Control Dramas & The Struggle For Power

in #communication7 years ago (edited)

Keep one important thing in mind when your energy is in decline because those moments you are most vulnarable. 

Look around and protect yourself immediately from all those "energy vampires". 

Don't let anybody drag you down, down and more down.

Stop, relax and know that not all problems are yours to fix. Gain distance that you can handle the situation better than the last time when you found yourself being robbed of your precious power, ending up with zero for yourself.


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How to manage disruptive and attention seeking behaviour? 

It happened too many times that I was facing a lot of nonsense and once again, I am stuck in a few disturbed interactions with obvioulsy "weak" people, who are playing a power game, mostly subconsciously because maybe they might not even realise what " downers" they actually are. 

I am lucky enough that I seem to recognize the first signs to pull myself out of upcoming drama thunder storms very quickly. 


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I am finally very well aware off such manipulative moves, trying to gain power over me. The recognition of such games allows us to break out and not get caught in a vicious cycle. Be aware of people's un-conscious strategy to steal from you. 


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Attempts to control who ? You! So, what is the need to do so, why do they feel it is necessary?

Probably there will be the big "I am sorry" line right after. 

Don't let it happen and try to understand their behaviour but only if you got time for. I don't!

I remembered a very exciting book I read many years ago "The Celestine Prophecy", mentioning about the four control dramas. So, I started researching about James Redfield’s theory , defining four ways that people are in relationship with one another. 

What is a control drama? 

All humans, because of their upbringing, tend toward one of the four “control dramas”: Intimidators steal energy from others by threat. Interrogators steal it by judging and questioning. Aloof  people attract attention and energy to themselves by acting reserved or withdrawing. Poor me Drama! We get our way with others by making them pay attention to us and then elicit a certain reaction from them to make ourselves feel fulfilled. - Source 

Don't we all know those kind of people?

The positive feelings gained, when you are exposed to a variety of people, are won at the expense of the other and this causes major imbalance and massive silly dramas in our interpersonal relationships. 

Most of us have a dominant control drama in which we engage in automatically, without even realizing what we are doing and to what extent and expense. Your need to defend and engage in defensive responses with someone means you are caught in such drama and you will thus, “react.” When you start to become aware of your dominant control drama and can recognize it in action, you can start to hone it and make better choices in your responses to others. - Daily Ohm

Awareness and disconnectiong from delicate situations will help to change because they will not attract nor defeat you and it will lead to your own and even their peace. People feel so defensive when messages of guilt, evaluation, hidden agendas, superiority, certainty as well as lack of emotions are present and too many excuses are being made. 

Refuse to get engaged in this kind of communication and toxic moments. 

“Make sure to back up for a minute or even days, months or forever! 

Image Source from The Celestinevision

PS: A bit off the topic but describing those kind of energy robbing people I was talking about. 

The amazing article I read this morning "A New Kind of Toxic " by @kyriacos inspired me today, thinking of  "for-me-dangerous" people in my life, less every day!

He wrote: "It often slips our mind how messed up life is for many people on this earth. We lose touch with reality because we stare our screen for so long — everything becomes entertainment with an expiration date. Our reactions to these events have been reduced to a few clicks of a mouse or some paragraphs of text. There is nothing more toxic to the human existence other than the distortion of reality for the sake of personal distinguishment. There is nothing more toxic than rejecting those who see things how they are in an effort to relinquish one's bullshit. Realism is not toxic. Living in a privileged bubble that jerks inside an echo chamber is.

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My reply : "I live in my cocoon with crystal white walls ( hehee I really don’t ) and when I look outside I see stinky, fake “bastards” and can’t breath . What to do? Every time I act “negative”, like a normal person would feel once in a while and scream or cry, some instagram and facebook people don’t “like” me, think I am not “nice enough”. I was recently called a bully for posting "NamasteBitches" saying that I am not impressed, it’s not that cool to use this powerful word "NAMASTE" without knowing what it really means. I was told that I am “much better than that”, than sending passive aggressive messages to my so called private “followers”. So, I’m out of the trend to be your “new toxic” then. Should I cry now?

Yours @mammasitta 


Sounds like all the mechanisms by which the 'Celebrity Politician Industry Complex' wields to keep us all bedazzled in baffoonery.

Yes! Indeed! You did read my mind and inbetween the lines. I prefer not to get into politics but I had many politicians in my head

Energy vampires? I dig that. I'm going to use that phrase in my next piece I think.

