ehugh0618 (34)in #cn • 7 years ago有趣的象形文字,古老而美丽!大开眼界。先欣赏一幅百家姓文字图,看看古老文字的魅力。有没有你的姓氏呢,它最初又是什么样子呢?非常有趣 很形象吧,真实佩服古人的想象力和绘画功底,要是每个人都还在用这些文字,那么人人都是绘画高手。…ehugh0618 (34)in #cn • 7 years ago暴走恭亲王:杀不死你的,只会让你更强大暴走恭亲王,真名龚鸣,毕业于上海大学数学系。ICOAGE、区块链铅笔、EOS.CYBEX创始人。翻译和撰写过大量资料,著有《数字货币》《区块链-新经济蓝图》等作品。以下问答内容为我们在不改变被访者原意的前提下,对文字进行了部分删减。ehugh0618 (34)in #cn • 7 years ago解决区块链世界身份和信任的新思路随着比特币网络的成功运行9年,虽然有波折,但是网络确实运行稳定,伟大的人类实验没有失败。所以有了以太坊这样更进一步的平台。历史的发展向来都不是一帆风顺的,没有波动就没有向下一个目标前进的动力。众所周知的加密猫事件让以太的辉煌来到了一个顶峰,ehugh0618 (34)in #cn • 7 years ago聊聊今日币圈,看看消息面,会有什么收获呢?今天不聊行情,聊聊几个新闻吧。eos是没法绕过去的,谁让人家占据了那么多的关注度呢,这个主网上线,用国内的一句话就是万里长征开始了第一步,万事开头难,但对于eos来说已经算是容易些的。现在不论以前怎么说自己好,那都是字面性能,就像当年的淘宝ehugh0618 (34)in #cn • 7 years ago本周行情预测和建议!关注大趋势,无视小波动!1.本周行情预测: 所有预测是基于本周走势,而不是一天,请各位链友注意。大盘走势图如下:ehugh0618 (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCompass of the world of cryptocurrencies--TaklimakanWith the skyrocketing of Bitcoin, many people have known it and have learned more about it in the coming months. Many…ehugh0618 (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoCryptography, global challenges, how to crack?加密货币监管,全球难题,如何破解?With the rapid development of cryptocurrency, a wave has emerged in both developed and backward countries, and it is…ehugh0618 (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agoWhat is the most needed now for the blockchain?Since the crypto cat's fieryness last year reached the peak of the blockchain project, it was also due to the hot…ehugh0618 (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Where is the next outlet? Blockchain games 下一个风口在哪里—区块链游戏The next outlet Where? That could blow sky of pigs outlet. A lot of people are looking for. I am no exception. I…ehugh0618 (34)in #cryptocurrency • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.Future countriesThroughout the history of mankind, it has always been difficult to advance through fluctuations and fluctuations. In…ehugh0618 (34)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.谁来挑战淘宝和亚马逊?Who will challenge Taobao and Amazon?现在我们的电子商务是如何运行的,浏览网站,搜索商品,找到合适的,下单,物流运送,到家签收,付款,或者售后.如果碰到假商品呢?投诉,网站协助联系卖家,卖家再联系生产商,或者卖家消失.这一切要经过多少个中间人,你有想过吗?这么多中间人又耽误了多ehugh0618 (34)in #cn • 7 years agosteemCreated with Sketch.到底为什么来这里?Why come here?说实话,作为新人来到这里都是什么原因呢?很好奇。 是被吸引,觉得新鲜,还是奖励系统,赚取代币,又或者找找志同道合的人,或者想远离国内吵杂的环境来寻找桃园,等等等等,各人有各人的不同。 To be honest, what is…