A THC Bomb cannabis plant had been flowering for a month but, just started vegging again! XD Now it can grow bigger! Its an analogy for steemit and saving your crypto! + Ayahuasca Plant healthy again & Psychedelic/Psychoactive Garden

in #cannabis7 years ago

So my THC Bomb cannabis plant I moved in the sun to flower, had been flowering for ..i wanna say a month? I will check on a previous post...but, just started vegging again! XD Its because its finally summer and its getting over 12 hours of sun light and its in a great spot so its really working! (under 12 hours and it starts flowering, over 12 hours or 24 hr light and it stays vegging!)

I am not upset and I am actually really happy and only hope the rest of the plants also go bag to vegetation mode! It means they can keep growing! Veg mode is like ..reinvesting your steem into steempower....and the flowers are like grapes on a vine...;like curation rewards and Upvotes from followers you spend thousands of hours trying to impress and reaching out to....

(Im still vegging and making clones! Its like mining crypto currecy! )

The THC bomb shown in first two photos already produced some incredible buds, but I was WONDERINg what it was doing why it looked a little crazy and mutated, but it had to burst out of the flowers and grow its veg leaves ! Now it can grow bigger! Its an analogy for steemit and saving your crypto! I'm HAPPy for the buds it produced but happier its vegging! Now it can grow much bigger and reach its true potential! I always wanted it to keeo vegging! Now I know i must wait till June(In Northern hemisphere)) and I can Veg outside an it will naturally start flowering again in the fall and I will just cut off existing flowers and let it keep vegging!

This Video and the Girls Shuffle Dancing is how I feel about y new vegging plants and our collective success on steemit and my hope for the World now! So much hope! So much change we can make in a matter of weeks and months and we can change lives forever halfway around the world! This is powerful and positive magic! everyone who works hard gets rewarded and steemit teaches people about Internet marketing and referral programs and affiliate links etc!!!!! Imagine all the other ways there are to make money online! SO many ways! and if just A FEW of the Referral and marketing masters like @Jerrybanfield @trevonjb @craig-grant @stackin and many other crypto hustlers all TEACH us how to build our own online companies by gaining followers with either PURE charisma from a youtube video , or pure drive and hard work on your written blog combined with EXCITEMENT

yea some people aren't as good as others in front of a camera! hahah if PewDiePie told his listeners to signup on Bitconnect.co or some other affiliate program with cryptocurrency he would make Billions of dollars LOL Just imagine what we can do with our platform once its as big as reddit! We are Cryptocurrency Blockchain with infinite possibilities , We have a chance that reddit NEVER had THATS what is so special about steemit! THAT's why we will become bigger than reddit THAt is why WE will attract ALL thee new talent and THAT is why Steem will be worth $1000 per steem by the next year or two! By 2020 (2 and a half years from now!) ) we will all be millionaires if we can allljust ve up a few hundred dollars!

here is me in the backyard jungle my treehouse is located in, with the South American Datura Brugmansia Angel trumpet Flower tree behind me, its going crazy! This plant has Atropine and Scopolamine and is both eye dilation medicine eye doctor uses in those eye drops to dilate ur pupils, and AND those chemicals it makes in large amounts is an ANTIDOTE to VX and sarin nerve gas!

It's not only just Cannabis I'm growing! (This is a Lead from that same Datura Brugmansia Tree!)
Like this one? i just took A BUNCh of photos like this of all the amazing plants in my tropical back yard :D

heres a sneak peak!

(Bottom right is my Ayahuasca Plant that makes DMT called P. Viridis pr Pyschotria Viridis, or Charcruna from the Amazon Ecuador Peru Brazil etc)

and it was recently doing bad and droopy, i TALKED to it and swear after holding the plant like I gripped it and told it I would give it its how light because I was desperate for anything to help it start growing! And I SWEAR TO GOD I have been watering it the same but its just magically doing better now! It could just be the extra sunlight its getting recently from it being summer..but it SERIOUSLY was so droopy and looked like it was about to die after this progress and growing it from an ebay clone I bought in 2007 and so it is a decade old! if i had planted iit the ground sooner it could have been bigger but you can see how big these DMT producing ayahuasca plants get! Heres a closeup!

See how good its doing now?! I guess I have to talk to my plants now! Dang I gotta talk to my cannabis plants too! It really shocked me how much better it was doing after I simply talked to it for a good solid minute! @Monkimo was here and saw it! he saw how droopy it was and how I was worried about it, and now look at it its really healthy again!

I hope you enjoyed these! I have a lot of cool photos planed for the next post! I am lucky to have so many followers now to share the results of these plants my family and I have been planting and tending and I also have an Acacia Maidenii (Highlest DMT level plant in the world! with 2 percent DMT in dried leaf! SOme say its tied with Mimosa Hostilis and its root bark but mimosa hostilis is just easier to harvest and grow faster...since they just harvest the root bark...

