carolusmagnus resteemedddrfr33k (63)in #dlive • 7 years agoCreative Tuesday, the final stretch! August 28, 2018We're coming down to the final stretch in the Kremvh's Tooth! Only a little bit more paint remains, and then I can…carolusmagnus resteemedbmj (63)in #hayrunners • 7 years ago#HAYRUNNERS Raffle - Only a Few Hours Left to Get Your Tickets - Win a 2018 STEEM SILVER ROUND#HAYRUNNERS RAFFLE - Time is almost up!! GET YOUR TICKETS SOON!! Get your tickets for the #hayrunners drought…carolusmagnus resteemedgungunkrishu (67)in #health • 7 years agoTop8 Natural Alkaline Drinks...for good health..Natural Alkaline Drinks...for good health.. Alkaline water benefits is not limited to just keeping us healthy.…carolusmagnus resteemedfabianklauder (59)in #photography • 7 years agoReady to eat some 🦐!Steepshot IPFS IOS Android Webcarolusmagnus resteemedsaklabah (68)in #tasteem • 7 years agoBebek tepi sawah restaurantThis restaurant has a special and special menu that is fried duck or cook with special spices and secrets. This…carolusmagnus resteemeda00a (51)in #chocolate • 7 years agoChocolate Peanut Butter Popcorn Piecarolusmagnus resteemedhyunuk99 (63)in #tasteem • 7 years ago(테이스팀)Korean food(pork ribs)승일식당 주소 : 전남 담양군 담양읍 중앙로 98-1 이번에 소개해드릴곳은 전남담양에 위치한 석쇠돼지갈비맛집 승일식당입니다 워낙유명한집이라 손님이 많습니다 1인분양도 상당합니다 돼지갈비를…carolusmagnus resteemedfood-smg (56)in #food • 7 years agoFood Group Curation 08-27-2018 -3 Detox Water Recipes for Reviving Your Body, Delicious Chicken Pie Pasta, Taco With Baking Potatoes, Tomato Vegetable Peppercorns Juice, Spiced Brown Sugar Pound Cake@food-smg is part of the SMGroups project from @smartmediagroup to help better organize content in their categories…carolusmagnus resteemedcraignow (71)in #cooking • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Seasoning curry chicken and frying chicken liverSay it, let it go, then forget it, and it will show when you least expect it. The only value of equality in life is…carolusmagnus resteemedfarhan06 (60)in #food • 7 years agoMix of Vegetables in DiciplineToday I prepared a dish, I go to Market and buy that vegetables which are rejected by the customers, My friends even…carolusmagnus resteemedkyeongah (61)in #appics • 7 years ago돌쇠떡집 떡 줄서서 사왔어요Powered by APPICS - visit us at appics.comcarolusmagnus resteemedurusaa (50)in #tasteem • 7 years ago뮬라? 운동복만 알고있니?골목 깊숙한 곳에 위치한 카페 뮬라 그토록 뮬라 운동복은 입었으면서 왜 카페가 있던걸 여태 몰랐는지 ㅠㅠ 안에 들어갈 땐 몰랐는데 들어가면 전면이 통유리로 되어있어서 진짜 화사하고 그린그린한…carolusmagnus resteemedindygu2015 (60)in #kr-overseas • 7 years ago[새댁일기#118] 인디구의 먹방 모음집 제1탄!안녕하세요 @indygu2015(인디구)예요! 그동안 잠수타는 주제에도 아 오늘은 스팀잇 해야지 하며 사진을 열심히 찍고 댕겼었는데요 ㅎㅎ 그러면서도 열심히 잠수를 탔기에 사진들이…carolusmagnus resteemedprogressivechef (76)in #steemit-ironchef • 7 years agoSTEEMIT IRON CHEF 2018 Act 02 Round 13 : Contest now OPEN!!! Join to win amazing prizes consisting of all SBDs which will be made with this post...Discover the theme inside!Hello lovely world of foodies! The past week has gone so quickly that I did not get any free time to post for 7 days…carolusmagnus resteemedvinay12345 (5)in #food • 7 years agoLast night party...Last night party we were enjoyed a lots.. And specialy thanks to the organization.who brought a chiken ..for us...carolusmagnus resteemeddufresne (62)in #kr • 7 years ago스코빌지수매운맛의 척도를 나타내는 스코빌지수는 미국의 약사인 스코빌이 만들어서 그의 이름을 차용했다고 하네요. 스코빌지수에 따라 매운맛을 즐겨보면 재밌을 것 같습니다.carolusmagnus resteemednewhigh (67)in #food • 7 years agoSo goodcarolusmagnus resteemedblorg (65)in #blog • 7 years agoFood Adventure Dublin: The Search For A Good MealI tried Irish food and immediately wanted to leave the country…and I did after 4 days. Dublin is a pretty modern city…carolusmagnus resteemeddocudai-jun (71)in #busy • 7 years ago늦은 새벽 치즈케익 시식새벽까지 잠을 안자고 있으니 당연히 배가 고파집니다. 냉장고에 어제 와이프가 사온 치즈케익이 있긴 하지만 혼자 먹었다간 내일 무사하지 못할거 같아서 참고 있었는데, 다행히도 와이프도 잠자리가 바뀌어서 그런지…carolusmagnus resteemedcraignow (71)in #food • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Box from Home Chef Having a plan is being afraid to succeed. Natural freedom is in perfect balance with mechanical intent, so machines…