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RE: My Sister the SJW and our Eclipse Encounter

in #censorship7 years ago

Oh man, sorry to hear this story. I am sure things will work out the way they are supposed to be.
In the meantime, tranquilo - enjoy this movie. Maybe some SJWs will pipe in with replies about how I shouldn't post this - how movies about killing animals and struggling to survive before the Internet are offensive and shouldn't be posted.

I think we can all use a break from others from time to time to stay balanced and healthy.



I got to the part where he tried to feed the baby the porcupine. Now, I've tried to eat a porcupine, once, when I was living in the woods up in Alaska. They taste sorta like blackjack (that black tar you spread on roofs to stop leaks), if it was made of meat, and marinated in kerosene. I just couldn't figger a way to choke it down, no matter how I smoked it, boiled it, or boiled it again.

I had a cat that ate it though. Took him a week, but he prolly ate twice his weight in Porcupine by then.

I preferred squirrels. Fine tasting, but it took a dozen to make a good meal. Course, at the time, I could eat 4 or 5 pounds of meat and still finish off a berry pie for dessert, being fairly robust and active.

Hiking around, there were times I was hungry. I've been hungry enough to suck the raw eggs out of a hen Chinook before cooking her too. Ain't something I could do if I wasn't hungy enough, though, cuz it's strongly flavored, and no matter how hungry you are, a cup or two will fill you up, cuz it's so rich.

This really brought back such memories. There weren't any Bison, Elk, Coyote, or Raccoon where I was raised, but I lived like this for some time. Plenty of deer, and you could just grab salmon outta the creeks when they were spawning. Salmonberry shoots in the spring are all the greens you need, and when the berries come, the Huckleberries aren't far behind. Mushrooms, Oxalis, Licorice Fern, and more fill out a fair and tasty diet, if you know what to look for.

Don't much care what the folks have never lived like that think. When SHTF, they'll think different.

Thanks much =)

Ironically, I know what Blackjack tastes like (I was the slow guy, only laid down 1 1/2 square an hour but they were the most perfectly straight squares ever laid). And I've always thought squirrel (and rabbit) tastes just like chicken (only greasier, if I remember correctly). Goat... now there is one greasy creature!
:D :D :D
Sounds like Nirvana and Valhalla and Heaven all wrapped up into one.
I for one am very grateful to have had grandparents and elders who took the time and care to show me the way. And regretting that I practice little to none of it living in the big city (I call it prison in the open).

I have lived in big cities, and don't now. I thought I could at one point, but when I started spawning I was confronted with the prospect of my kids being raised without the assumption that we belong to the natural world.

I couldn't do it.

I probably could now, as I am not presently raising kids.