What is a Cheat Meal?
Cheat day, what's a cheat day for?
The first answer would be it helps level out our hormones.
The body is made to go long spurts without food, yes, but just because a truck is meant for the off road, if it travels off road too much, there will be some damage.
How do we repair this damage?
Well with trucks, you take them to the shop, with our bodies, well we take them to the kitchen!
We repair our hormones by eating a lot of calories.
This helps the body over achieve when it comes to performance, instead of under achieve via eating itself to survive.
The body can do without a lot of things:
Let’s see, energy why is that turned up all the way?
Sex drive? Are you crazy we can't even feed ourselves, let alone babies! (Lowers testosterone)
Imagination? Ha-ha yeah, that's a waste of resources.
As you can see, if it does not have to do with food, your body starts to throw it off the ship to stop the sinking.
So yes, it’s not just OK to have a cheat day, it’s necessary for long term weight loss and prevents damage to your body and hormones.
It’s not what you do once a week that matters, it’s what you do the other six days that counts
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