出奇制胜的弹性思维Surprisingly flexible thinking
Surprisingly flexible thinking
If the traditional way of thinking is to solve problems step by step, then the flexible thinking is to let you jump out of the traditional thinking framework, perspective the overall situation, surprisingly winning.
First of all, David Wallerstein, who is not very familiar with this person, but what he does affects almost every one of us. Wallerstein worked for a chain cinema in the 1960s. The main income from the cinema was not from the box office but from popcorn and cola. Actually, this is also the case. Wallerstein is mainly responsible for increasing the sales of popcorn and cola.
Wallerstein first used the traditional method, like buying one get one free, daytime field offers, but nothing. One day, Wallerstein suddenly epiphany, he thought, perhaps people really want to eat more popcorn, but they do not want to be seen to buy two bags, because it would seem particularly greedy. It should be noted that gluttony is a taboo that is deeply rooted in Western culture. This is one of the seven sins in the Bible. Wouldn’t it be good if they could eliminate their emotional resistance to buying a second bag of popcorn? Why don't you want to buy two bags and still want to eat more? Wallerstein introduced large barrels of popcorn. As a result, not only popcorn sales have soared, but even Coca-Cola's sales have gone up. This is also a good understanding, eat much, of course, drink more.
So, flexible thinking is a bit like jumping out of the frame. However, it is not easy for people to jump out of the traditional thinking framework. You will know again about Wallerstein’s experience with McDonald's.
In the mid-1970s when Wallerstein entered McDonald's, he advised McDonald's founder Ray Kroc to sell larger-packed French fries. At the time, Clarke said: "If customers want to eat more fries, they can buy two packages." It doesn't work. When McDonald's adopted this strategy, it was 1990 and it took nearly 20 years. At that time, the oversized packaging was nothing new, and it was already popular.
When people think, they will form a fixed thinking framework based on previous experience or social environment. This thinking framework determines the way we look at things and their perspective. For example, how do we view an object, what is valued in an object, what is ignored, and what are the default premise are all in this framework, which is called a paradigm in science and called a paradigm. If there is a major event in one area that changes the original assumption or law, it is called Paradigm shift.
The term was coined by the American scientific philosopher Thomas Kuhn in the book The Structure of the Scientific Revolution. For example, when people discovered that the earth was round rather than flat, all previous analyses and understandings of the earth were almost entirely reconsidered. Fundamentally speaking, the paradigm shift is to allow people to rush out of the original constraints and restrictions, and to open up new possibilities for people's thinking and actions.
Whether it is personal life or science, everyone has formed their own thinking framework through experience accumulation and formed their own paradigms. Afterwards, some people have remained in place and some have evolved their own thinking framework. Those who have achieved self-paradigm shifts, that is, those who have continuously upgraded their awareness, are better able to adapt to a changing environment and have more advantages.
人的大脑中大致有两种思维状态,一种负责集中注意力,处在这个状态下的大脑模式叫执行网络——Executive Network。比如说,你现在要是在认真听咱们专栏,跟着我的讲解理解内容,那用到的就是大脑的执行网络,但是这个执行网络只能帮助你完成任务,不能让你产生创意。
另一种网络,默认网络,Default Network,是弹性思维的核心思维状态。默认网络下的大脑,处于放空状态,很多时候,我们甚至都意识不到它的存在。但就是这个默认网络,帮助我们理解最近的经历和学习的内容,整合吸收新经验,产生创意,想出那些有突破性的解决方案。