Sucking the white out of your eyes not only your blood 🙄🙈

Yeah I feel like I'm dealing with one in my life right now. Funny how these posts pop up right when I need to see them.

I only touched the topic because I don't always feel right to get too personal but oh yes! There are a few around myself on and on.....Distant yourself!

Excellent article and I think that most people adore personal life dramas. Their personal history is their identification. Their life is controlled by the ego. They put all their self-awareness into their dramas. Even their, usually unsuccessful, quest for answers, solutions or healing become part of these dramas. They are their minds - this means that most of all they are afraid of their own awakening and resist it. The struggle for power is one of the most common causes of problem (as well as conflict) behavior. Often the struggle for power is connected with a negative attitude and is its manifestation. Thank you @mammasitta

I was caught in a few and I was also trapped and played along sometimes. image

Hello friend, I think we are in the same wave, fewer people toxic in my life every day, fewer spiritual vampires. Tolle mentions in his book "The Power of Now" that the incongratulaty can take shape of .... the need for drama in his loving relationship ... Catch at the moment you wake up from your dormant state. You have to get rid of all that in life and be happy.

I recommend that book if you don't know it yet. I loved your post. A hug.

So nice to see you again ! Tolle is my “little”hero🐬🐬🐬

Now here's a real "I'm Sorry" for ya!!!

Haha ! Yeah exactly like that 🙈🙀😜

Well, just for the record... I'M SORRY TOO!!! I have no idea what I may have done, but I must be guilty of something! By the way, have you checked out any of the new Night Gods (part III)? Parts one & two are coming out in book form next month! Whoopee!!!


Great post! Have to prevent the cancers from penetrating your spirit and contaminating it with their miserable negativity

Energy Vampires!
Sad to see that you are not active anymore

I used to see so so much drama bull on-line that I gave up being in on-line chats and message boards quite some time ago. It was like as soon as a person logged in they went from being an adult back to being 13 years old, in high school, and trying to be number 1 cool/cruel person.

Steemit, so far seems to have avoided that problem. People seem to act like adults in here, well most of the time and there are some exceptions. When those petulant I'm cool/cruel people try to raise their heads, their 13 year old size gets in the way and they can not raise above the adults.

On steemit we have many people looking out for us to keep us grounded and a part of the real world, and to help remind us we are all real people. You @mammasitta are one of those people. In fact it is why I follow you and @stellabella, I use both of you as my Earth contact. You both help me keep it real.

I saw "A New Kind of Toxic " by @kyriacos. He made some very very good points, and like you I pretty much agree with what he said. And as you have tried to warn people "energy vampires" are everywhere, in every walk of life, and not just on line. Some are very good at what they do, but as our awareness grows they get easier to detect. Timely warnings from both you and @kyriacos.

I loooooveeee Your comments so much 🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 But can’t reply properly on my phone
@stellabelle is for sure a Real “Earth Mamma”

Kick toxic people out of your life - And if it needs you to be "toxic" for a moment it is the right thing. Do not hesitate to do ya' thing. It's for sure not worth anything staying with "power-steeling", "downing" or "dramatizing" individuals.

Get free and use your power for your positiv contribution to the world. :)


There is a co dependent aspect coming along and kicking out can be quite delayed because we try to fix those people. I tried but found myself in a very vicious cycle. Eventually I gave up and let it be. It’s not as easy when it’s your family.
Anyways nice to meet you

No it is not easy at all - but unfortunatelly the right thing to do is often the harder one.
Thx - same with you :-)

I just found this article again and your unanswered comment.....I got up and just left to start a new life on another continent far far far away! This was nearly 2 years ago. Today is April 24,2019

Just out of interested dear @mammsitta - do you agree with the message of the inspiring post of @kyriacos or are you more in disagreement :-)?

I agree with him 10000% !

OH Baby - ich bin soo beruhigt :-)

Na bitte 🙄

I just finished a call, Nobody is doeing what they have to do ,... they talk about WE will manage, but WHO is WE... they talk about THEY have to do it, but WHO is THEY. The people who speak in that way, are not clear at all, everybody thinks that something will happen, but nobody react,.. Finally the people who at least feel a bit responsible (in the project or in life) picks it up and start to solve/manage things where they actually not responsible for, And what happens; the THEY an WE callers benefit by using other people,... That are the REAL ENERGY VAMPIRES,.. I dislike it much, but see it to many times.

And you are right:

Never let anybody force you into situations they would not be in!

Thanks for this very good post

Right on my Dear ! Right on!!!!! 🐬🐬🐬

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