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RE: Monumental leap forward for UK.

in #cannabis6 years ago

Unjust laws should never be followed. And where does man get off banning nature making it illegal. What is sad is my government has know since 1972 after the United States government funded studies that Cannabis cures some forms of cancers and they seizure treatment isn't new I found it in an old book from the 1800s when I was researching treatments trying to find a cure for my mom. Sadly it is illegal where I live, and I can't get my mom to take it with it being illegal. My state government made it legal for those with seizures but there is no place for them to fill their prescriptions for it. Then you have Hemp which is legal in all the states here in the US and it is being marketed like it is it's cousin cannabis cbd and they are not the same at all. Hemp is beneficial like vitamins can be but Cannabis CBD is a medicine that actually works because you need the THC with the CBD for it to work correctly and Hemp's THC content isn't high enough.
Sorry for going on a rant... Congrats on a leap forward on this


No rant justified is shocking an I don't know why people allow a few people with more money dictate to them. In the UK we have strict laws on plants a long way behind the rest of the world. I hope this news bring the real researching into the foreground and people wake up to its healing powers an take it into their own minds to make the right decisions 💯🐒

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