
Although the exceptions kind of make legal free speech seem like a joke, the constitutional right of free speech does not apply between you and your sister. Private persons attempting to censor one another by shouting is perfectly legal and constitutional in most spaces (probably wouldn't fly in a courtroom, but for other reasons). It's worth putting it in context that it's pretty much only in reference to how the government might attempt to limit your free speech rights. See all the cases of private campus censorship, people being ejected from malls, etc.

However of course I'm sad to hear about it, the legality notwithstanding. I have to commend you for your attitude though, it's not easy to exist in the same space as people who Don't Get It™ I wouldn't worry to much about the impressionable kids. Life is (hopefully) long and the scales will fall from the eyes eventually.

Hope you enjoyed the eclipse anyway. 😎

Well, that's true enough, about people conversing with one another. She can do that if she wants, but she won't do it to me again. I can just walk away too, and I will, if she keeps on her blinders.

I'm counting on it, TBQH, and I'll not be imposing on her Fortress of Ignorance by my own volition.

Such things are much of why I have no degree. My scholastic experiences were appalling, and why I have undertaken to be an autodidact ever since. It is also why I endeavored to homeschool my kids, until they were old enough to have perspective on imposed curricula, and wise enough to fake their way through it, on purpose.

As to her students, I expect such influence as she brings to bear on them will be overwhelmed by either VR/AR apps in a year or two, meaning her direction will just get them started on a downward slope, or they'll come to grips with reality, for those have the grit.

The eclipse was awesome! I tried to capture video of the 'snake shadows', but as I had only a crappy phone, and we didn't reach totality at my mom's, the writhing shadows on the white sheet I laid out don't seem as clearly obvious on the video as they were in person. Neither did my attempts to photograph the sun itself through either the welding helmet, or the special glasses.

The tiny sliver of sunlight that remained at totality, visible to the eye as a crescent, is just too bright for the camera to capture as other than a point of light. I did get some very cool pics of the shadows of leaves, hands, and mom, though.

I'm sorry to hear this; the damage that The Narrative has done to our families is incalculable

It's pretty amazing what life in an echo chamber can do. I ran across a post a couple days ago by @corbettreport kinda gives me pause. Pokemon Go is the start of something that has potential to cross Orwell with Aldous Huxley and shortly shrive us all, or at least those given to such games.

If you haven't read it, you might wanna.

In my psts on critical thinking, I have noted that people dont use rationality when it conflicts with social belonging

we have to destroy the institutions that brainwash, coz people are going to run with the Narrative that has the most "popular" support

that @corbettreport story is scary, but not surprising, good find

The scariest thing about it is that it is such an obvious progression in behavioural control methodology.

I have noted that physical laws determine what technology can be developed, and that technology will be developed that is possible. I am presently stumped on how to combat this technology being used to negatively impact free agency. In other words, how to keep people from being enslaved through such technology - to the degree they are not already.

Perhaps, I must confess, it just isn't possible to prevent most people, those that go with the popular flow, from being so controlled. I suspect that this is something I have long believed, but that it generates such cognitive dissonance that I refuse to acknowledge it, and continue seeking a solution.

If most people are innately susceptible to such control, then I feel that my own freedom will also remain impossible to secure, as I will remain unavailed of nominal support necessary to prevent my own subjugation.

Fatalism rears it's ugly head, and I smile at my old friend...

If most people are innately susceptible to such control, then I feel that my own freedom will also remain impossible to secure

bingo; this is my greatest motivator. I am committed to the ideas of liberty and justice, but I doubt I wopuld be as outspoken about them as I am if there wasn't the fear of where the tyranny path ends

how to keep people from being enslaved through such technology - to the degree they are not already.

sadly, people choose to be enslaved. I'm reading some Gustave Le Bon (Psychology of Revolution, Psychology of Socialism, The Crowd: A Study of the Popular Mind)

IIRC, Part 6 of my Information War series goes into these emotional costs we pay to fight against these processes

Frankly speaking, you are better off with her out of your life. If she can't take facts and common sense, or have any reasonable discussion, then why should you waste your time on her?

I get the "family part", but is she is unwilling to accept you, then it is her decision. Do you need her? if not, then let her go. If she wants to talk to you, then let her speak, but do not accommodate her in any way that is necessary. Let her realize the mistake.

