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RE: A THC Bomb cannabis plant had been flowering for a month but, just started vegging again! XD Now it can grow bigger! Its an analogy for steemit and saving your crypto! + Ayahuasca Plant healthy again & Psychedelic/Psychoactive Garden

in #cannabis7 years ago

Scopolamine from the devils trumpet is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. people are known to die just from taking a rest under the tree. it is also the drug that turns people into zombies (not the brain eating kind but the follow any command you give them and don't remember anything zombie)
I have never delt with it irl but just the stuff I have seen on it scare the hell out of me.

could be all propaganda to scare people, I never know now days.


Wow! propably right about propaganda... will "destroya" they say ;-)

yeah, that video sure does make it seem scary af.

ya but ur right its scarey and itsnot just propaganda! the drug CAn knock u out froom just someone blowing powder your face! Zombies in cariibeanwere gvendatura juice and madeto work farms like a slave, blowfish toxins to fake the death , dige me up, use em as a slave, peopel still doing this in carribea in modern times

anyway ya atropne scopalime are a hell of a drug LOL

Its ALSO a antidote to NERVE gas (Sarin VX) soo ya its jyst a tool! depends onhow u use it!

now this one death apple tree it just makes peopel die wenu fuckintouch it or just STAND UNDER iit! haha

haha trees like this now, i dunno fi humas should allow this fuckin tree shoudd be allowed to llive aorund humans bur HEY u cat just get rid of a sppecies because it defended itself so well!

scarey to think a fuckin tree can kill you ! Its apples are sweet and taste good too liike real apples the pison is tastless anit kills you in the most panful liver expldoing way no cure no treatment
BUt even if u dont EAT it the toxins will burnyour skin of and u will die ven if water ddrops hit uthat hit the leaf

iits crazy wwatch the video if ur bore and wanna hear about a Treee that can fucki kill you! ha so sccarey u ever know whensome poisonous plant canfuckin kkill you! like mr burn said! "Mother Nature starteed this fight for survival! ad now that were wnning she wants us to stop Well I say Hard Cheese" hahaa

Ima watch the video now.
Yeah they all can be used for good or bad, think that works for all technology.
That's insane that there are still zombie slaves, constant scopalime trip sounds crazy.
I think I would have to whitness someone on it before I could deciede if I would take it. I got to much respect for drugs to just say I would take something without learning a bunch about it.
Mother nature is a bitch.

wow after watching the video I want a bonsai of it. also it makes sense as the animals it kills from being under it or eating the apples becomes its fertilizer. I bet them apples are damn good too............ well till it starts burning.

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