Journal of the Path #24 - Goals, Aspirations, Plans - Chart Your Course Challenge

in #chartyourcourse7 years ago (edited)

I am Zak Ludick and this is my journal... and I got nominated by @anikekirsten to do the Chart Your Course Challenge. So I am going to work this into my regular post right here.

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As anyone will already know if they bother reading my Journal will already know is that I like keeping track of my progress and have short term and long term goals. This challenge just highlights certain aspects and asks certain questions about my goals. So why not respond and add them to the general mix?

So this is the detail of the chart your course:

I was nominated by @anikekirsten to do the Chart Your Course Challenge. This challenge was started by @dreemsteem who runs the Treasure Hunt in PYPT (Pimp Your Post Thursday) over on the Steemit Ramble Discord server.

The challenge asks you to complete 7 steps in a post. This is what it asks:

  1. What is your Steemit goal? (In one sentence, make it as specific and as measurable as possible)
  2. Prioritize these three aspects of Steemit for you: Posting, Curating, Commenting
  3. Name up to 5 groups/communities that help you to achieve your goal.
  4. Name at least one measurable future goal for: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.
  5. And because everything should end on a sweet note... name your favorite dessert!
  6. Challenge 3-5 people to chart their course!
  7. Use the #chartyourcourse tag

And here they are:

1. What is your Steemit goal?

To write my fiction and other articles and generate an additional income.

Would we not all want to become Steemit millionaires? Of course everyone wants to earn better and live better. In doing so, I would be putting forth what I love - my writing.

2. Prioritize these three aspects of Steemit

Posting is key. Without writing posts my account would become quiet and useless. Every day when I get home from work I sit down with the intention of posting. Commenting and then Curating both come simultaneously from there. You need to reciprocate all the love and attention people give you. So commenting, replying on comments, checking out the other people's work and giving them upvotes are all part and parcel of the Steemit experience.
Let's look at the Journal stats...

3. Name up to 5 groups/communities that help you to achieve your goal.

I would like to thank the following:

  1. @teamsouthafrica - a Discord group of South Africans. Active bunch of people that have a curation tail and an active upvoting community.
  2. @thewritersblock - a Discord group of writers. A collection of people I can chat with about writing.
  3. @isleofwrite - another Discord writing group. Some of the same and some different faces.
  4. PAL/MSP - the home of the minnow's in all their glory and thousands
  5. SteemSchool - A Discord group put together by @valourforfreedom.

4. Name at least one measurable future goal for: 1 month, 3 months, 6 months and 12 months.

Jeez... OK... I usually just work at them until I get them. Sometimes I get things done quicker and sometimes slower. The important thing is that I am always working on it and if I am positively working on it the luckier I get and the easier I get. But let me try putting some stuff down:

1 month from now: To have 150SP - That's +50% of what I currently have. Only way to get this is to become very active!
3 months from now: To be posting at least 2 different series simultaneously on Steemit.
6 months from now: To have unlocked the slider (500SP) and beyond by this point. I believe that my writing is good enough to achieve this and others have told me the same. I should keep at it then until the success becomes a by-product.
12 months from now: To earn a considerable additional income or even potential replacement income to my household.

5. Name your favorite dessert!

Everything... but really... if I had to choose something right now to have then it will be Caramel-mint fridge cake.

6. Challenge others


7. Tag is in place!

Right... so now onward to my regular stats!

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My Statistics

My account is now 89 days old (Established 11/01/2018)
Followers: 213
Authored Posts: 92
Streak days: 10 (Since 02/04/2018)
Comments: 665
Reputation: 49.69
SP: 99.22
Posts per day: 1.43

Steemit Goals

Short Term

Next milestone Followers: 225
Posts: 100
Streak days: Highscore is 18 days. - Getting there...
Next Milestone Comments: 700
Reputation: 50 - nearly there
SP: 100SP... soon...

Begin posting my Journal on a daily basis. - If I post each day from now till Sunday then I think I can take this off and just call it a habit...

Begin posting fiction at least every second day! - More or less getting this done.

Complete 40,000 Words for Camp NaNo. Now currently on 1186/40,000

Long Term

Followers: 300/400/500>>>>1000
Authored Posts: 150/200/250>>>>500
Streak days: 20,30,40>>>>>365!
Comments: 800/900>>>1000
Reputation: 55/60
SP: 150/200/250>>>>500 (Unlock the Slider!)>>>>1,000>>>>10,000>>>More?

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Other goals

Exercise and get fit!

My legs are still in their chops from the Hardcorps 22. Lifted and carried a lot of steel on site today. I am happy to say that i was sweating enough to call it exercise.

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What did I do to reach my goals? - Journal

I wrote on my NaNo.

I responded to this challenge!

I wrote my journal of course. Never take that for granted. If anything, I have maintained my 10 day writing streak, which is awesome.