(We should all be growing Mimosa Hostiilis under lights Just good to have around angrow as trees! Just a bonus that the root bark canforever be harvested an give you anunlimited supply of DMT lololol just cool to have! The Earth's Plants are so cool !)

so cool how they can just harvest the bark! I can't wait untill Tons of people are growing Mimosa Hostilis Trees indoor like how Im growing P Viridis DMT plants uner lights and outside :) But the Acacia Maidenii its from Australia) and I have a Piper Arboritum that produces Kava Kava (kavalactones a kind of natural valium type buzz) AND it produces Safrole Oil (precursor to MDA) and San Pedro and its stronger variant T. bridgesii mescaline containing cactus (legal alternative to much stronger Peyote) and I have LSA containing morning glory vines and some HBWR seeds I need to plant! so Im into Entheogens or Psychedelic Plants and they're all legal! At least all the ones I have!

heres my first Steemit post about how to stop a bad psychedelic trip in 20 minutes with seroquel or risperidone

One of the only illegal psychedelic plant is Iboga which is ironic because it is a cure to addictive hard drugs! You can take it and it makes you un addicted to heroine or coke or meth anything even alcohol or nicotine! Its so rare its the rarest of all the psychedelics Ibogaine is rarer than LSD DMT mescaline Psilocybin or any Research Chemical... no one ever actually been busted with an Iboga tree haha but Ibogaine is a African Indole Psychedelic that is crazy because I thought all psychedelic indoles (dmt ayahuasca plants and san pedro mescaline etc) were from south america

...but when you find out about the African Bwiti tribe in Gabon (hey @xpency and @tj4real u should see if u know anyone who knows about the magical Iboga Plant that has the chemical Ibogaine that can CURE drug addictions) but ya its a 2 day long psychedelic trip and not the normal psychedelic but apparently you feel reborn and heroine and xanax and alcohol or cocaine addicts can take this iboga plant from a shaman in africa and have NO withdrawal symptoms its the CURE for addiction and scientific research has suggested reverses addiction pathways in your brain! Hope you enjoyed this post! Next post will have lots of cool photos of my 100 Percent Legal Psychedelic Ayahuasca Cannabis and Mescaline and Bamboo Garden :)

If you have questions about bitcoin steemit crypto or making money mining like this email [email protected] or text/call me (619) 302 0398 and....

Follow @Ackza


Scopolamine from the devils trumpet is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. people are known to die just from taking a rest under the tree. it is also the drug that turns people into zombies (not the brain eating kind but the follow any command you give them and don't remember anything zombie)
I have never delt with it irl but just the stuff I have seen on it scare the hell out of me.

could be all propaganda to scare people, I never know now days.

Wow! propably right about propaganda... will "destroya" they say ;-)

yeah, that video sure does make it seem scary af.

ya but ur right its scarey and itsnot just propaganda! the drug CAn knock u out froom just someone blowing powder your face! Zombies in cariibeanwere gvendatura juice and madeto work farms like a slave, blowfish toxins to fake the death , dige me up, use em as a slave, peopel still doing this in carribea in modern times

anyway ya atropne scopalime are a hell of a drug LOL

Its ALSO a antidote to NERVE gas (Sarin VX) soo ya its jyst a tool! depends onhow u use it!

now this one death apple tree it just makes peopel die wenu fuckintouch it or just STAND UNDER iit! haha

haha trees like this now, i dunno fi humas should allow this fuckin tree shoudd be allowed to llive aorund humans bur HEY u cat just get rid of a sppecies because it defended itself so well!

scarey to think a fuckin tree can kill you ! Its apples are sweet and taste good too liike real apples the pison is tastless anit kills you in the most panful liver expldoing way no cure no treatment
BUt even if u dont EAT it the toxins will burnyour skin of and u will die ven if water ddrops hit uthat hit the leaf

iits crazy wwatch the video if ur bore and wanna hear about a Treee that can fucki kill you! ha so sccarey u ever know whensome poisonous plant canfuckin kkill you! like mr burn said! "Mother Nature starteed this fight for survival! ad now that were wnning she wants us to stop Well I say Hard Cheese" hahaa

Ima watch the video now.
Yeah they all can be used for good or bad, think that works for all technology.
That's insane that there are still zombie slaves, constant scopalime trip sounds crazy.
I think I would have to whitness someone on it before I could deciede if I would take it. I got to much respect for drugs to just say I would take something without learning a bunch about it.
Mother nature is a bitch.

wow after watching the video I want a bonsai of it. also it makes sense as the animals it kills from being under it or eating the apples becomes its fertilizer. I bet them apples are damn good too............ well till it starts burning.

New recoord for me! $199 in a half hour!

