The Hivechess Tournament is back - Start of Season 13 this Friday!

in #chess3 years ago

Dear chess fans!

The prices from Season 12 were in the meantime sent to to all players.
In total (rounded up) 630 Hive (currently app. 352$) have accumulated in the @badge-646464 account and were distributed among the 22 qualified participants (in season 10 "only" 477 Hive were distributed among 40 participants, season 11 was a round robin with different rules). The @badge-646464 account is now under power down, to be used in season 14 again.

Thanks a lot to all the Upvoters and Supporters!

Here is the snapshot of the final pricepool.

🏆 Payout table of Season 12 🏆

RankHive nameLichess nameRatingRounds playedPointsPerformancePrice (Hive)
Winner@sawkoCM sawkito240010234228985,4


The Hivechess Hall of Fame

is now located here as a post collection (and includes ALL Hivechess tournaments):
Select "View as post" in order to see it in a better way!



After the break Season 13 will start this Friday 2nd Sep., 19h GMT (at the usual time)! It will go over 10 rounds and will be conducted in the classical way, like seasons 1 to 10, so no registration fee and you can join anytime. However, please note that you need to participate in 40% of the tournaments (i.e. at least 4) in order to qualify for prices (less strict than the 50% from previous season)!

The percentage of post rewards feeding the price pool stays at 70% and the @chesspricepool account will be used to accrue the post rewards, so you can anytime check the size of the pricepool for yourself here. All what is there, goes straight to the S13 prices (HBD will be converted to Hive). It has already about 100 Hive (from the summer Hive fun tournament)! Again I encourage any tournament or streaming report to set @chesspricepool as 5 or 10% beneficiary, because it is the tournament who made the report possible in first place, right? As always, any curation rewards of @chesspricepool will of course also go to the price pool!
The points for each round are as always distributed via the "Lighteye system", explained here!

What´s new?

For the first time we have an additional external sponsor! Thanks to @leofinance and @anomadsoul there will be 500 LEO paid out to the participants!
50 LEO each will be used for the 3 special prices (see below detailed in the rules) and the rest of 350 LEO will be distributed equally to all who make it into the final ranking.

Also new this season: The worst result in terms of tournament points from each player will NOT be counted. This should counteract a bad day or some technical problems and may make the final results a bit more fair by removing such outliers (but also less predictable until the very last round is finished!). So if a player participates 10 times, the best 9 results will be counted, and if he is 4 times present, only the 3 best results will be counted. But deleted results will still be valid for the overall performance and special price calculations!

Round 1

Time Mode: 4+1 (4 minutes per game, 1 sec. increment), 7 rounds Swiss mode

Tournament Link:



  • Players of all skill levels are welcome, from newbies to experts, you just need a free Lichess-account and join our team in Lichess here!
  • Every Friday is one round.
  • Time mode is varying (5+0, 3+2, 2+1,...) and sometimes berserking is not allowed.
  • The winner of each round gets the number of points equaling the number of players in that round, the second ranked one point less and so forth until the one on the bottom of the table who gets one point. In order to be counted, at least 3 games must have been played.
  • Occasionally a round may be divided into 2 skill classes.
  • In case two players have the same number of points, the one who played less rounds is first. If that is equal too, then the average tournament performance decides.
  • PAYOUT: The tournament points of the 10 rounds are summed up. 70% of all Hivechess-related post rewards go to the price pool (PP). The tournament winner will get 50 Hive as bonus, the runner-up 25, the third 10 and the rest of the PP (minus 30) is divided among all players equally (40%) and according to the number of tournament points achieved (60%). 40% participation is required in order to qualify for the prices.
  • There will be special prices of 10 Hive plus 50 LEO each for the highest performance in relation to the own rating (counted by averaging the rating after the first and the last round) and for the most rating points gained during the tournament (counted from after first to last participation). If a player would qualify for both prices, he still gets 10 Hive /50 LEO only and the second placed of each score gets 5/25.
  • There will be a special price of 1 Hive plus 5 LEO in each round for the game won with the biggest upset in rating difference.
  • If I don´t know your Hive username, you won´t be considered for prices, so please let me know your Hive name in the comments! Group or badge accounts can participate but are not qualified for prices! Only individuals can get prices.

Please share this announcement among your (chess) friends and colleagues!
The more participate, the more fun! And maybe some are even interested to join Hive and it´s Chess Community?

See you on Friday and good luck to all!


Potentially of interest to:
@aakrist @abimbola753 @agreste @alberto0607 @alexmag1988 @almightymelon @alpha @ambarvegas @amirl @anadello @anli @anomadsoul @apy @arsenal49 @astrolabio @b0s @bechibenner @behiver @bitsignal @burnoutawesome @camiloferrua @cerati @chessbrotherspro @chesthetica @clixmoney @cocacolaron @cryptoph0823 @darruiz @diegofitness92 @digitalis @ebingo @eliaschess333 @elprofe62 @emeka4 @eniolw @eenriquerivas @evgsk @fairy-of-comfort @fcastro177 @fiona777 @flaws @foxconnmars @franciscomarval @franu @gabotask @giacomone @gingerbyna @heimindanger @herz-ass @hierro21 @hirohurl @iammanythings1 @ibizaki @iceblue @iobates @jaki01 @jesusmgl1995 @jkms @johannfrare @josesmoke @juanmi96 @kintokris @kreur @levitant @lighteye @lofone @lucianosky @maciejficek @marcusantoniu26 @masterswatch @maverieux000 @meedo @mrsarri @mstafford @mypathtofire @nftland1989 @orlanzavala @oshiokhenhoya @pamboy27 @parung76 @perpz @petreius @pravesh0 @primersion @rafaelaquino @renerondon @rexplanet @rheda @rodrook @ropavejero @rosmarly @salomijale @samostically @sawko @schamangerbert @schnitte @soluce07 @solymi @spacetoon @steamloled @stranger27 @syndmitrij @the01crow @thedoc07 @therealflaws @timofey @tony1294 @tungphong @uliseshb @vaipraonde @vasigo @victorbch2 @vjap55 @walner @wegflexor @xoflox @yazp @zacherybinx
(just let me know if you don´t want to get the mentions)


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