🏅 中文区近30天发帖用户排行榜(Effective SP, Steem Power, Reputation)
大概是一个多月以前(2017-07-14),我发布过中文区30日内发帖用户的声望分、Steem Power,以及有效SP的排行榜
🏅 中文区近30天发帖用户排行榜(Reputation, Steem Power, Real SP)
当初这个帖子中我引入个新条目叫:Real STEEM POWER
RSP代表Real STEEM POWER, 计算方法是: RSP = SP + 别人代理过来的 - 代理给别人的
最近steemd.com的更新上增加了一个条目叫Effective sp,其实就说我说的Real STEEM POWER,不过叫做Effective SP更合理,我也就开始用steemd.com上的叫法啦。计算方法是一样的。
与一个多月前比起来,中文区最大的变化,是多了一些有效SP的大户 😀,都是谁,想必大家都已经很清楚啦,我就不一一指出啦。
数据生成时间: 2017-08-25 10:36:22(UTC)
这期间共有: 文章数4306
, 发帖用户数924
🏅按Effective SP排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by Real SP)
Rank. | ID | REP | SP | Effective SP | VP(%) |
1 | @abit | 69.45 | 1843389.85 | 1843389.85 | 86.36 |
2 | @sweetsssj | 74.74 | 65750.01 | 846284.09 | 89.18 |
3 | @tumutanzi | 65.76 | 4144.25 | 503017.71 | 85.60 |
4 | @htliao | 64.04 | 3891.89 | 502765.35 | 77.34 |
5 | @linuslee0216 | 63.00 | 2222.86 | 501100.84 | 83.80 |
6 | @nicolemoker | 62.04 | 1574.52 | 500475.61 | 99.64 |
7 | @officialfuzzy | 73.81 | 21535.71 | 187145.86 | 75.03 |
8 | @davidding | -10.85 | 103440.19 | 103444.82 | 43.50 |
9 | @czechglobalhosts | 59.90 | 78250.73 | 78278.36 | 93.66 |
10 | @oflyhigh | 72.04 | 14905.08 | 61326.58 | 84.61 |
11 | @ace108 | 71.45 | 12275.95 | 60754.54 | 49.32 |
12 | @deanliu | 70.85 | 11487.59 | 59966.18 | 37.78 |
13 | @skt | 62.45 | 42253.23 | 42253.23 | 77.80 |
14 | @nextgen622 | 64.94 | 31127.31 | 31127.31 | 62.52 |
15 | @rea | 68.28 | 28995.26 | 28995.26 | 96.69 |
16 | @jack8831 | 63.12 | 15784.97 | 24940.83 | 98.00 |
17 | @testz | 65.52 | 19048.94 | 19048.94 | 98.00 |
18 | @lawrenceho84 | 58.11 | 17370.48 | 17370.48 | 77.67 |
19 | @sirwinchester | 75.01 | 14582.23 | 14582.23 | 59.64 |
20 | @isaaclab | 61.62 | 10622.93 | 12626.09 | 67.70 |
21 | @writemore | 58.95 | 409.20 | 12599.79 | 82.45 |
22 | @justyy | 66.47 | 3063.35 | 11793.52 | 67.33 |
23 | @helene | 70.28 | 11744.79 | 11744.79 | 54.72 |
24 | @cqf | 51.60 | 10779.60 | 10779.60 | 94.67 |
25 | @khaiyoui | 55.72 | 6555.52 | 10099.26 | 99.90 |
26 | @myfirst | 72.15 | 6356.98 | 9711.16 | 48.79 |
27 | @miso | 58.55 | 518.30 | 9504.78 | 90.92 |
28 | @lemooljiang | 69.88 | 8234.92 | 8234.92 | 84.22 |
29 | @skt1 | 63.72 | 7574.46 | 7574.46 | 73.67 |
30 | @joythewanderer | 65.69 | 7238.37 | 7238.37 | 37.82 |
🏅按SP排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by STEEM Power)
Rank. | ID | REP | SP | Effective SP | VP(%) |
1 | @abit | 69.45 | 1843389.85 | 1843389.85 | 86.36 |
2 | @davidding | -10.85 | 103440.19 | 103444.82 | 43.50 |
3 | @czechglobalhosts | 59.90 | 78250.73 | 78278.36 | 93.66 |
4 | @sweetsssj | 74.74 | 65750.01 | 846284.09 | 89.18 |
5 | @skt | 62.45 | 42253.23 | 42253.23 | 77.80 |
6 | @nextgen622 | 64.94 | 31127.31 | 31127.31 | 62.52 |
7 | @rea | 68.28 | 28995.26 | 28995.26 | 96.69 |
8 | @officialfuzzy | 73.81 | 21535.71 | 187145.86 | 75.03 |
9 | @testz | 65.52 | 19048.94 | 19048.94 | 98.00 |
10 | @lawrenceho84 | 58.11 | 17370.48 | 17370.48 | 77.67 |
11 | @jack8831 | 63.12 | 15784.97 | 24940.83 | 98.00 |
12 | @oflyhigh | 72.04 | 14905.08 | 61326.58 | 84.61 |
13 | @sirwinchester | 75.01 | 14582.23 | 14582.23 | 59.64 |
14 | @ace108 | 71.45 | 12275.95 | 60754.54 | 49.32 |
15 | @helene | 70.28 | 11744.79 | 11744.79 | 54.72 |
16 | @deanliu | 70.85 | 11487.59 | 59966.18 | 37.78 |
17 | @cqf | 51.60 | 10779.60 | 10779.60 | 94.67 |
18 | @isaaclab | 61.62 | 10622.93 | 12626.09 | 67.70 |
19 | @yogi | 64.45 | 8617.95 | 2601.61 | 70.34 |
20 | @lemooljiang | 69.88 | 8234.92 | 8234.92 | 84.22 |
21 | @skt1 | 63.72 | 7574.46 | 7574.46 | 73.67 |
