RE: Cannabis Legal in Canada // Made My First Legal Purchase // Enjoying Cannabis Infused Coffee
Haha this is great!
The day after legalization, numerous people asked me if I had made my order last night. "Of course not." was my answer. "I already had lots!" I just enjoy the reduced stigma and the people coming out of the woodwork as secret users.
One neat experience I had was at the concert last week. We were speculating about the security at the place (which has been draconian in the past) and their likelihood of pulling the "private property" card and being aggressive and belligerent.
Turns out, they were totally cool with it and let it in as long as you smoked it (and regular cigarettes) outside. That alone is worth legalization.
Had a good laugh when my friend was getting searched at the door going in, and said "Please don't crumple my joints." That would have resulted in some unwanted attention just a couple weeks ago.
It is a nice weight off...thanks for the lovely comment Zeke <3