Why Steemit Lost My Trust

in #censorship8 years ago (edited)

Steemit has sold out.

I wondered why I couldn't select the Pizzagate Topic any longer and found out Steemit has removed the Topic completely.

I tested it by typing in Story, News, Life etc and everything worked fine. Typing in Pizzagate brings up Zero topics on the RHS margin.

I've checked everything again and again. Steemit has sold out.

Coincidentally, Ryan O'Neal of Pizzagategear has been threatened AGAIN and has removed his video about discovering the Kill Room for the second time.

He has NOT removed the video explaining how James Alefantis threatened him. Which is far worse in my opinion. See https://steemit.com/pizzagate/@gizmosia/james-alefantis-threatens-kill-room-finder-breaking-news

So, Steemit, good luck with your ambitions to oust Facebook and Twitter. It will NEVER happen. You've turned brand ambassadors into critics. You have lost my TRUST and you'll NEVER get it back.

From now on I'll treat Steemit like a tool, not a brand. I'll USE it to post permanently about news it censors. Oh, the irony.

I'll use it like the DOORMAT it has become.

A brand is something one respects and is loyal to. A TOOL is replaceable.

Steemit is now in the same category as Reddit. SOLD OUT.

I could also add that Steemit has no clue how to make it easy for users to promote posts which Facebook is a master at. Another FAIL.

And that's the opinion of someone who has spent over $50,000 on Facebook advertising. Suck it up Steemit. You Doormat!

PS. And here are screenshots:


The list of tags is not a full list at all. Try other words beginning with P and there are plenty of posts just like #pizzagate

That was never a full list for as long as I've been here (over 6 months). Remember this is a beta. There are lots of bugs.

Yes, this is a beta, and I remember 2 days ago this problem didn't exist, unheard of, so what that all kinds of posts don't show up? That other tags don't show up I can understand, especially since they are low payout and low content, not so much pizzagate. It's not "because we are in beta", it's not "there's a lot of bugs", it's one specific thing, I wonder if anybody even needed to report a bug about any other topic/tag.

Obviously this is affecting discussion on an important topic, and again it's understandable that some bugs happen but that bug isn't pertaining to one, two or a group of individuals, but a specific topic/specific tag. Yes again, it is extremely hard to censor the chain, and any censoring would be obvious if it's only front end, and I don't believe this is happening as it would be a fatal shot to the head, I don't know if it's got to do with volume of traffic as arguably that would be obvious in other tags which eclipse pizzagate, such as streamit tag, maybe they are finally fixing that known fifth tag bug and in the process new things came up, like you said, I wouldn't know, I just hope this gets fixed in a much more prompt manner than the obnoxious 5 tag bug.

Actually twice now the @stellabelle and @steemsports bloggers were broken at 2 different times. Yes they were the only ones but there were still ways to get to the page which the developers made people aware of and within a few days the problem which wasn't really a problem was resolved. I've also seen it happen to the #steemit tag. I presume it's to do with high traffic volumes I wouldn't know. But it would be silly for the developers to do it intentionally since it's so easy to find the content. If they wanted to censor it they would censor it completely.

It's not easy to find the content @beanz

I haven't read a single other blogger's posts today about pizzagate - or yesterday - because Ned wants us to type a url in to get there. Which is not great - we can't always remember the thing.

You can't remember it??? Just enter it somewhere to copy and paste. Sounds like you're creating your own problems now.

? have yourself a decent day and I hope they fix it soon.

Since I joined the site @beanz the topic has never disappeared like this. I'm tired of repeating myself. It's GONE.

Click that link.
If your post isn't there then remove one of the tags as there is a 5 tag glitch at the moment.

Thanks. Will do.

When I first started here in August, the "vaccines" tag that showed up when you searched it under "tags and topics" and sometimes was listed right on the front list. It disappeared after a couple of months too.
They are both still there though, even though it doesn't come up in the tags search.

Ned admitted it's a "bug". He didn't say it was a low value topic. Also you can't find it anywhere in the low value topics. Vaccines and pizza are I suppose the most-hated topics by the you know who...

your post has 5 tags.. unsure if you edited your tags or not and if the bug still exist..