WOW everyone at #cannasteem #cannabis and #marijuana sub steemit or @jesta s Chain BB at http//beta.chainbb.com THANK YOU SO MUCH I will be Happy to make seeds out f some of my plants to spread the love,i was thinking about a need for me to just create alot of seeds of these amazing strains I have! And i will keep making clonees now an use this money to invest inmore growing equipment cloning gel rock wool and cloning supplies and large pots for the plants to realy spread their roots!

Thank u thank u thank u soo mch heres another neak peakk into my next post with my ackyard garden photos heres a sneak peak at a photo of my treehouse I live in and post from steemit eeryday from!

And a closeup of that Pink FLower with so much going on! there was a SLUG in it u see the slug crawling around inside the fllower?

And the other day while watering i left a puddle and notcied th ripples from dropping water from a palm tleaf, so i was about to take my phone out and before i could a dragon fly came and DRANK from tthe water puddle i was ABOUT to take a video of!! it wwas so crazy I ALMOSt got a shot of a dragon fly drinking ater inmy backyard ive nver seen one drin wwater like that it dipped down into the water like a cat or a doog or something really cool!

And heres another preview of photos of the Staircase and rock walls built in the 19940s during WW2 by capturred italian prisoners of war captured in North Africa

they shipped the captured POWs allll teh way to california so they could be made to work on projects and stuff but they paid them and gave them work t was to win hearst and minds Axis an they came home with a paycheck to italy ad loved america! Anway really cool history heere and iill post alot of the Military stuff here too like teeh aircraft carriers and the Soviet Submarine form teh cold war I have been aboard etc ! And the SAN DIEGO ZOO the rainforestthey have and all the troopical plants and acacia trees they ahve are sooo cool! cant ait to show u guys Balbo Park and the World famous San Diego Zooo!

I can't stop thinking about this post. I just skipped through it a second time.

I was wondering: How is that all legal? Not that I care about that because ALL anti-drug laws are entirely stupid and counter-productive. But I find it interesting how that works.

You have an Ayahuasca garden? Do you live in the tropics?

I had my first Ayahuasca experience in Iquitos in Peru, in the middle of the Amazon. It was the most profound experience of my life. I did not drink it since 2014 but I already hear mother Ayahuasca's call again to lift the veil once more. Peace, brother.

I am also incredibly interested in Iboga.

These plants are part of my memory system (please ignore the women, I wouldn't pair these plants with them today anymore):

lol Ayahuasca with Halle.. interesting rating system there

Both person and plant are unrelated and got paired more or less by chance.

bro wtf Iboga has a pepper type fruit?????

You didn't know? Yes, it looks beautiful and delicious, doesn't it?

yes ive been to peru and ecuador met real samans and fakes lol ya iboga in gabon i know people in africa now @xpency @tj4real they will really help us find iboga trees and help send us find T. iboga plants and the bwiti tribe

Sounds amazing. I want to know all about that and get my own Iboga seeds.

I hope she doesn't turn hermaphrodite on you...

I don't have to tell you this plant is an annual, you can clone it, but going back and forth like that will stress her and she over 50% chance can herm on you.. Bring her indoors and control your lights...


I welcome the seeds ill get! I apreciate ur advice an didnt know that! I apm pretty sure it will be fine tho, it wasnt that deep into flowering nand something tells me it will flower fine once ivveg it for afew months and i grow for fun not for serious yeilds reallly but thanks i APRECIATE ur advice and its wy i posted this to get info from peopel like u! will upvote all ur posts now an recent comments to returnthe favor!

thank you, I love this plant like a nurturing spiritual entity, a gift to humanity, so it becomes sort of personal. If you really want seeds, next time she goes into flower, let her trichomes get nice and dark ( flower it out longer than usual ), that way your seeds will be fully matured, usually you don't wait that long though. PEACE

Great post! You have a very beautiful healing garden, and I could only hope to tend to such beautiful plants one day :) New to steemit, but I will be following you for sure! Cheers to the future

pk pretty cool

I like the way you compared the plant with Steemit.
Interresting just keep it up and for sure up

Nice mate. If u need some one to take care of that garden just tell me cuz after a shity work day that's all i need. :-)

Keep it up.

Cool plants man!

I've had ayahuasca in Peru with some angel trumpet flower in the admixture before. The first ceremony I died and lost consciousness, then woke up in a heavenly-type realm.

In Michael Harner's book "The Way Of The Shaman", his shaman told him that if you have a death experience in your first ayahuasca ceremony then you'll become a very powerful shaman, so that's me! That first ceremony was insane at the time, and was also my first psychedelic experience.

By the way, iboga can be useful, but it can also be dangerous. I heard about somebody's girlfriend who died during an iboga trip. But I think they said she was also fascinated with death, so I'm not sure what all that entailed. I didn't know the people involved personally, but it is worth noting that it can be deadly.

will visit next time in town. Will trade cannabis for BCC

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