RE: Why Steemit Lost My Trust
The top/first (ty internet, or public consensus) comment is this there, which enunciated pretty much the values and reasoning of most people out there, and the one who resonates with the first commenter:
Fucking stupid. You bet your ass cops can "interfere". It's called solicitation, and (attempted) child rape.
The one and only effect this has is that child sex slaves aren't treated like criminals.
Correct, and that's why this article is sophomoric bullshit.
The intent of this law is to take prostituted kids out of the criminal system. This law doesn't legalize prostitution, pimping, solicitation, sex with a minor, or anything else. It's just false and fatuous to make the slippery-slope arguments in this article.
Irritating though Democrats and Liberals can be, inflammatory silliness like this article is just cheap nonsense.