There is a bug where you can only use 4 tags at the moment.. according to your post, you don't even have the #pizzagate tag included. Drop your tags down to 4 and change one to pizzagate. The hashtag isn't gone...

it's just losing popularity and "steem" honestly

but that's just my opinion tho

Hi @mrwang. Thanks for trying to assist. No it's the Topic not the tag. I've used 4 tags and 5, no diffs. Ned even admitted there is a topic "bug" about pizzagate. But I don't believe it's a bug. The timing is off.

See screenshots in the post. I found out the topic was GONE because I promoted an earlier post and wondered why it only got 3 upvotes after putting money behind it. It was a very popular post organically.

@mrwang And it's losing popularity and steem because nobody can find it easily.... now.
See other users confirm the same thing.

Works fine for me lol plus Steemit is only a front end. Nothing posted to the Steem blockchain can be censored... I would bet somebody wants to discredit Steemit so exploited the UI for a few select users or maybe just random issue

Well glad you imagine it works. Can you screenshot the Topic on your screen eg top rhs Steemit home page?.....

I have confirmation from others the the topic is GONE. Even the co-founder of Steemit admitted it in this post. See his comment below.

And don't upvote your post till you have proven it please. Then we'll upvote you lol

no, no. That is the link, I want to see the tag, go to the tag field and start typing pi. see if anything shows up. You and how many others are saying the same thing.. IT WORKS. READ THE TOPIC AGAIN.

All of you who came here "it works" and then when it's broken down to your LEVEL OF READING COMPREHENSION excuse it with you can search OR whatever lame ass excuse you have for not OWNING UP and taking responsibility for being WRONG, aka you didn't take the time to read and masticate what was written.

FuK your lazy ass attitudes and lack of reading comprehension, INEXCUSABLE and I hope you realize that when I said it's almost criminal I didn't do it to hear my own echo.

Well said @baah - they don't bother to read. Bit of a joke really that they're bloggers who don't read.

I also noticed that. I used to be able to just type "pi" and pizzagate would show up as a topic - but not anymore. I thought that maybe there just wasn't as much stuff being created under the topic and so it was just not considered a "topic" anymore. But - that's strange, too.

Just verified this as well, but now pizzagate isn't listed on the "tags not shown here" page (link at bottom of trending topics/tags list. Fwiw @gizmosia on my end the pizzagate topic did dip out of the trending topics now and then, BUT I could just go to the additional tags link and it was there...no longer the case! Something fishy is definitely going on!

@the.masses your understanding of reality is minuscule, at best, assuming you are sincere in your postings. First, the elite are not "all powerful", though they like to think that is the case. There are many more of us than them. A single ant is but a pest, an army of ants can take down the largest of beasts.

Second, if you know anything about chemistry, you will know that some reactions can only take place in the absence of light. Yes, there is a push to normalize pedophilia. It is for that very reason that we must have facts to inform a counter narrative - shining the light of truth on the darkness of lies. My working hypothesis regarding you is that you watch way too much Alex jones and glenn beck. Either that or you get off on starting flame wars...you silly child. Ignoring a problem will not make it go away.


Thanks @homalinadir. Same experience here. Gone, nowhere to be found.

Ned claimed it's a bug. Yeah right.

And perfect rebuttal to the satanic masses. Lol.

Hmmmm...@ned recently became a follower of mine...hmmmm


THANK YOU @pyrowngs

Let the chips fall now. wait till you see my next blog post about this.

there are people who are on the Pedophile pay roll of the three letter organizations and they are recruited right from colleges and universities to spend their entire career infiltrating places like this so they can destabilize and separate us in our disclosures of the REAL TRUTH. I am all on your side Gizmosia! While the Satanic Ritual Pizzagate Pedophiles think they can hide under our noses once again and return to business as Usual, This is no longer a possibility because there are human conscious beings who are not going to allow this to occur. So while the Trolls may persuade some un informed people...the majority of us are awakened and will not forget....we are taking back our power and our lives and our freedoms to live in a loving and trustworthy world. The power of our hearts will turn this ugliness into a safe haven for us all! Steemit please fix this so called bug and lets get on with our freedoms to express and awaken the programmed masses so we all can make honest well informed choices as to how we share this life together!