I care a lot more about common sense and nice, honest people, than about family, especially if said family members for all purposes have betrayed... well, both you, and humanity in general.

In fact I have a similar relationship with my cousin - a girl in her late 28's. Several years she moved to the multicultural paradise called MerkelLand, and it is more and more difficult to talk to her on any serious topics - she simply refuses to talk. While we are not completely distanced, I really don't bother trying to make sense into her. I am not responsible for her, and that's all. Perhaps, if I had the resources and an active interest, I would organize a sort of "shock therapy"... but I am afraid the Merkels favorite people will get there first.

I reckon you are correct. Scott Adams, the Dilbert cartoonist, has an interesting blog, although he's quite dedicated to the Trump presidency, and perhaps a mite smug. He advocates awaiting the proper moment, when cognitive dissonance renders fragile the cementitious amalgam of Orwellian doublethink, and proffering reason only then, when SJWs are most susceptible.

This makes quite a bit of sense, probably exactly what you mean by 'shock therapy'.

But, sadly, I am not prepared to hover about suffering until just the right moment. My sister is an adult, has responsibility for use of her own faculties, and will bear the consequences of her decisions, regardless of my concern.

I simply have a responsibility to myself to prevent my own debilitation through her, or anyone's, misguided conceit, self-delusion, and pandering to power. I'm no good at pandering anyway, as our falling out shows.

As intolerable as American SJWs are, I expect that Deutschland, having half a century of self-imposed shame and guilt driven into it's philosophical heart by merciless propaganda, is considerably less tolerable. I doubt I could live long outside of jail in a country where it is against the law to question history.

I'd do it just because it was illegal =p. Prolly that same impulse to rebel is what caused me to bring up the ADA, anyway. Every time I bit my tongue around my sister, my blood pressure made it just a little harder than the time before, and encouraged her to do it again just a little bit sooner.

I just couldn't do it. I suck at sucking up.

It seems to me you handled it the best way possible given her described patterns of behavior. Sadly, plugging her ears, trying to drown you out and leaving when the conversation did not align with her desires suggests she is unwilling or unable to behave in a rational manner and engage in a reasoned debate of ideas.

Her willingness to sacrifice a familial relationship on the altar of her imagined infallibility is understandably hurtful. You have every right to be disappointed and have my sincere sympathies. Perhaps she will wake up some day and realize the cost of her hubris, after which things may be reconcilable.

This makes me think of something my father once told me. He said "Son, when we pass on, we get to feel everything we made other people feel and experience everything we put others through during our lives. We all get what we deserve in the end, for good or ill." It was one of the most sobering things I had ever heard until that point. I really don't think there is anything I can write that will really help and I don't have any advice, but you have been heard and understood. * Hand clap on the shoulder. * Oh, and the old truism "Our friends are the family we get to choose."

Not to go out on an inappropriate note or anything, but sometimes thinking about something else completely helps a bit, try this. Hey, it's what guy friends are for.

You have well characterized the situation. I have a lot of respect for what your father told you, and have told my own sons I care little for the judgement of others, even of God, but expect that I will judge myself more harshly than anyone could, were I faced with eternity of perfect clarity regarding my actions, and that judgement is what I seek to square up to.

For some reason, even when I disable my adblocker and noscript, College Humor just won't open for me.

I very much appreciate the kind thought though!

I have a sister who exhibits the same tendencies, but she's a converted catholic. As far as I'm concerned, my familial ties are to my parents and my relationships with my sisters have become social.

This is probably just as much to their liking as mine as I stopped drinking the kool-aid a long time ago and it makes them all uncomfortable to hear things that go against their fantasies about Murica.

Oddly enough, my 80+ year old parents seem to get what I'm talking about. Then again, they were both born during the first great depression.

My maternal grandmother converted to Catholicism and started a war with her husband when my mother was a little girl, causing mom to vehemently disown religion altogether. It is so strange when little doctrinal differences cause rifts between sects far wider than between completely different religions, to me.

You seem to have handled similar issues long enough ago to have come to terms with the outcome. Do you mind your tongue around your sisters, or just let the chips fall?

The broad agreement among so many that similar issues have caused families to become far less close is disturbing, but not unexpected. It has been happening at an ever increasing pace since the 1960s, at least, in America, and seems to have become even worse in some European countries, like England, Germany, and Sweden.

