Top advice for newbies trying to earn a few dollars. Great post my friend. Resteemed and best wishes to you :-)
Add to that list They are very generous with upvotes to people who make a big effort with their answers and don't try to spam the site with inane questions :-)
Do you mean, @musing? I'm not sure what is when I just checked.
They just came out 2 months ago, so it's possible they will get a big delegation in the future. Thanks for the tip, it does seem operational and they have been voting on people!
yes, my mistake sorry :-) and I have had some nice upvotes from them recently, especially if you also post your answer to your blog it seems. You get a tick box where your answer, which normally appears as a comment can be ticked and it appears in your feed as a post :-)
That's good to know, hopefully it can become a large and useful knowledge base!
If people ever stop typing in 'Who will win the world cup?' lol ;-)