YES! The sentiments of everyone but the abusers, enablers and sick fucks that try to divert and distract

@steemitguide, @the.masses, @truthdetector, fucking fakes ass people pretending to be something other than PEDOPHILES and PEDOPHILE SUPPORTERS!

Thanks @namastaynpaint - well said. And just so you know, it was revealed by @pfunk today that @the.masses is a shared posting key used by some creepy group. It's not a person. We don't know who they are....

WTF? who could do that? Ned?

Steemit disgusts me now.

It's as infected and infested as the psychopaths we're trying to expose.

Ned is one of my followers btw, is there any way to tag him here?

@baah I just want to say thank you for your support today. The satanic masses troll ;-) was so aggressive it was a fulltime job for you and I just to keep responding to them. xx

That's really sweet, we are with you gizmosia from the Bah fam!

The Bah fam rocks :)

We just go @ned Big Fail

this is just a UI bug -- you can't find any tags that aren't in the top 25 right now -- thanks for your patience

Well @Ned since you are actually answering questions regarding this topic.

What do you think of this scandal #PizzaGate, do you agree with the larger platforms like YouTube and Facebook that it is fake news? Or do you think the evidence provided by many people including a large number of steemians holds some weight and should be investigated?

I have always wondered your thoughts on this because so far as I know you do not up-vote these PizzaGate posts nor do you flag them. So are you neutral on this topic or do you favor one side or the other? Have you seen the work by @AusbitBank, myself and others on this topic?

Where is the TOPIC? I never said TAGS.

I promoted a pizza post that gets zero attention because the damn TOPIC is no longer around!

@ned is it perhaps a a JAMES ALEFANTIS REQUEST bug??

very convenient answer!

I was wondering if you had any idea what caused that? Could it be the 5 tag bug? I cannot see other tags being affected.

haha, good point @baah. I call it the "James Alefantis whatever you want sir" bug!



Posts are permanently recorded on the blockchain, nobody can remove it.

And people please stop talking about pizzagate that's exactly what the elite want, they want pedophilia to become the norm and acceptable to discuss. They want the subject to not be taboo anymore and you are helping this by keeping the discussion alive.

Stop with your nonsense @the.masses. Provide proof before spouting such waffle. I'm spitting angry and only prepared to listen to people with FACTS.

Besides, you missed the point completely! Steemit REMOVED THE TOPIC!

https://steemit.com/created/pizzagate yields a lot of results, as does the search thingy. What are you on about?

I am ON ABOUT the fact there is no longer a PIZZAGATE TOPIC! Can you read?

The drop down topic list doesn't list all topics.
Just because you are too thick to find the topic "pizzagate" doesn't mean it is gone. I'll type it again for you: https://steemit.com/created/pizzagate . Try clicking on that link. It will magically show all new pizzagate content! What will they think of next.

Hi THICKNESS @ocrdu! The pizzagate topic was there every frigging day since I signed up. Even @ned admits there is some mysterious BUG. But @baah pointed out to @ned that NO OTHER TAGS have been affected by the "bug".

So it's actually a "JAMES ALEFANTIS how can we serve you Sir, IN OBEDIENCE, your faithful servants the Steemit doormats" BUG!

Why only the new? ;) <3

Each time I'd come onto Steemit and type in Pizza in the search bar to get to the feed. And read what people were writing. I can't do that anymore!!!! FFS

So, instead of typing in the topic search, can you not type it in the url and find all of the same posts? The tag list isn't always the best place to search for topics, because what you're describing happens frequently with other tags as well.

In any case, the posts are not being censored. They are all still there.

Hopefully this is some bug.. there is no reason why someone would know to search that way for tags, plus is seems now that all "low value" posts are hidden. I find it hard to believe that pizzagate has all of a sudden been demoted to low value..

@ats-david I never said the posts were censored but the TOPICS are. And no, I don't want to frigging type it into the url. WTH? It should be in the TOPICS bar because it's the easiest route there.

It's a devious way to hide the topic!

This guy has been ousted as a MORON RACIST ASSHOLE, or a pedopheliac enabler who likes to divert attention, or a REAL LIFE PEDOPHILE, go read his drivel and watch how he answers to all the insidious nonsense he spews. THE.MASES, TRUTHDETECTOR and the other dumbass are all there for everyone to see how insane and desperate they are, go have a laugh AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I know @baah and note the username. "The masses" connotes satanic masses.

