The Story of Christmas - with pictures! 🎄

in #christmas7 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, an alien spaceship shined down upon a newborn in a manger.

*see Notes

It is said the babe grew up to roam the Tibetan & Indian countrysides, learning energy healing techniques like yoga & Reiki along the way.


He practiced his "laying of hands" on invalids and lepers across the globe and was respected and revered for his self mastery and dealings in miracles. He was also said to be a helluva carpenter.

He was called Jesus the Christ, "christ" being the Greek term for the Anointed One or the Chosen One - a title conferred on beings recognized as embodying enlightenment. Interestingly (or not - I don't know what you're into), a Sanskrit definition of "christ" is "buddha".

Jesus the Christ preached that we are all Sons and Daughters of God - that's why he called himself A Son of God, rather than THE Son of God, and he demonstrated A way to embody our divine birthright.

Then, as was the style of the time, he was executed by crucifixion because he was seen as a threat to the central authority. Aliens appeared there too, captured by the original Instagram = paintings on walls:

The Crucifixion of Christ, from the 1300s. Hangs above the altar of the Visoki Decani Monastery in Kosovo.

The Crucifixion Of Christ fresco in Svetishoveli Cathedral in Mtskheta, Georgia.

Years later, the virgin birth story of deities like Horace (son of Isis) & Krishna was rewritten once again, this time casting Jesus the Christ as the latest miracle baby. 

Then, the Catholic Church proclaimed December 25th the birth date of Jesus the Christ to compete with the pagan festivities of Saturnalia. 


In 1931, the Coca-Cola company got ahold of the mythical Saint Nicholas figure, blanketed him in a jolly red suit, and popularized the story of Santa Claus delivering presents for good boys and girls on Christmas Eve.


In modern Christmas celebrations, Americans get a few days off work to put up a tree in their living room and assemble with family members that most of them can't stand to exchange gifts that most of them can't afford to try to buy each other's love. 


This is my interpretation & recollection of the Christmas story, pieced together from my understanding of myth & lore, the Bible, Alan Watts, art, movies, observation, and more books including The Unknown Life of Christ and Jesus in India, and is intended for entertainment purposes. Take it or leave it! 

*this painting is The Baptism of Christ, by Dutch artist Aert de Gelde from 1710. I realized after I wrote this blurb that it depicts the baptism rather than birth of Jesus, but I think my point is still made - people can say whatever they want, details get skewed, stories are edited. You're welcome to believe whatever you want to believe about any historical or mythological event you find worthy of consideration!

Pics that aren't credited in this post are from


💛 Sara! 


hahaahhaaha well done!

Thank you! 😂

Seeing the UFO got me thinking where the post is going.. :D

It was a very good read and good to know about Santa now :D

Glad you enjoyed it, @danzy! :)

Very informative



I had a vague idea about this. But did not have a clear information. Thank you for your amazing and informative post. Great Read !

You're welcome, hope you learned a lot!

I am greatly fascinated by conspiracy theories, @saramiller :) I had read about the connection being established between Krishna and Christ. The story of their birth is very similar. The alien theory is kind of interesting. Adds to the knowledge and opens horizons and perspectives and explains the unexplained :) :)

Yes what's interesting to me is that there are many elements including immaculate conception, announcement of pregnancy by heavenly entities, birth, and adoration = visit by 3 wise men that appear across many cultures. There are tons of similarities from stories across ancient Sumer & Babylon, Egypt, Greece, Rome, India, China, Persia, and even North & South America! What's more, there are events above & beyond the lives of the gods, messiahs, and prophets - like a great flood - described all over the world.

If you look at the Bible as absolute historical fact, it can be a bit hard to accept that other cultures cast different characters in the same dramas, but if you look at it as a metaphor it's a bit easier to take in. I was not raised in any religion, but I always thought these stories were fascinating & I had the unique opportunity to study a huge variety of religions without attachment to any one in particular.

The stories are of course super rich and detailed, but they're also part of the fabric of entire societies and wield HUGE power of people. Plus, as an outsider looking in, I was amazed that Christians or Hindus or whoever just somehow knew all their major religious stories. So I read their books, and realized that people kinda knew the jist of what the stories were about, but details were hugely varied. Anyhoo, that could be a whole series of posts in itself.

If the alien theories interest you, I suggest you research the Annunaki, the Elohim, and the Nephilim for starters. You'll find that there are plenty of people who think humans are a science experiment and that we have been genetically engineered from alien races.

exactly my point and perspective too. The Indian mythological story "Mahabharatha" has incidents and details that make sense only when you consider the alien theory. Nuclear weapons, teleportation, interplanetary travel, advanced laser artillery, atlantis, kinesthetics, energy interaction, immaculate conception, cloning, inter-species reproduction... Everything is documented in detail in Mahabharatha. It all sounds fantastical. But fantasy is a born from reality. The Alien Theory kind of completes the puzzling picture. I did read a little about the Book of enoch. I will definitely research your suggestions. thanks. Great to meet you here, @saramiller :)

followed you :)

Excellent arc there. Had no idea where you were going with this and that's unusual. I like being taken in unexpected directions by a piece. Thanks

You're welcome, I like going in unexpected directions!

Good read and photos / images... Thanks for the share...Happy Holidays and New Year.

you have a fertile imagination that conjure facts and story telling into an article

My mind is an interesting place. What a hoot!

Very nice stoty. Great post thanks.

Very interesting to read with pics :) so much of information in a short and sweet content :)

Thanks, I like short n sweet posts! Some people like really long and dense, but that's not my style lately. It's nice to have a variety on Steemit!

yeah, you are right :) but keep providing all varieties :) your collections are amazing :)

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