
I want to make this a two way thing, audience participation time.
- The person that names the most groups doing illuminati/masonic concerts including dates or years, wins 1 sbd the day this finishes. (7 days time)
- The person that names the most album covers showing illuminati/masonic symbols wins 1 sbd.
- The person that names the most illuminati/mason symbols on Michael Jacksons album cover below wins 1 sbd.
Normalisation via everyday viewing.
We already know the US dollar has the pyramid and all seeing eye on it that masons revere so much, we should already know by now they adore the number 13, I know why though do you? yet throughout western society 13 has been taught to be an unlucky number for the unwashed plebs, yet masons and secret societies adore it and 666.
Jared Kushner anyone? 666 here you go He is president Trumps advisor and son in law, in case you were not aware.
by Robert Howard
Updated 11/30/2001
from The Forbidden Knowledge Website
"In my research regarding the Freemason’s, United States Presidents and The Masonic Power Structure I was constantly running into the number 13 and 33.
This research confirmed that most of the founding fathers were Masons. It also confirmed that most of the Presidents were Masons. My first run in with 13 of course was the 13 colonies. Second was the great Seal.
The numbers 3, 7, 9,11,13, 33, 39. Any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in the United States of America was 13.
The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention."
Secret Societies / New World Order" by Milton William Cooper!.........
Occultists the world over believe that, once a symbol is created, it acquires power of its own, and more power is generated when such symbol(s) are created without the profane [uninitiated] knowing about it.
And, the greatest power of all is created in the symbol(s) if the uninitiated NEVER discover that the symbol exists.
- There are 13 leaves on the left olive branch with 13 berries.
- 13 stripes on the middle shield.
- 13 arrows on the right.
- 13 stars above the eagles head.
- 13 letters in the "E Pluribus Unum" on the ribbon.
- 13 letters in Annuit Coeptis.
- There are 13 blocks top to bottom on the pyramid.
- Fritz Springmeir in his The 13 Bloodlines says these 13 blocks represent the 13 Satanic family’s.
In the circles at the end of the hexagram points it even spells the word Mason.
The Roman Numerals at the bottom of the Pyramid: MDCCLXXVI
We do not have to add them together to get the mark of the beast in his name. John does not tell us to add them together. It is not that we cannot add them together, but the point is John does not tell us to add them together.
We then will take a different tact to solve the riddle. We will use exactly what the bible tells us: 600, 60 and 6. We will start with the reverse great seal, the seal that Daniel gave to us.
Embedded at the base of the pyramid are the Roman numerical letters: "MDCCLXXVI".
Full source with pictures that aid in relevance
Even the pope is on on the act.
We are the pawns as per usual, and these Elites (so they think) are playing out the bible, and we are being shown more and more Pagan symbols literally everywhere we look, allow me to quote Donald Marshall in a moment, though before I do I have to say that if this information coming from him, did not help their purpose he would have been killed quicker than one of Hillary Clintons ex solicitors or business partners..
Donald Marshall sates where he is taken is like a amphitheatre with dirt in the middle as the stage, I will give you a short extract, and a link to the full context here.
The only thing they fear is nuclear war the new and improved lie detector test and THIS letter. For those of you thinking Queen Elizabeth looks like a kindly little old lady and this can't be true you couldn't be more wrong, she is the worst human being I have ever seen or heard of. It's so sad to see these women and children brought there, sitting in the centre dirt naked afraid crying, raped and beaten for sport of the rich and famous. I of course can't bring myself to be a part of it.
Bohemian Grove!
Is said to be the elite of the elite masons club here That also represents a secret society with a amphitheatre type stage. And has some pretty messed up ceremonies by normal peoples standards. As does CERN, though I covered CERN in the past.
I am going to offer 1 sbd to the top comment containing the most movies with masonic/illuminati symbols in them. Here is my starter 10.
- Captain America: The Winter Soldier - Hydra Is A Metaphor For The Secret Society.
- Coraline - Mind Controlling Children And The Power Of Eyes.
- Tomb Raider - All-Seeing Eyes Are Hidden In The Background..
- The Cabin In The Wood - Ritual Sacrifice Is Used To Control The Real World.
- The Imaginarium Of Doctor Parnassus - It Was A Ritual Powered By Ledger's Death.
- 9 - The Dolls Are The New Age Illuminati.
- Hide And Seek - The Monarch Mind Control Program Was The Cause Of The Trauma.
- Now You See Me - The Illuminati Control The Media.
- The classic - A Clockwork Orange - Overt Mind Control Experiments (something I covered yesterday)
- Eyes Wide Shut - Absolutely jam packed with illuminati - occultist - secret society nonsense and perversion.
Yes for the eagle eyed I have on purpose included Stanley Kubrick's works, and it would be my number 1 if that order above was a 1 - 10. Now I will leave the rest to you.
Albert Pike, is the next subject I would like to cover in a separate post, any thoughts you have about him please leave them below.
I have read before and even Milton William Cooper said it on video, that they plan a fake alien invasion to usher in the NWO, one world government, 1 world currency and 1 world religion.
Deliberators verdict = we are being played for fools by Masons.
As always have a fantastic week, and be lucky.
Images courtesy of pixabay, even though they require zero source credit according to them.
shhhh I never edited this in here. 1988 movie they live.