Him and the other 2 morons are there, steemitguide and truthdetector, both are suspect as well, the internet is gonna know what and how you think you sick fucks and hopefully what motivates that incredulous reasoning.

stupid fucking shill account

No coherent argument, AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, you argued that
"pizzagate is false flag, the HOMOSEXUALS AND TRANSGENDERS are the model of how pedophilia will be legalized/normalized and when you are not fearmongering by telling us that "if we only knew what they had in store for us" you want us to "beat the elite" by thinking like the elite.


the.masses, Tell me some more how you aren't a moron that thinks it's perfectly ok to say HOMOSEXUALS when referring to gays, to paint it ok that in the past gays were brutalized and to have the audacity to claim that after all that you didn't EQUATE gay people with pedophiles! AHAHAHAHAHAHAH!

I PLEAD, PLEASE, PLEASE, don't judge me by my cover, or what this PUBLIC shared account the.masses says about me, go ahead and look at the topic, read the comments, maybe I am "just rambling like a meth addict with no coherent argument whatsoever", but you'd have to look at it, as this asshole cannot be bothered to QUOTE ONE OF MY COMMENTS!


@the.masses tell us all please:

  1. Do you celebrate satanic masses?
  2. Why choose that name?
  3. Why are you a public shared account, not a person? Pfunk just informed us that you have that weird set up?
  4. Who are you working for?

And btw, we can show you other videos with 10 times the likes than that stupid one

@the.masses I don't buy that theory. And all it is is a theory.

And it's NO EXCUSE for Steemit's censorship!

Every day we don't talk about we become just like the creeps who ignored the Finders and the Franklin scandal and all the other filth leading right to the White House Front door!

EVERY day we don't talk about it the kids get forgotten about!! Damn every censor out there, to HELL and back!

This is not a theory you dumbass, bills have already been proposed to classify pedophilia as a sexual orientation instead of a freaking crime.
In california a new law was just passed that essentially allow children to sell themselves to pedophiles, of course they aren't going to legalize it overnight or people will revolte, they will do it slowly and that's how it all starts.

sex with children is a crime will always be a crime and just because a law is passed by a Criminal Political group who have sex with children does not make it a law that I or anyone who is of half a brain will acknowledge this. You people need to be reorientated. This is fucked.....

Essentially? Does it legalize or does it not?
O, you mean it says that it's ok?
NO, NO. Stfu, go back to the drawing board where the lbgt movement is "despicable" you asshole moron.

The top/first (ty internet, or public consensus) comment is this there, which enunciated pretty much the values and reasoning of most people out there, and the one who resonates with the first commenter:

Fucking stupid. You bet your ass cops can "interfere". It's called solicitation, and (attempted) child rape.

The one and only effect this has is that child sex slaves aren't treated like criminals.
Correct, and that's why this article is sophomoric bullshit.

The intent of this law is to take prostituted kids out of the criminal system. This law doesn't legalize prostitution, pimping, solicitation, sex with a minor, or anything else. It's just false and fatuous to make the slippery-slope arguments in this article.

Irritating though Democrats and Liberals can be, inflammatory silliness like this article is just cheap nonsense.

You are a creep sir, you enable pedophilia and are ok with FEARMONGERING, please for the love of god DON'T STOP BEING A MORON, I am laughing at everything you say or do!

@the.masses Stop missing the boat completely DUMBASS.

If you stop talking about something it makes it WORSE. California is sick and I can't fix that. But we can PROTEST censorship which Steemit is doing by REMOVING THE TOPIC!

stupid fucking shill account

How can you say that that law lets kids "like they just did recently in california to allow children to sell themselves to pedophile"?
Those are your words you creep!

The law makes children a lot more vulnerable to pedophiles?
Ok, lets not talk about your insidious arguments that not talking about this and thinking like a pedophiliac elite is how to beat the elite, or the fact that you equated pedophelia to LBGT movement, lets focus on this other "argument", mainly that it was "pizzagate drama" that made this law possible, and that this law makes children a lot more vulnerable to pedophiles:

O WAIT, you never said anything besides posting the article which is equally proly written and attempts to sell your own agenda of "not talking about pizzagate".

