WE NEED byteBALLS! Offering STEEM 4 byteBALLS!
The word needs to get out!
@grow-pro and I need BALLS!

All this talking about byte BALLS and joking around about BALLS in general has actually sparked up a little "light bulb moment" as I refer to it!
You know, when two people are BSing away and cracking one liners, having a BALL of a time and then some crazy ass#d idea comes to mind and you start getting into it like it's the best idea since the light bulb!

Well we came up with this awesome idea for a bot that we plan on getting up and running in the ByteBALL wallet!
Now, this was all fine and mighty until we started doing the maffffs!
It kinda made us realize that:
So rather than open up two thousand new Steem accounts and use the Bid Bots to boost them up to a ranking of 30, we figured that we should do this in a fair way!
Yep, silly stupid us want to make money the legitimate way without abusing the system!
Many would and probably do consider us to be IDIOTS, FOOLS or whatever else, but bugger it, we're gonna try!

Well, anyway, here it is @balls2steem

Basically we are buying byteBALLS and paying for them with Steem, using what we have available right here on Steem!
Cutting out all the costs of converting to BTC, selling, buying and whatever other transactions the exchanges take when you try to get your byteBALLS converted into Steem!
To calculate the rates we are doing the no brainer, using a online up to date calculator that does it all for us, sure it might use some higher rates than the going rates at that second, but who cares, a few cents isn't going to make us poor!
If anything makes us poor it will be our big ideas that were thought up during a conversation in which we were both laughing so hard about the BALL jokes and one liners that our brains were probably lacking the needed oxygen to think straight!
Here is the link for doing the mafffffs:
Simple enough!

Simply put you can turn those byteBALLS you got for free in the airdrop converted to Steem without having to go through any of the exchanges.
Just drop a message in the comments below or simple contact us on Discord:
and it all gets done nice and simple, no headaches, no middlemen, no converting to BTC first or whatever else, just send, send and all done!
Now many haven't yet taken advantage of the airdrop out there, so if you haven't and you would like to get anywhere from $10 to $50 worth of Steem fall out of the sky, here is the link:
Just click on that link and follow the instructions that you can find in the post (link) below:
Sure, this may sound too good to be true, but hell, this is the world of Crypto and more importantly STEEM!
Where anything can be made possible!
All double innuendo, double entendre, ohhh you know, all the BALLS talk was INTENTIONAL!
Thanks for reading and hope you grab this opportunity to turn your byteBALLS from the airdrop into Steem without paying all the extra fees that others charge!
Yours truly

I'll give you some balls. :D
Im in, but i wont have time until tomorrow to do this.. oh, and props on doing the right thing instead of ruining steemit even more like some of these other fucks.. respect..
Love this concept! Laughter leads to amazing things!
Man have you got some balls!
I think this is a great idea, I have just the balls for you, I got them from the airdrop and now I was thinking about turning them in for steem, this is perfect to save me time and money.
By the way that punqtured post you linked to is terrible, with thousands of comments it only loads in the NSA headquarters, not down here with us mere mortals. I'd love to see a guide written in this style, with all the BALLS references in caps, and maybe some fun gifs.
That is a good idea, @grow-pro could actually slap a damn good post on that one.
A simple post with step by step instructions, for us ordinary folks!
as for the conversion, @grow-pro is up, so yeah, if you are in no rush, you can wait for him, he should be here very soon, or if you are in a rush I can handle it.
Either way, just tell us and we'll get it done.
I have 0.15 GBYTES to turn into steem, and both are under the account @ecoinstante. I am in no rush, just happy to test out my balls with you on our blockchain.
Thank You For Entrusting Us With Your Balls, @ecoinstant
We are happy to STEEM those BALLS, Whenever You're Ready!
Current Exchange Rate can be checked at the link provided. You will receive 13.83 STEEM in exchange for .15 GB - to accept this exchange, simply send bytes (send all minus fees) to
Once confirmed on the DAG, 13.83 STEEM will be sent via @grow-pro and the process of STEEMing your balls will be complete. We are offering the full STEEM amount regardless of the fees deucted. Thanks for using @balls2steem and we are standing by for your exchange whenever you're ready.
Looks like it is on its way!
A side note, I thought the whole point of this whole DAG project was to send BALLS to STEEM user names? I had to email myself that big ol number to make sure I got it in right.
Steem to @ecoinstante please!
Sorry! I typed ecoinstante but it changed to @ecoinstant (I suppose because I have not yet followed and it corrected. My apologies. 13.83 STEEM sent. Thankfully it is free to send on here! I believe that now Byteball has attested user names we will soon be able to send Bytes direct to steemit attested name. Can't wait!
I see! And thankfully it is free, I got the notification and am completely satisfied by the way you handled my balls. I will hand them over to my wife now, it will just take bit until I get to a place where I have my active key, but no biggie ;p
😆 This doesn't get old, I love it. I am really sorry about that, my friend. I should have copy/pasted the name. 😋🔨
Hi buddy, I wanna empty this wallet:
So, what's the procedure?
Simple enough
use https://currencio.co/gbyte/steem/
0.387661838 GBYTE = 36.65 STEEM
then you send your bytes to
as soon as they are confirmed you will get the steem to the account you specify.
Straight forwards and if the fees that the byteball wallet puts on your transfer are cents (usually are, depending on amount) I won't even bother with recalculating it.
Sent! you can send the 36.65 STEEM to me, @ajongcrypto
Paid in full.
Tx 1464de47ea3d7f9e5149b459e23e60d164c5add8@24522267
Included in block 24,522,267 at 2018-07-26 19:34:54 (UTC)
Thank you for doing business with us.
Just for the record:
received +0.387661217 Gbytes (387,661,217 bytes)
so the figure of 36.65 Steem is cool. (unfortunately the bytes wallet takes a cut, but it's like a few cents and I don't want anyone feeling bad about a couple of cents worth of Steem)
Once it's confirmed I will do the transfer and in a comment here leave the transaction (block) number.
The fee is worth $0.00009 but I understand it is still money. So, thank you for sticking to the initial deal, will be waiting.
Thanks for for choosing @balls2steem to STEEM your BALLS
May the STEEM rewards always be with you ✌️😎
@jenniferbailey - check this out if you want to sell your byteballs :)
I'm holding onto my balls right now, but if I ever get bored of that you will be the first person on my list for grabbing a feel.
#thealliance #witness
How much of that ball stuff will I need to play in the new playground you guys are creating?
I have byteball how to convert in steem!!!!!!!!!
@grow-pro will take care of your conversion, he'll be here in a moment.
How many GB would you like to convert, @deepakpathania?
18095094 bytes
Once we know how many GB you would like to convert, we will get a live-quote and be able to offer a conversion rate - once you agree to the STEEM amount to be delivered. Comment with the amount you wish to exchange and an address will be provided along with a conversion rate quote that will be good for 3 hours.
Exchanges will be made based on first come, first serve basis. Best Luck & Happy Steeming
current conversion You will receive 1.70 in exchange for 0.18 GB. If you are happy with this conversion rate, please send funds to:
Once confirmed on the Byteball DAG, your 1.70 STEEM will be sent to @deepakpathania via @grow-pro. Thanks for using @balls2steem, we are standing by and ready for your exchange.
pls confirm had send
I will honor the initial quote, but the current rate is now 1.63 STEEM - 1.70 sent to @deepakpathania - HAPPY STEEMING!

Thanks for choosing @balls2steem to STEEM your byteballs. Happy STEEMING and may the rewards be with!
pls upvote
This is a great idea deserving not only balls but an appreciation tip as well
I'm so impressed at your ability to find these things. :D