current conversion You will receive 1.70 in exchange for 0.18 GB. If you are happy with this conversion rate, please send funds to:
Once confirmed on the Byteball DAG, your 1.70 STEEM will be sent to @deepakpathania via @grow-pro. Thanks for using @balls2steem, we are standing by and ready for your exchange.
current conversion You will receive 1.70 in exchange for 0.18 GB. If you are happy with this conversion rate, please send funds to:
Once confirmed on the Byteball DAG, your 1.70 STEEM will be sent to @deepakpathania via @grow-pro. Thanks for using @balls2steem, we are standing by and ready for your exchange.
pls confirm had send
I will honor the initial quote, but the current rate is now 1.63 STEEM - 1.70 sent to @deepakpathania - HAPPY STEEMING!

Thanks for choosing @balls2steem to STEEM your byteballs. Happy STEEMING and may the rewards be with!
pls upvote