"Of course it's important to report a crime but when a crime becomes a global trend that's where you need to pay attention.

Can you quote the law and explain WHY and HOW "like they... allow children to sell themselves to pedophile"?

I did, the article is wrote by a Tyler Durden, and he argues your position through slippery slope logic as someone commented there notes:
"The intent of this law is to take prostituted kids out of the criminal system. This law doesn't legalize prostitution, pimping, solicitation, sex with a minor, or anything else. It's just false and fatuous to make the slippery-slope arguments in this article."

Your argument has just been demolished, did you even bother to read anything asshole?

Still waiting:
Can you quote the law and explain WHY and HOW "they... allow children to sell themselves to pedophile"?

stupid fucking shill account

Yes we are outraged by that "law" IF it is as evil as you claim @the.masses We never said we were not! However, your pathetic argument that we should stop protesting pizzagate because pizzagate awareness has enabled a sick law is so fallible it's demonic you can even suggest it

I don't think the law is insidious at all, it says that children, <18 that would fall under the criminal justice system as usual will go through social services instead and not end up victims of the criminal justice system on top of that trauma, which granted it's iffy that CPS or social services would do any good, it doesn't mean that the law is evil, or it's intentions. As someone else there said, it means that sex slave victims won't be treated like criminals.

Your racist bullshit is recorded permanently the.masses and everyone can see that your agenda is purely to stop discussion from happening, my intrepid questioning of your "reasoning" shows you have no facts, no substance and you are spreading FEAR as you cry that talking about ww3 and others is actually spreading fear!

You have equated gays with pedophiles, have said that black people aren't marginalized by society and never answered any of the questions I posed which damned you as a MORON.



lol @baah maybe put the username you're addressing in the first sentence or people won't get that you're replying to the satanic masses haha - the layout of replies sort of obscures that

OMG how creepy :( thanks @pfunk

@the.masses, for sake of argument suppose you have a child, and Alefantis murders your pizza or hotdog. Don't talk about it or report it? Or would you quietly exact your own revenge? We must go through due process. Those who don't attack innocent people in the process. I almost did once. I am pretty sure threating someone with violence in the state of New York is a crime . It's a pitty the podcaster was taken off-guard so much he didn't activate his recording equipment.

I agree, the agenda of not reporting/not discussing is clearly insidious and should be questioned with the veracity that expresses of all the implications of not talking about this. The.masses was begging "don't judge a book by it's cover" after he claimed that pizzagate is falseflag and that the best way to "beat" the elite is to think like them or like some depraved vicious individual.

The.masses, It takes a special kind of moron to want to sound like a asshole moron on the internet by going all caps, then begging people to listen to him because he was "judged" by how he had carried himself on the internet.

The fail of morons and the hilarity while they are trying to reason is all in his thread, pizzagate ousted him as a biggoted asshat, maybe some one else can offer this retarded individual some sympathy, I on the other hand will only go as far as to challenge his actions and motives while laughing maniacally at what obviously is not funny to him.

@baah user @pfunk just said @the.masses is not even a person. It's some public shared account so we don't know what the hell is behind it, excuse the pun.

The masses = satanic masses.

@leprechaun Not sure whether to upvote your comment or not because it's not clear to me. I stand by my position which is:

  1. How dare Steemit censor topics and claim it never censors anything
  2. If any of our children were missing and we lived in DC you can be damn sure we'd want it yelled about
  3. We don't need to have a child missing in DC personally to want to yell about it! we have enough evidence of past cases to know millions of kids have been trafficked, raped, snuffed and used for porn, here in the USA and all over the effing world. We also KNOW because it is on the record that staff from ICE, the FBI, the CIA and Nicholas Negroponte of MIT and speakers of the HOUSE have been charged or implicated in cases of child trafficking. James Alefantis has threatened a man's loved ones in WRITING and we have it on record.

You don't have the right mind set and so you fall into the globalists's trap.
For the elite to be able to change a law they need a certain event to do it. They can't just decide to pass a law ( like they just did recently in california to allow children to sell themselves to pedophile) if there is no discussion or public debate about it, because it would be a huge red flags. They absolutely need a discussion going on this subject so they can change the law, and they just did.
Of course it's important to report a crime but when a crime becomes a global trend that's where you need to pay attention.