I keep my mouth shut. My parents asked me to not start anything so I don't. But im not making any promises after they're gone.

The thing that annoys me the most is that this particular sister has led a pretty posh life. Her husband has worked in the oil industry and they've lived all over the planet, usually very comfortably. She's told my parents they'll never spend all the money they have. And yet she's always suffering from the drama that surrounds her

avoid those kind of people.
family or not.
they are mentally infected with bad memes.

You aren't wrong. A problem I have is that I am too loyal. I know just how poorly I have done at things, and recall how I've come around when faced with the consequences of my astounding stupidity, so try to cut folks, particularly family, more slack than I should.

Knowing this, I should never have let it get this far. Nothing about it makes me happy today. In a couple days, I'll be moving from this jobsite, and on to another job. Maybe a change of venue will change my outlook.

Whether it does or not, I'll pay closer heed to your advice, because it's truer than the Gospel.

I'm sorry for how things ended up in this quality time with your sister. I also miss my sister and hasn't communicated that much with her since I traveled.

I hope you two will make things right again, as you said. Family.

) not the responsibility of the speaker, but the hearer, who are responsible for their feelings, and

I know, easier said than done. But being hurt to what people say is kind of part of this thing called being human.

"...being hurt to what people say is kind of part of this thing called being human."

You're very right. We are very much social animals, and thus are vulnerable to other's opinions. That being said, I have been compelled to examine my own beliefs in excruciating depth and detail, and as a result have learned that I alone am responsible for how I feel about what others say.

It is difficult to contain my responses to those opinions I find distressing to what is able to be respected by me (believe me, I was emotionally charged and it would have been easy to say much more insulting things to my sister), but, because I alone am responsible for what I say, I make every effort to limit my statements to what I will not fail to find admirable.

I inevitably fail to meet this standard all too often, but do find making the attempt of merit. I would certainly fail more if I didn't.

I would be appalled to reflect on my behaviour and statements were I to act as my sister did when trying to drown me out. I hope that she is able to be appalled by it as well, if she does bother to reflect on it at all.

Edit: whether we can re-establish a connection is ultimately up to both of us, and dependent on our ability to constrain our words and actions to those worthy of respect. At this point, I strongly feel that she needs to grow up. Plugging your ears and shouting 'Lalalala' to drown someone out is about the most childish and insecure tactic I am aware of.

I am confident she is capable of better, and that maintaining contact with her will be impossible if she neither regrets acting that way, nor makes the effort to conduct herself in an adult manner. I will also judge her commitment to family by the degree of effort she undertakes in that direction. Absent a significant interest demonstrated in her actual effort, I will remain certain that further effort on my part will be pointless.

At this point, I strongly feel that she needs to grow up. Plugging your ears and shouting 'Lalalala' to drown someone out is about the most childish and insecure tactic I am aware of.

Ok, here's what I think, however childish, do you think she is also acting like this to others, or she can only act like this to you because she's comfortable with you, being you as her brother. Which can be a good thing if it means she is also not afraid of acting like herself or like a child.

I agree that we are also responsible for what we say to others, because not everyone can be like you or like us, some people take what we say the wrong way. Sometimes the best thing is just to smile and agree or just listen, just to be kind, or if spending more time with her is what matters most than being right. Most of the time, it's not what we say, but how we say it.

Well, I sure wish there was that trust between us, but, there isn't. I've been on edge, trying to keep my tongue dull, and bending over backwards to keep her from doing.. exactly this, since she began to re-establish contact after more than ten years of silence.

I think she is living in an echo chamber, where everyone she has a choice about interacting with literally mimics the exact same philosophy, because they all absorb it from the same sources, or is subject to her authority and dares not disagree, such as her students.

I have really tried, over the last year or so, to carefully self censor. When she explained that the location of a vein in her eye was diagnostic of her inability to tolerate gluten in her diet, I just nodded sagely (unable to speak a word, because the least injurious thing I could have said would have been 'I don't agree', or 'that's just silly.').

When she demanded that I remain at least ten feet from her car (with the windows rolled up, and the doors closed) because I was smoking a cigar, I said, 'ok, well, we'll talk soon.' and walked away. This after driving for hours to see her.

