谁来挑战淘宝和亚马逊?Who will challenge Taobao and Amazon?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #cn7 years ago (edited)


那么目前的解决办法或者说各个公司间竞争的方式就是看谁能压缩的更多,服务更好. 但这是有极限的,不会无限压缩.那么使用优化不能解决问题,那就改变方式吧.我相信每个人的内心都是向往自由的,向往方便,向往简单,只是人与人之间的信任总是有人性来主宰,靠人品和相互监督制约可以,但一旦中间人不在乎了,那么这个信任还是要破裂.

所以需要一个不能改变的第三方,或者说可以双方共同同意后再改变的第三方. 智能合约是现在公认的解决方案,通过合约确认和确保.每件商品从原料开始就有了自己的身份证,每一步都有记录,让真的假不了,假的真不了,可溯源,公开透明.而且以后个人卖家的发展空间会无限放大,因为不再受平台约束,个人就是一个小的中心也是网络的一个节点,公开的与其他卖家和买家完成交易,不需要中心化的大型平台.一个分布式的网络,每个人都是节点,即使使用者又是维护者,所有的行为通过调用智能合约来完成,很少的费用,快捷的网络,不用担心信任问题,真正的省心,放心.

以太网络很多人都已经有所了解,一个加密猫网络就已经瘫痪,因为初始架构的问题速度和费用很难支撑大规模商业应用,所以Cybermiles将 C2C 市场平台去中心化,并为现实世界和线上市场应用开发区块链解决方案。商业模式中的盈利来自于商户及个人、银行间的转账和交易。速度是以太网络的百倍,费用超低,这些都是电子商务使用环境非常重要的因素,需要支撑大量的应用. Cybermiles建立了12个大类,371个小类的商业智能合约模版,以支持多种商业使用.开发者可以在上面创建C2C交易平台、建立各种分布式商业应用服务. Cyber


专业的事儿要专业的人来做才能保证最大概率的成功. Cybermiles发起者就是美国的领先电子商务企业,而发起人是中国淘宝平台的曾经的经理,所以很多功能和设计都有针对电子商务应用场景的优化.随着测试网络已经运行,稳定后主网将上线,所有代币将切换到主网系统.


 访问这里:https://www.cybermiles.io/,了解更多。      作者:ehugh0618:https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1727934

Now how do we run e-commerce, browse websites, search for goods, find suitable ones, place orders, transport logistics, get home receipts, payment, or after-sales services. If you come across fake products? Complaints, website assistance to contact the seller, the seller Contact the manufacturer, or the seller disappeared. How many middlemen do you have to go through, have you ever thought about it, and how much time did so many middlemen delay?

Well, the current solution or the way companies compete with each other is to see who can compress more, and the service is better. But there is limit, and it will not be compressed indefinitely. Then use optimization can not solve the problem, then change the way I believe that everyone's heart is longing for freedom, yearning for convenience, yearning for simplicity, but the trust between people is always dominated by human nature, and can be controlled by personality and mutual supervision, but once the middleman does not care, then This trust still needs to be broken.

So there is a need for a third party that cannot be changed, or a third party that can agree to change after mutual agreement. Smart contracts are now recognized as solutions, through contractual confirmation and ensuring that each item has its own identity card from the beginning of the raw material. Each step has its own record, so that it cannot be faked. It cannot be fake, traceable and open and transparent. Furthermore, the development space of individual sellers will be infinitely enlarged. Because the platform is no longer constrained, the individual is a small center and also a network. One node that openly trades with other sellers and buyers and does not require centralized large-scale platforms. A distributed network where everyone is a node, even if the user is a maintainer, all actions by calling smart contracts To complete, very little cost, fast network, do not worry about trust, real worry, rest assured.

Many people on the Ethernet network already understand that an encrypted cat network is already paralyzed. Because the speed and cost of the initial infrastructure are difficult to support large-scale commercial applications, Cybermiles has decentralized the C2C market platform and made it possible for the real world and the line. Market application development blockchain solution. Profits in the business model come from merchants and individuals, bank transfers and transactions. Speed

is a hundred times faster than Ethernet, and the cost is very low. These are very important factors in the use environment of e-commerce and need to support a large number of applications. Cybermiles has established 12 major categories, 371 subcategories of business intelligence contract templates to support multiple Commercial use. Developers can create C2C trading platforms and build various distributed business application services on them. CyberMiles aims to become a public chain of all e-commerce related transactions. It has the advantages of a single large network, but it is mistrusted. Community maintenance and verification.

The professional thing is to be done by professional people to ensure the greatest probability of success. The originator of Cybermiles is the leading e-commerce company in the United States, and the promoter is the former manager of the China Taobao platform, so many functions and designs are targeted at e-commerce. Application scenario optimization. With the test network already running, the stable main network will go online and all tokens will be switched to the main network system.

The future is the C2C world. Many intermediary agencies will be subverted and changes in production relations will come. Various historical organizational activities will be guaranteed by various kinds of smart contracts. Concern over subversive technologies will be my own future. Since the future, do not miss it!


@ehugh0618, 写得好好哇~~~ img

BTW, @cn-naughty.boy 淘气包你个死鬼,上次送个LV的A货给我,你现在还好意思出来...

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