" like they just did recently in california to allow children to sell themselves to pedophile)"

stupid fucking shill account

Here is your own words on what the law does:
"like they just did recently in california to allow children to sell themselves to pedophile"
Full retard? Are you implying that you didn't write that or what?
Did you not say that the only way to beat the elite is to think like them?
Did you not equate HOMOSEXUALS with wpedophilia and how pedophilia will follow the same formula?

LMAO, look at the left hand, don't mind my right! (aka not talking about pedophelia, its important to report it BUT not when it's a "global trend")

Learn to read and stop twisting my words to fit your narrative troll

These are your own words, nothing twisted anywhere moron, QUOTE ME and prove your argument asshole. You said that it's ok to investigate, BUT..

Of course it's important to report a crime BUT when a crime becomes a global trend that's where you need to pay attention.

You are saying that this is how homosexuals (the term you used makes you a bigoted faggot btw) got their rights? By it(homosexuality) being a crime worldwide? Forget about the fact that a crime MUST define a victim, and in the case of HOMOS everywhere, like you love to call em, they were against the law (like you argued it was OK for that law to exist, want me to quote your full paragraph) and the victim was the public for having to tolerate their CRIMINAL behavior, and because THEY got their rights, you say that pedophiliacs will get their rights, because pizzagate is falseflag created to make pedophilia more acceptable and normal. So your theory aside, the cacophony I want to focus on is that MESSAGE that you wrote.

You don't want people to investigate or talk about pizzagate, but to "pay attention" because it's a global thing, so again.
Don't talk about pizzagate, it's a false flag, DUH you should report and investigate crimes, but when a crime is global (like all crimes) you pay attention.


AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH You can't keep up with 1 TROLL, like you call me, and you think you have ANY chance that people will stop talking about it because you're trying to scare them into "this is how HOMOSEXUALS WERE LEGALIZED" (endless conjecture) and you're trying to scare people again with ""IF YOU KNEW WHAT THESE MONSTERS HAD IN STORE FOR US YOU WOULD BE TERRIFIED."

MORONS, you have simply put the MAGNIFYING GLASS, THE MICROSCOPE OF THE INTERNET ON YOUR ACTIVITIES, ON YOUR COMMENTS, YOU ARE EXPOSED FOR YOUR BIGOTED FEARMONGERING MESSAGE and in spite of your active efforts to paint pizzagate as false and tie it into this false narrative, people are going to investigate this even more!

You hateful morons are telling us to "pay attention, but when it's a global trend to eat kids IT'S NOT IMPORTANT TO REPORT THE CRIME" ahahahahah, tell us what to think some more you asshat, it's working (fur the elite, to beat them off, you must become an elite)

adios satanic masses @the.masses a public shared account, not a person - who the hell are you all anyway? the CFR?

I have yet to hear any counter argument from you about my supposed "theory"

Yawn, you aren't a singular person, you are a shared account that cannot explain any of your arguments, your so called theory links a amateur article by a Tyler Durden (fight club wannabehack) that makes the same moronic argument that you try to make "pedophilia will be normal because people are talking about pedophilia and it's not taboo to talk about it" which is demolished by almost EVERY SINGLE COMMENT on that amateur article.

Nobody needs to even make any argument against your "theory", the people have spoken and you've been ousted as a pedophiliac supporter, only a criminal will excuse a crime, only a criminal will argue that once a crime is "global" investigating and reporting it should be replaced by "paying attention".

Hi liar @the.masses you haven't replied to my questions about who you all are. You are not a person but a group... very sinister. I've replied many times to your creepy theory that wishes to censor pizzagate. I think I'm dealing with evil incarnate here. who the hell are you all?

stupid fucking shill account

Stop lying @the.masses I have replied many times to your attempts to censor the topic. Yes I studied Latin too. Big deal. It doesn't mean you are intelligent. Just another puppet studying a dead language.

What a joke. You say you don't want to censor pizzagate but you tell everyone to stop talking about it. Same deal doofus.

Look, you give us the creeps. Sign up for a proper account and not some group cabalistic shared posting key. You never answered any of my questions about who you all are!

Well, I guess I better try to post something!