22 | @joythewanderer | 65.69 | 7238.37 | 7238.37 | 37.82 |
23 | @shieha | 69.94 | 7212.74 | 7212.74 | 89.34 |
24 | @khaiyoui | 55.72 | 6555.52 | 10099.26 | 99.90 |
25 | @myfirst | 72.15 | 6356.98 | 9711.16 | 48.79 |
26 | @rivalhw | 69.74 | 6246.32 | 6246.32 | 67.39 |
27 | @chinadaily | 73.49 | 6153.91 | 6153.91 | 95.34 |
28 | @richristow | 67.91 | 5764.51 | 5764.51 | 97.73 |
29 | @cryptastic | 54.32 | 5683.84 | 5729.61 | 85.69 |
30 | @yangyang | 65.66 | 5196.36 | 154.34 | 90.37 |
🏅按声望分排序 / Top 30 authors (sorted by Reputation score)
Rank. | ID | REP | SP | Effective SP | VP(%) |
1 | @sirwinchester | 75.01 | 14582.23 | 14582.23 | 59.64 |
2 | @sweetsssj | 74.74 | 65750.01 | 846284.09 | 89.18 |
3 | @officialfuzzy | 73.81 | 21535.71 | 187145.86 | 75.03 |
4 | @chinadaily | 73.49 | 6153.91 | 6153.91 | 95.34 |
5 | @myfirst | 72.15 | 6356.98 | 9711.16 | 48.79 |
6 | @elfkitchen | 72.14 | 3027.62 | 3027.62 | 85.36 |
7 | @oflyhigh | 72.04 | 14905.08 | 61326.58 | 84.61 |
8 | @birds90 | 71.67 | 3160.09 | 3160.09 | 72.14 |
9 | @ace108 | 71.45 | 12275.95 | 60754.54 | 49.32 |
10 | @deanliu | 70.85 | 11487.59 | 59966.18 | 37.78 |
11 | @helene | 70.28 | 11744.79 | 11744.79 | 54.72 |
12 | @fishingvideos | 70.01 | 189.12 | 1.70 | 98.00 |
13 | @shieha | 69.94 | 7212.74 | 7212.74 | 89.34 |
14 | @lemooljiang | 69.88 | 8234.92 | 8234.92 | 84.22 |
15 | @rivalhw | 69.74 | 6246.32 | 6246.32 | 67.39 |
16 | @abit | 69.45 | 1843389.85 | 1843389.85 | 86.36 |
17 | @ejhaasteem | 68.44 | 895.40 | 1009.94 | 47.17 |
18 | @rea | 68.28 | 28995.26 | 28995.26 | 96.69 |
19 | @richristow | 67.91 | 5764.51 | 5764.51 | 97.73 |
20 | @cnfund | 67.87 | 4279.47 | 105.46 | 94.16 |
21 | @germanlifestyle | 67.58 | 2831.97 | 2831.97 | 96.04 |
22 | @jademont | 67.39 | 4989.91 | 4989.91 | 87.55 |
23 | @curiesea | 66.67 | 1025.97 | 1534.99 | 25.77 |
24 | @condra | 66.67 | 4340.89 | 4340.89 | 64.36 |
25 | @jubi | 66.60 | 1550.87 | 1550.87 | 25.31 |
26 | @justyy | 66.47 | 3063.35 | 11793.52 | 67.33 |
27 | @someone | 65.93 | 1411.97 | 1411.97 | 98.00 |
28 | @tumutanzi | 65.76 | 4144.25 | 503017.71 | 85.60 |
29 | @joythewanderer | 65.69 | 7238.37 | 7238.37 | 37.82 |
30 | @yangyang | 65.66 | 5196.36 | 154.34 | 90.37 |
I just now readed your content.It's excellent content .
This post received a 😊😊 39% upvote from @srtechtube
thanks to @tumutanzi! ,
I just now readed your content.It's excellent content .
This post received a 😊😊 11.8% upvote from @srtechtube
thanks to @travelgirl! ,
very great and interesting info
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thanks for share it
upvoted ,, fallowed and resteemed :)
I just now readed your content.It's excellent content .
This post received a 😊😊 17.8% upvote from @srtechtube
thanks to @angela.ghkh! ,
努力向reputation 進發~~ 💓
I just now readed your content.It's excellent content .
This post received a 😊😊 25.6% upvote from @srtechtube
thanks to @nicolemoker! ,
Saya selalu melihat #cn #kr #richlist selalu mendapatkan vote paling banyak. Yang membuat saya yang baru gabung dalam #steem atau #esteem membuat kagum dan terheran, ada apa dengam group ini??
buen dato !
Thanks you for posting information on steemit
hopefully many who ngevoted you .. follow me maybe we can be friends well
I just now readed your content.It's excellent content .
This post received a 😊😊 11.2% upvote from @srtechtube
thanks to @holl.boll! ,
Thank you for the information .. this is good news .. hopefully many who ngevoted you .. follow me maybe we can be friends well