When ... bah! I just can't do it LOL.

I'm not good at obedience. I'm barely not feral. TBQH, only my lust for the vast catalogs of knowledge on the internet keeps me connected. I've lived in the woods before, and honestly, yearn for it. There are good people who I do love to spend time with, and I consider good company the dearest treasure, but most people are facile, and the worst are those that claim the strongest affection and profess the most obdurate faith, yet, like my sister, will turn on you for nothing more than the affirmation of their ilk.

Give me an honest hatred anytime over despite concealed with a plastic smile and false profession of love.

I cannot give an honest hatred unfortunately because I can relate to some of what you are saying lol.

The only time I tried to give chance to humanity was when I traveled. But I hope that the rest of my life will be spent in nature. There are few good people out there, and sometimes we just have to give it a shot, to weed out the bad ones. Perhaps risk being disappointed in the process too, for what its worth, oh well.

Ack! Don't hate me because I'm... well, whatever I am =p

I sense no facile essence in you. Keep cherishing the good, and ignoring the rest.

Every now and then we get lucky, and find a good =)

Oh man, sorry to hear this story. I am sure things will work out the way they are supposed to be.
In the meantime, tranquilo - enjoy this movie. Maybe some SJWs will pipe in with replies about how I shouldn't post this - how movies about killing animals and struggling to survive before the Internet are offensive and shouldn't be posted.

I think we can all use a break from others from time to time to stay balanced and healthy.


I got to the part where he tried to feed the baby the porcupine. Now, I've tried to eat a porcupine, once, when I was living in the woods up in Alaska. They taste sorta like blackjack (that black tar you spread on roofs to stop leaks), if it was made of meat, and marinated in kerosene. I just couldn't figger a way to choke it down, no matter how I smoked it, boiled it, or boiled it again.

I had a cat that ate it though. Took him a week, but he prolly ate twice his weight in Porcupine by then.

I preferred squirrels. Fine tasting, but it took a dozen to make a good meal. Course, at the time, I could eat 4 or 5 pounds of meat and still finish off a berry pie for dessert, being fairly robust and active.

Hiking around, there were times I was hungry. I've been hungry enough to suck the raw eggs out of a hen Chinook before cooking her too. Ain't something I could do if I wasn't hungy enough, though, cuz it's strongly flavored, and no matter how hungry you are, a cup or two will fill you up, cuz it's so rich.

This really brought back such memories. There weren't any Bison, Elk, Coyote, or Raccoon where I was raised, but I lived like this for some time. Plenty of deer, and you could just grab salmon outta the creeks when they were spawning. Salmonberry shoots in the spring are all the greens you need, and when the berries come, the Huckleberries aren't far behind. Mushrooms, Oxalis, Licorice Fern, and more fill out a fair and tasty diet, if you know what to look for.

Don't much care what the folks have never lived like that think. When SHTF, they'll think different.

Thanks much =)

Ironically, I know what Blackjack tastes like (I was the slow guy, only laid down 1 1/2 square an hour but they were the most perfectly straight squares ever laid). And I've always thought squirrel (and rabbit) tastes just like chicken (only greasier, if I remember correctly). Goat... now there is one greasy creature!
:D :D :D
Sounds like Nirvana and Valhalla and Heaven all wrapped up into one.
I for one am very grateful to have had grandparents and elders who took the time and care to show me the way. And regretting that I practice little to none of it living in the big city (I call it prison in the open).

I have lived in big cities, and don't now. I thought I could at one point, but when I started spawning I was confronted with the prospect of my kids being raised without the assumption that we belong to the natural world.

I couldn't do it.

I probably could now, as I am not presently raising kids.

I thought you are describing my family ㅠㅠ

It is a hard thing to finally surrender the battle to keep family close when the threat of defeating ones own integrity becomes too dangerous.

But that is a more necessary fight to attain victory. We cannot be our brother's, or sister's, keeper, but must be our own.

The only thing you can do is follow your own path and let them follow theirs...

I was hoping that this whole SJW thing was a fad like bell bottom jeans....

That people would one day wake up and realize "WTF was I on thinking that was good idea?"

I think most will wake up someday and think exactly that. I think that will be the day after they are no longer useful to TPTB, and they are rounded up for processing.