Yes. I will join GAB soon. First, I want to deal with the censoring scum on Steemit, the sellout

nobody is or can censor here this post is bs

Matrix, I said the TOPIC. The topic is gone. AWOL.

I've waited a week to have my invitation for Gab.ai.

And there is voat.co... Simply posting a link to my Steemit post and the title of Alafantis as a probable fan of Michael Alig, a murderer and chicken hawk, I was ask by a moderator call GoPluckYourself (nice play on words but not welcoming at all for a new user like me) to explain how it related to #pizzagate. Can you believe it? I answered him but didn't make any efforts so that he allow the post to not be deleted.

Gab is getting really popular. It only took me a few days. I'll post Andrew the admin we follow each other and see what's up. I've been hearing really bad stuff about Voat- I don't even bother with them. I liked your post about Alig/Alefantis.

Thanks. On voat there are 5 or 6 rules to follow in order to post, and I don't have the time to write a summary when intending to put info there. For the moment, I write my post here and I dump a link there. It worked the first time, but it didn't the second (talk about inconstency). If a mod wants to make me work more than that, then it's his/her (lessen activity) problem not mine.

I've just started following you at Gab. See you there also. :-)

Thanks! I also use blogspot.

You can POST and TAG Rich but you can't find the TOPIC when browsing.

What's the point if Steemit HIDES your posts from viewers? Meaning even if you promoted your post, who cares because you've lost huge readership before you start.

I just posted one and it showed up on the feed.

@richq11 and how do people find the feed without remembering some stupid url. even @ned admits there is a mystery "bug" but that same "bug" doesn't affect any other TOPICS. It must be the "James Alefantis how can we bend over further for you, your servants, the Steemit doormat" BUG

Don't excuse them Rich, especially not you.

"even ned admits there is a mystery "bug" but that same "bug" doesn't affect any other TOPICS"

There are a whole bunch of categories that aren't being shown in the topics list.

As ned said, it is a bug in the UI. Nobody in censoring anybody. This will be fixed.

@picokernel I don't believe this is sheer coincidence, in the same week that Ryan's life is threatened by James Alefantis. And your "bug" has no explanation.... I joined in November and never in 2 months has this "bug" occurred before. I saw you upvoted your own post haha. Wait till you see my next blog.

IT's Underground!;) <3 there have been times the truth wasn't suitable for everyone, but those, that Dug Underground who dared not to not share their love freely, self accountant Bitcoin's probably no topic here either? ;) :hugging:

You know me...I don't excuse anyone! May be time for an end run...David Seaman said we can avoid filters by using another tag line...he uses Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA). Maybe something similar here. Seems that notifications are on the blink again here too!

@richq11 I saw that Seaman said that but I don't like it. It's defeat to accept we have to use another tag. Eff them! I will do whatever I can with my marketing skills to support another site that has more integrity than Steemit!

To the TROLLS who try to shut me up about this, let me add:

You can go to hell and back until that TOPIC is restored to the site. No it is NOT a good idea to STOP talking about pizzagate. Every day we don't more children get raped and killed. So take your Alefantis arguments and stuff them in your Steemit doormat!

Where Is the reason to blame the last clasp of the chain?

All Ways ReServing Da Infinite Pain?

Love's So precious

So Just Let

IT Reign


I always fact check stuff and this turns out to not be true. For instance:

#PizzaGate still shows:

Search PizzaGate and it still shows?

Lolz, Alefantis threatened him again and I am guessing it is in writing rofl and is not a video or voice recording? Sure. Let me guess Ryan still hasn't shown the number calling him or anything verifiable we can fact check to ensure he isn't lying?

At this point I am questioning your sincerity.

@titusfrost even @ned confirmed it in a post on this blog. Look for his comment. And no, I checked again. The topic is still missing from the RHS of the home page where one looks for topics.

So I don't know what you are on about ito my sincerity.

And as for Ryan. That same video was removed again and I queried whether he'd been threatened and got a positive response on his page. I can't confirm it with a signed admission but the 1st reason he took it down was due to threats and so I assume it's the same this time.

And because you don't seem to understand re the TOPIC search in the TOPIC bar I will screenshot it for you shortly!

And umm, I always check stuff too!!

What do you mean by RHS?

Okay, I stand corrected then. My bad.


And another screen shot

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