This is very chilling and quite honestly you led me down a rabbit hole of reading spree.
I condsider myself very skeptical but I cant deny that some of the info you posted deeply concerns me. As they say where there is smoke there is fire.
Regardless, I believe your work needs more exposure and hopefully more people gets to see this and maybe more information comes to light.
At $1 worth for this post I sincerely believe your post is really undervalued. :(
I totally agree! Granted @deliberator has kept me up all night (when I should be sleeping) combing thru online information about MJ's association with conspiracies.
I hope you use minnowbooster to get value to your posts aside from other post promotions. I checked your wallet and it seems minnowbooster has whitelisted you already @deliberator consider using them as they are the most profitable in the market right now.
I went for it, to see what the upvote amount is they pay when whitelisted.
If you are not whitelisted i think its somewhere around 2.3x multiplier and if you are whitelisted its around 2.4x . Compared to any other promotion sites whitelisted minnowbooster votes blow the competition away.
You are already using buildawhale there really is not much different from them its just you get more value of the sbd you send when you use mb. give it a go and have a look for yourself
Thank you too my friend, and yes they did whitelist me, though it feels I am simply gaming the system if I use them, and also it means only really myself values my posts then.
I assure you, you are not gaming the system. Your works are wonderful and your aim is not to get profits its to get your work out there to be seen by more readers, the gain in steem is just another product of it.
Just from reading your work i can see its already undervalued. When you get your work out there and the followers and readers like me come and vote for you then there may come a time you wont need voting bots but for now you clearly need to get your work out there to be seen by much bigger audience and getting a high amount of vote would push you to trending where all of there readers can see your work.
It is what it is, and unless I go down the bidbot route it seems a $1 is my value here, thank you for the superb comment and compliment. I will plug away even at a dollar a day.
I would be very happy with a dollar a day from Steemit. I too shall keep plugging along.
I will write it for free as long as people want to read it I suppose, everyone likes to see $'s on a post, though nothing is a given here.
Quirky theme symbolism, that album cover has left me astonished, the world rotated in the pipes of a factory, the '' banker'', the girl with that skull, eyes, tongues, thrones, clock machinery, several stages of michael himself, some weird ones (in the lower right corner), that number of animals, some of them crowned or in the process, and even what appears to be adan & eva in a bubble and much more, about the movies I'd say The game and The Man from Earth, I don't know if the second one fit in the way others do but it let me thinking for a while about a bunch of things and it's one of my favorites movies by far.
I do not know if we'll have any real news of one of this year's meeting with a very curious ''agenda'', there is not much left, June 7-10 in Torino, don't know if we can even trust on what is filtered.
This aspect you talk about owe a lot of concern, revolutionism can be turned into the opium of ''intellectuals''(I don't really like that word or what has become), if it's not already done, we're being played, not sure to what extent tho, as I told you, I don't think we're going to be able to know everything, for many reasons, and less in this area, cheers comrade!
Take 1 hour 34 minutes my friend, and watch that movie at the end "they live" from 1988 and let me know your thoughts please.
Well, I had the morning free (just from work) and I saw it, I think it shows many things as they are, manipulation, subliminalism, unrestrained capitalism, infiltration, the fact that we are being treated as livestock, etc., I would say it's some kind of artistic documentary and a political statement, the metaphor of the fight was extraordinary and you may feel like that since I think you're deep in the rabbit hole. It would be nice to have some glasses to see the
inhuman sellouts, sometimes it's not even needed, occasionally it's hard to see, similar mechanisms are still being used from all fronts and I think it will continue to be like that.Don't catch you slippin' up
Look what I'm whippin' up
it's really hard to find some solutions to these issues, even more from such abused and misused philosophical positions, I do not know what else to say other than They live, we work and believe.
Walt Disney movies? Full of subliminal imagery.
Yes they are and phallic symbols, I am compiling a post with regard to Disney, with a "keep your children away from" section included.
Kingsman 1 and the squeal was filled with Illuminati symbolism and plots to kill of most of humanity!
Hardly surprising, thanks for the info.
Was going to mention several movies in a comment but you already put the titles in this post yourself.. many movies are full of mind control and symbols.. watched a movie a few weeks ago that was twisted too but I cant seem to remember the title ...
Cheers my friend, let me know if you remember the movie, the more parts to the puzzle the better, hence me wanting audience participation this time.
I will.. at some point it will sink in (the title) I know many more, but dont remember the title until I see it again most of the times.. there was a time when I began researching these things and I watched lots of movies .. I guess 90% was hidden with messages about mind control/ illuminati signs.
It is the normalization of the Freemason all seeing eye, though when we go back further in history, thousands of years, that was in fact a symbol for good, it was only hijacked by them late 1700's.
Thanks for the post, I found an answer to my long time question biut their signs and logos, there was a rumour that #bbnaija belongs to this group and i found out through this post that it might be 95% true cos it has its logo to be one open eye, and research proofs that it belongs to illuminati. One music is Ilefo Illuminati by Olamide Adedeji (YBNL NATION)
I think what you are after is @bbnaija.
Sorry, I dont get what you mean!!! And I mentioned the name bbnaija as a reference.
Wow, thanks for sharing
Most welcome.
I am now following and gave you an upvote. Thanks for posting a very interesting article.
Thank you Brent and nice to meet you.
As for a band that I know of would be Ghost