RE: Illuminati - freemasons - symbols & Donald Marshall = NWO!
Quirky theme symbolism, that album cover has left me astonished, the world rotated in the pipes of a factory, the '' banker'', the girl with that skull, eyes, tongues, thrones, clock machinery, several stages of michael himself, some weird ones (in the lower right corner), that number of animals, some of them crowned or in the process, and even what appears to be adan & eva in a bubble and much more, about the movies I'd say The game and The Man from Earth, I don't know if the second one fit in the way others do but it let me thinking for a while about a bunch of things and it's one of my favorites movies by far.
I do not know if we'll have any real news of one of this year's meeting with a very curious ''agenda'', there is not much left, June 7-10 in Torino, don't know if we can even trust on what is filtered.
This aspect you talk about owe a lot of concern, revolutionism can be turned into the opium of ''intellectuals''(I don't really like that word or what has become), if it's not already done, we're being played, not sure to what extent tho, as I told you, I don't think we're going to be able to know everything, for many reasons, and less in this area, cheers comrade!
Take 1 hour 34 minutes my friend, and watch that movie at the end "they live" from 1988 and let me know your thoughts please.
Well, I had the morning free (just from work) and I saw it, I think it shows many things as they are, manipulation, subliminalism, unrestrained capitalism, infiltration, the fact that we are being treated as livestock, etc., I would say it's some kind of artistic documentary and a political statement, the metaphor of the fight was extraordinary and you may feel like that since I think you're deep in the rabbit hole. It would be nice to have some glasses to see the
inhuman sellouts, sometimes it's not even needed, occasionally it's hard to see, similar mechanisms are still being used from all fronts and I think it will continue to be like that.Don't catch you slippin' up
Look what I'm whippin' up
it's really hard to find some solutions to these issues, even more from such abused and misused philosophical positions, I do not know what else to say other than They live, we work and believe.