ColorChallenge - TuesdayOrange - Quick and Easy Pudding Using Oranges
Oranges are full of vitamin C and are often just eaten raw, simply juiced or turned into marmalade. Why not try one of these alternative and delicious dessert recipes?
The orange is a citrus fruit and hence packed full of vitamin C so helps boost the immune system. Recipes for sauces to serve with fowl, such as duck à l’orange and recipes for preserving Seville oranges as marmalade are well known and easily found. However, there are some alternative ways of using up a glut of oranges as these three quick, easy and, most importantly, tasty pudding recipes testify.

Orange and Mango Fool Recipe
4 largish oranges (or 8 smaller oranges such as satsuma, tangerine or clementine)
2 largish and ripe mangos
3 tbsp thick Greek style yoghurt or crème fraîche
- Remove the flesh from the mango
- Grate the rind from one of the larger oranges (or two of the smaller oranges) then peel them all and remove the pith
- Segment the oranges and remove the pips
- Keep four orange segments to one side and divide the rest between four individual dessert dishes
- Liquidise the mango until it forms a purée then fold in the yoghurt or crème fraîche
- Pour equal amounts over the orange segments in the dishes and decorate each one with one of the reserved orange segments
- Pop in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving.
#colorchallenge #tuesdayorange #photographycontest by @kalemandra