Until next time!

Zak Ludick


hmmmm... another challenge... I like it! Thanks for nominating me dude.
You'll need to give me a few days to get around to this one though... I'm still behind in posting 2 others... but I like this one more (if for no reason other than it makes me state my goals and therefore more likely to achieve them), so I'll do this one right after I've done my #WhatsCookingChallenge post.

Awesome man. Good luck with that!

Nice job @zakludick !!!!! :)
I think your post shows that you've been tracking your stats for a while now - and that is HUGE!!!
(I just recently got my slider from a delegation and - let me tell you - IT'S GLORIOUS hahahahaha)
You're doing incredibly well for being here for only 3 months!! and I have a feeling that you know exactly where you're going :)

I appreciate that you did this challenge!!! Not only does it make you better - but it makes steemit better!!! (more of us with clear direction and not just milling around makes a better platform hehehe)

Thanks for sharing your goals with us!!! :)

Thank you so much for your upvote and support @dreemsteem, it means a lot to me.

Yes, I have been tracking my progress for quite a while. My journal is there for me to keep record of my daily doings and daily steps that I have taken to get there.

I have short term goals and most weeks I will reach three or four of them, because they are not set super high. Everyone wants 100,000SP, but what is much more important to new users is what steps we took to get there.

For me that means posting regularly. The Journal post usually contains some other bit about philosophy or life event of mine so it is not a soulless creation. :D

And then of course I have my fantasy fiction that I have quite a few readers of.

Congratulations on unlocking the slider. I so look forward to that!

I also write fantasy fiction!!! :) I tend to NOT read the work of others while I'm writing a story - because I can get so influenced by their story! It doesn't register in my head until I'm 8 chapters in and then I say... ummmmm this sounds a little bit like..... hahahahaha

so even though now i'm SO intrigued to read yours.... I'll wait for a bit. but when I get further... (maybe 2/3 finished...) we can trade stories??? hehehehe

Posting regularly is so key for a writer! and it's not even a chore... right??? It's such a joy to write! (well the writing part. not necessarily the formatting and all that haahaaha)

And i agree with you :) the big goal is crucial - but if we dont' have the little goals along the way - how do we know when we've veered off track???
Good job! Excellent :) and.... ughhhh i so want to peek at your work - but i'm NOT going to .... YET!!!


The fiction that I am writing has been carrying on for many years and will carry on indefinitely. Even if I had to write full time. Which makes me sad because I could be writing so much more if I could.

Need to begin doing this full time...

I think I constantly get influenced but I have a good memory so my influence is colored in by an kaleidoscope of previous works read.

Ok - that makes me happy to hear that you get influenced too! hahahaha I always toss anything that starts to sound like "something else" even though I know that there's nothing new under the sun! I'm certain that what I'm writing right now probably will remind someone of another story somewhere... lol but the concept actually came from when I was a child. So.... even if it does resemble other things... I feel confident of where I'm drawing the influence. (does that even make sense??? lol)

so you're going to be writing your story as a story with no ending??? Is that what you mean?

No. It's not that my story (stories) do not have an ending. I am a world builder. Like... really...

I am talking abouy 50% publishable and 50% background in abouy 1,000,000 words currently.

World of Kedra has 6 main projects of which Steemit has seen only Raiders of the Middle Sea. Raiders is a pulp fiction action set over 1000km away from where the big books happen. It was just meant as a marketing thing for Smashwords and DeviantArt. But then I have had way more success on Steemit so i took off the two eps on Smashwords and reworked them. Still... it is the cheap and cheerful version compared to some of the others.

World of Kedra has no less than 70 characters that have been worked out in detail, from childhood to romantic interests, from fears and phobias to hopes and dreams. Then there are at least 350 other named characters... so far.

My new CampNaNo project will probably add around 5 to the former and 30-50 to the latter.

Its only plagiarism if it comes from one source. If it comes from multiple sources it is called research! (Paraphrasing Martin here)

hahahaha i love that!!! I will definitely remember that!!! :) Mine undoubtedly come from multiple sources ! I'll try to hang onto them a little longer before I trash them in the future hehehe

and yes - I've said that always... that I create worlds (and then even live in them for a while hehhe)

but YOUR creating words is sooooooooo extensive!!!

You sound like you're creating a symphony of novels! (It always amazed me that someone could write so many separate parts for a symphony and have it come together in such beauty!!!) I think that's what you're attemtpting! a symphony of novels! wow Impressive!!! :)

I agree with your analogy! Haha! It's very good!

Yeah I have content oozing out all the sides with Kedra.

Like the Towers of Magic. Thousands of Magi, but only around 12 High Mages and about 26 Master Mages. Each one is positively story-worthy!

Oh awesome! Challenge accepted!

Go for it Shuan!

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